Ch 81

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After the Guesthouse team visited, many Korean tourists visited this place. I also have been having happy days lately because my workload has increased.

The guide began his brief review by saying, "It was great working with the 'Welcome to the Guesthouse' team."

Yoo Yeonseo looked even better in person haha. And although I didn't count how many languages he speaks exactly, there were no communication problems, so I didn't have anything to do. Plus, he was even kinder than I expected.

Kind? I just wasn't interested. Maybe it seemed kind because he was quieter than expected, unlike the rumors.

However, what caught his attention wasn't the praise but the last paragraph.

However, as the number of tourists on the island increased, there were also people who showed excessive interest in Raoul and his family, who appeared on the broadcast.

There were Korean tourists who blocked the child's path, trying to upload him to SNS and YouTube, forcing him to turn his head, showing rude behavior. I was about to step in, but fortunately, some young villagers passing by helped out.

They said Yoo Yeonseo personally came to watch the broadcast and gave money to rude people asking him to protect Raoul.

Why so specific? Did I forget to tell them to keep it secret while giving them money? Yoo Yeonseo furrowed his brow. Kim Yijun chuckled when he saw his expression change.

"What's wrong? Feeling embarrassed?"


"But is it true?"

I can't understand why they like him so much when we're not even in the same group. Yoo Yeonseo turned away from Kim Yijun's arm, which he had put around his shoulders.

"So, is this atmosphere because of that?"

"It's because he's noble, that's why."

Park Seungho laughed heartily.

"Good job."

Yoo Yeonseo nodded slightly without replying. He didn't like being the center of attention like this. Yoo Yeonseo frowned only at the thought of the unknown awkwardness, but people just laughed, thinking he was embarrassed.

"But did you expect it to be like this?"

"I just thought it might."

"Tell us. We can contribute money too."

"Do you have more money than me?"

Lee Yoonjeong closed his mouth. But there was no sign of discomfort; instead, she was full of laughter.

Yoo Yeonseo couldn't understand why these people were like this. It was really nothing to him.

"Maybe he liked the kid."

"The kid is cute. And..."

Yoo Yeonseo replied briefly to Jin Suho's words and fell into thought for a moment. He couldn't figure out why. He just woke up the next day and found herself looking for them.

"It's like paying for the painting."

Maybe it was because of his mood that he thought the effort was worth it every time he saw Raoul's painting, escaping from the illusion.

Yoo Yeonseo looked at Lee Jaehak PD to change the subject.

"Aren't you recording this, PD Lee?"

"We're currently recording."

They're all in on it. Yoo Yeonseo sighed. He wasn't used to being praised for trivial things.

'How much of a nuisance would I have been if I had been so comfortable before?'

The Third-Gen Chaebol Becomes a Genius Actorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن