Ch 42

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"Yeon-seo being Yeon-seo."

"Is he having another fit?"

That was the immediate thought among the staff amidst the suddenly frozen atmosphere on the set.

Following that, Yeon-seo cursed and swiftly made his way outside. As everyone confirmed he departure, they muttered to themselves.

"Why the sudden outburst?"

"No wonder he's been so quiet lately."

"People don't change easily, after all."

Yelling at the staff who had come early to prepare, asking if they really had to shoot right away—this wasn't just bossy behavior, it was beyond that. Typical Yeon-seo.

"Shall we shoot quickly?"

"Over there! Set it up!"

After a brief commotion, the staff focused back on their work.

"Hey, don't go. Her manager will handle it."

"No, I'll go. Let me handle it for now."

Unfortunately, Im Seung-hyun had momentarily left for an errand, leaving Yeon-seo's instructions unattended, and Lee Tae-gyeom was still in the parking lot fetching items necessary for the shoot.

"But someone has to go."

The set was still chaotic, and no one followed Yeon-seo outside.

"Hey, isn't he starting to calm down?"

"Here, have some coffee."

"Put it there."

"Suho will handle it, right? He used to be close with that kind of person before. Yeon-seo and Jin Soo-ho are polar opposites."

As Jin Soo-ho followed Yeon-seo, Lee Sun-ja's manager watched them leave with a puzzled expression.

"But Yeon-seo, doesn't he really resemble Lee Hee-seo? I mean, she's her son... Wouldn't it be nice if his personality was more like her mother's? Don't you think?"

While Lee Hee-seo was known as the "Ice Beauty" in the media, on set, she was friendly and diligent, closer to Jin Soo-ho than Yeon-seo, if one were to make comparisons.

"I was trying to do better this time, thinking about Hee-seo, but..."

Lee Sun-ja glanced at the mannequin dangling limply, then suddenly gasped. Her manager, who noticed the change due to his proximity, looked at her.

"Why, ma'am?"

"Hee-seo's accident. And her young son who discovered it..."

////TL:^^This was not originally in quotes, but it kinda feels like it should be...////

"Oh my, what should we do..."

Contrary to rumors, Jin Soo-ho had encountered a cooperative Yeon-seo several times before and realized he had been too quick to judge based on hearsay.

Feeling guilty for hitting a wall prematurely, he extended a hand first. Yeon-seo had a hesitant look, but he did respond when he initiated the conversation.

"It seems like he went this way..."

However, it was still Yeon-seo. Suddenly exploding in anger, the tense atmosphere—Jin Soo-ho didn't want to shoot in such an environment.

He followed Yeon-seo, intending to calm him down first and then persuade him to do well in this shoot. Plus, he was starting to worry as Yeon-seo's complexion turned pale.


There was a retching sound from the bathroom. Jin Soo-ho stretched his long legs and walked into the bathroom.

The Third-Gen Chaebol Becomes a Genius ActorWhere stories live. Discover now