Ch 136+137

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Ch 136: 

Yoo Yeon-seo concealed complex thoughts and pretended to be ordinary. His aunt and uncles nudged each other and said, "You're doing well. Seems like you're doing even better these days."

"Thank you. Still a long way to go."

"Even more here? Just like your brother..."

They exchanged formal greetings. Like father? Yeon-seo sensed something alien in their expressions and tone.

'What's off?'

There was a sense of discomfort hidden behind their smiling faces. Yeon-seo headed towards the sofa, away from the adults. Yoo Eun-ho was occupied with the adults.

'Maybe it's because of the inheritance.'

The news about Chairman Yoo stepping back from the frontlines and even distributing the assets had already been covered in numerous articles. The recent decrease in calls from Yoo Geon-min, to the point of annoyance, was followed by Chairman Yoo's urging for him to quickly establish his position.

'It probably doesn't concern me.'

Surely he wouldn't be giving that much to his grandchildren? Maybe to his eldest son, but... Yeon-seo was content with the current situation. However, those who were already present might want more, and other relatives might have different thoughts.

"You came?"


Yeon-seo glanced briefly at his cousin, Lee Seo-yoon. It was surprising for him to initiate the conversation. Among the cousins, the ones Yeon-seo was relatively close to were Park Seon-woo and Park Yoo-jeong, the children of his younger aunt.

"Oh right, thanks for the gift."

He had ordered a bag from a luxury brand where he was an ambassador for the women of the household. Upon hearing that Yeon-seo had placed the order, the exclusive designer created a bag with a design that was one of a kind.

They could easily afford such things with their abilities, but receiving a gift from someone made it feel even better. Yeon-seo glanced at the bag placed on the table. It looked slightly worn, not brand new.

"You're using it well. If you need more, just let me know."

"If I knew you'd say that, I would've come earlier."

To hear such words from you... There was a complex emotion in the voice. He was one of the people who had witnessed the incident up close, despite being only a year older than him. Yeon-seo coughed unnecessarily.

"Are you fully settled in now?"


Lee Seo-yoon, the eldest daughter of the eldest aunt, was often abroad for hotel work, while Lee Se-ah spent more time overseas due to her studies. Sometimes they would meet during holidays, but they would leave without much conversation, so sitting close and exchanging words like this was rare since childhood.

"Now there's nothing left to learn outside."

"Oh, really? That's good."

"Sister, that's not it."

Lee Se-ah, who had been using her phone beside them, interjected with a protest.

"Oppa, we were forced to come here. Grandfather insisted on calling us to make sure we get our share as well, just like a greedy hawk."

"Se-ah, who told you such things?"

"Why should I tell you? It's adults' business, but why did they have to involve us? It's obvious."

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