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Scene 2: Black Night Sect Altar (N, Past - 28 years ago)

Leo Mo, who is giving birth on the altar, parishioners assisting in childbirth, and a priest chanting spells. An ominous aura envelops the vicinity of the altar.

The actress playing Kim Leo's mother-in-law screams as if in labor, while the actor playing the priest trembles, muttering under his breath.

The actors, recruited from a theater company, display a high level of acting skill. The assistant director continues reading the script.

Black smoke is absorbed into Leo Mo's body. As Leo Mo exerts her final strength, the black smoke that had been absorbed disperses into the air, accompanied by the vigorous cry of the baby.

"Well, it's another failure."

The priest, who had been eagerly anticipating the outcome, shakes his head with disappointment. A parishioner approaches him.

"At least she didn't die. That's hopeful. Besides..."

The parishioner looks at the baby cradled in the arms of the assisting parishioner.

"Have we ever attempted the ritual on a newborn before?"

The priest brushes his chin thoughtfully.

"It's too risky. Let's observe for a while. Besides, there's one more candidate anyway."

"Yes, understood."

The parishioner steps back respectfully and prays to the statue of the demon in front of the altar.

"His coming is imminent."

As the priest turns away, black smoke is absorbed into the baby's body. Leo Mo gazes anxiously at the priest's retreating figure.

All actors participating in the reading turn the page of the script. The assistant director, taking a sip of water, reads the stage directions.

Scene 3: Black Night Sect Corridor End Room (N, Past - 28 years ago)

In a narrow room, young Raphael clings to his father's leg, whimpering.

"Dad, this place is weird. Let's go home."

"This is our home."

"But there are real ghosts here!"

"Our son, were you scared of ghosts? Dad is here."

Raphael's father tickles him, making short noises with his tongue. As someone knocks on the door, Raphael's father gets up to open it.

"May the teachings of evil nest in this world, brethren."

Raphael's father responds with a prayer to the greeting of the priest. Young Raphael peeks out from behind him.

"Brother, you have been chosen as a disciple candidate."


"Yes, it's a glorious occasion. Congratulations."

Raphael's father cheers.

"Then I'll see you at the next ceremony."

The priest turns away without hesitation. Raphael looks at the priest's retreating figure with uneasy eyes. After closing the door, Raphael's father hugs his son tightly, cheering loudly.

"We did it! We did it!"

"Dad, do we really have to?"

"Son, this is an opportunity."

Raphael's father kneels down, holding his son's shoulders, trying to reassure him, but the child still seems uneasy.

"If it goes well, Dad will send you to school and buy you lots of toys."

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