Ch 91

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Yeonseo utilized the downtime during the shoot to catch up on episodes 1 and 2 that aired two days prior. Despite about half of the scenes being pre-produced due to CG effects, his busy shooting schedule didn't allow him the leisure to watch the live broadcast.


The screen displays objects symbolizing the devil, along with the Bible and a blood-soaked cross. A scratching sound is heard along with chants, resembling whispers of a ghostly voice.


After a mysterious and eerie opening sequence resembling something scattered in water, the screen goes dark.

-June 6, 1992-

Director Choi, with the theme of needing to establish dominance from the first episode, heightened the fear by showing a demon-worshipping ritual of the Heukyagyo.

A priest chanting strange spells while trembling like a shaman receiving divine inspiration, and a person bound on the altar struggling to break free.


The person bound on the altar catches fire. There were no glaring flaws in the CG, as considerable effort seemed to have been put into the graphics.

Terrifying screams fill the space. People burning to death with motionless parishioners around, and the priest with a regretful expression for the failed ritual. The screen turns black, with only eerie and sinister sounds of death echoing.

Then another scene unfolds. The reduced screen ratio and muted colors made it seem even further in the past than 1992.

(Without the mother, we can't even register the birth.)

(But the father is here! Why isn't it possible?!)

(That's how the law is, why are you asking me...? Sigh... Next!)

The employee at the resident center, with an attitude like "Oh, this person again... how annoying," and the desperate man leaves as if chased away.

Unable to get a resident registration number, he can't receive medical insurance benefits. He can't attend daycare or school. Raphael's father protests alone in front of the courthouse.

(Well, that's how it is.)

(We're members of Heukyagyo.)

(If you become a member, we'll do our best to help you.)

A brief narrative of Raphael's father struggling for his child appears, showing how he came to rely on Heukyagyo. Raphael's father, who found it difficult to find a job while raising an infant, becomes a faithful disciple of Heukyagyo for the support it provides and lies on the altar as a sacrifice for the demon ritual.


(Oh no, another failure...)


Raphael's father, engulfed in flames, and the priest with a disappointed look as if watching a failed creation. Behind him, young Raphael cries out.

Next, a scene of a woman escaping with two children swiftly unfolds. The children, discovered by Father Pedro, are taken into the church.

(Where's the baby?)


Leo's mother, now a bait, finds herself cornered in an alley.

(There's no other way, we have to take him.)

(Let go of this!)

And Leo's mother becomes another sacrifice for the demon ritual, dying alone on the altar. Then the scene changes.

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