Ch 126+127

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Ch 126:

"······Ha, this crazy bastard."

There was a faint sound of teeth grinding against each other at Yoo Yeonseo's jaw. Yoo Eunho and Baek Seojun, sensing something unusual, approached him.

"What is it?"

Yoo Yeonseo silently handed over the letter. Yoo Eunho's expression turned cold as he read the contents. Baek Seojun shivered. Though they had been friends since high school, Yoo Eunho had never shown such an expression before.

"Brother, may I read it?"

And it passed to Lim Seunghyun and Baek Seojun.

'To my beloved son, Yeonseo.'

The letter, starting with compliments about Yeonseo's recent appearances on TV and how proud the sender was, went on to express in detail how much love they had for him. And it ended with 'Your Father.'

To anyone unfamiliar, they might have thought a father was praising his son's achievements. After all, Yoo Geonmin was known for his generosity.

But judging by the reactions of the brothers, this wasn't something Geonmin had prepared as a surprise.

Yoo Yeonseo received the letter again and crumpled it. It wasn't Geonmin's handwriting. Moreover, their father was the type to spread rumors around the neighborhood about how much money he spent on his sons, rather than sending such a romantic letter quietly through the agency.

"It's him."

He couldn't forget the ominous voice that used to call him 'son.' Though there was no concrete evidence yet, Yoo Yeonseo had a hunch that the person who wrote the letter was some stalker disguised as their bodyguard.

"Huh, is this lunatic again?"

Baek Seojun laughed bitterly. Associating the person who wrote this letter with the murderer of Lee Heesuh was only suspicion for now, but the fact that someone who wasn't their real father sent such a letter was chilling in itself.

"Taegyeom, when did you receive this?"

With Yoo Yeonseo's emergency action, a strange solidarity had formed between Lim Seunghyun and Lee Taegyeom. Taegyeom rolled his eyes, trying to recall.

"I'm not exactly sure when. I've been collecting them to give all at once. It's been since around the middle of 'Gugsae'... But it hasn't been more than a month, has it?"

Taegyeom, not fully understanding what they were up to, muttered. Anyway, it should be a good thing, right?

"Let's go to the company for now."

"Right now? But won't just anyone be able to see the CCTV?"

Yoo Yeonseo's gaze turned to Baek Seojun.

"A police officer."

Taegyeom was a police officer? He whispered quietly, but Baek Seojun didn't respond.

"Is it convenient?"

Even if it's not, we'll make it so. Baek Seojun felt a piercing gaze, almost palpable. He silently grabbed his coat. If they discovered something suspicious, they had to investigate... There's no room for hesitation. Seriously.

When they arrived at the agency building, the building manager was preparing to leave.

"You want to see the CCTV?"

Seeing Baek Seojun's police officer identification, the manager guided him to the CCTV room. The space inside was narrow, so only Baek Seojun went in while the rest waited outside.

The Third-Gen Chaebol Becomes a Genius Actorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن