Ch 10: I've never said such a thing.

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"Oh, what's this?"

Just discharged from the hospital, and there's already an article. Indeed, the power of sensationalism is no joke. As Yu Yeon-seo exclaimed in excitement, one executive felt blood rushing to his head.

"Is this true?"

"It's true, why?"

"Oh my goodness..."

Han Jong-oh grabbed the back of his neck and leaned back.

"The article came out maliciously."

Quietly sitting beside them, Lim Seung-hyun searched for the article on his phone. Not only did other media outlets copy and produce similar articles with the same title as soon as the first one came out, but Yu Yeon-seo's name had instantly dominated real-time search rankings.

"...So, Yu Yeon-seo said, 'If the insurance money for the deceased manager comes out, buy a foreign car or something,'" rumored to have made the bereaved family cry twice.

'Typical entertainment journalism...'

Lim Seung-hyun's gaze sharpened.

Before coming to Yu Yeon-seo's house, he had received special instructions from the chairman himself. The instruction was not to monitor Yoo Yeon-seo but to report everything attacking him one by one.

Since it was the chairman's order, he skillfully evaded the question asked in the morning, "Do you report to your brother?"

'It's unfortunate that such an article comes out when the chairman himself gets involved. Talk about bad luck.'

He could predict the future of this journalist even without looking at it. Maybe he should have restrained himself a bit.

Searching for other articles by this journalist, Lim Seung-hyun found that attacking Yoo Yeon-seo had not been a one or two-time occurrence. He captured the screen and put it in his pocket.

Regardless of how the journalist handles it, if the words of the bereaved family are true, there's no way to stop it. Lim Seung-hyun didn't know the exact situation as he was waiting in the car.

"Didn't you say you gave condolence money at that time?"

"I did."

One executive, surprised by their conversation, sat up.

"You gave condolence money? You?"

"Not much. Still, I thought I should provide some."

"Well... that was a good thing to do."

So many surprises today. That Yoo Yeon-seo voluntarily decided to take acting lessons for the bereaved families' sake.

Although Yoo Yeon-seo's words might seem insignificant, Han Jong-oh and Lim Seung-hyun kept silent. It reminded them of his birth mother, Lee Hee-seo.

"It's best to leave it alone. People can't think rationally when they lose a close family member."


Yoo Yeon-seo casually said, but Han Jong-oh and Lim Seung-hyun remained tight-lipped. It reminded them of his birth mother, Lee Hee-seo.

Thinking of the first time young Yoo Yeon-seo discovered her, it wouldn't be hard to find articles about it by searching at that time.

There were many rumors surrounding Lee Hee-seo and Joo Sung Group, but there were also many rumors about Yoo Yeon-seo, the first witness.

Rumors that she suffered from aphasia due to post-traumatic stress after the accident or that she had mental issues due to intense psychological shock. For a while, she had been going for psychiatric counseling, and someone had witnessed it, leading to a groundless rumor.

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