Ch 124+125

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Ch 124:

"Have you continued to investigate the emperor since then?"


Quietly, under Chairman Sung's guidance, he had been building his strength. For the day when they would oust the emperor.

"Why? I... have nothing to offer you..."

He had simply found a child fallen on the rainy street. Anyone would have cared for a child with nowhere to go. Seong Hyeonwoo pressed his lips against the hand of Lee Seoeun touching his cheek.

"It may not have been anything to you, but it was everything to me."


"You saved me."

Lee Seoeun had been the one to find him, dying, during his helpless childhood. And it was Lee Hyeon who had first made him feel the warmth of family.

As a tear fell from Lee Seoeun's eye, she wrapped her arms around Seong Hyeonwoo's neck. Their lips met, and the screen illuminated the night sky.

As dawn broke, Seong Hyeonwoo, buttoning his shirt, approached Lee Seoeun.

"By the way, is Guk Sae really here?"

"Uncle probably couldn't find him."

Lee Seoeun walked to the end of the corridor as if possessed. It was a room where they used to play often as children. Amidst the chaos of the room, as if someone had rummaged through it, she pulled something out of a pink bag with characters drawn on it.

"Is that the real Guk Sae?"


She chuckled softly as she looked at the stickers stuck all over the rough wooden box. She must have thought the real Guk Sae was something remarkable. Probably dismissed it as a simple toy for a child. As she pressed several spots with her thumb, a precise mechanical device moved, revealing a golden Guk Sae.

"It's ready now."

Preparations to oust the emperor were complete. As they were about to step outside, Lee Seoeun's phone, which had been charging, vibrated.


"Oh, Choi Sanggung. What's wrong? Why does your voice sound like that?"

(Oh, thank goodness...).

Choi Sanggung let out a relieved sigh.

(The emperor has imprisoned us. And he said you're dead... told us to join him.)


(We're locked up and can't do anything, and we can't even reach you... thought you were really gone and didn't know what to do...).

Choi Sanggung choked back tears.

With Seong Hyeonwoo's underwater operation, the emperor's and Yi Kang's misdeeds were exposed, leading to a hearing. There was talk among the public of ousting the current emperor and crowning Yi Seoeun as the new ruler.

Eventually, with his back against the wall, the emperor made the drastic decision to try to kill Lee Seoeun.

(It seems like he's trying to cover up by killing the princess. Where are you?)

While Lee Seoeun was on a serious call, Seong Hyeonwoo peeked through the curtains to look outside. He spotted a crowd of guards in the distance. Seong Hyeonwoo's expression hardened. The perpetrator who killed Yi Hoon was right before his eyes.

(What should we do? We have less than three hours until the hearing.)

"Two hours are enough."

(Were you with Director Sung?)

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