Chapter Two

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"What the hell?" She groaned, as her stiff body laid in the grass.

       She had no idea where she was or what was going on. She was laying in some dry, dead grass in direct sunlight. The problem was, the last thing she remembered was being parked outside an abandoned building, waiting on Dean and Sam to come back out to leave.

        As she sat up, she realized that she was smaller than before. Quickly she looked down, and her eyes widened. She was human! A gasp left her lips, and she had to hold back a scream. She didn't know what was going on, but she knew it wasn't normal.

        She didn't know how she turned human. She didn't know how she had clothes on, and she didn't have any idea where the necklace came from. The necklace looked exactly like the wardings that had been drawn inside of her trunk. Quickly, the girl got to her feet and decided she was going to find the brothers. She had to find Dean or Sam, they'd know what was going on.

        The girl found a small diner nearby her, so she decided to head inside. When she looked around, absolutely no one was there, and food was laid out rotting on the tables. She decided to ignore that nobody was there, and chose to explore the place to try and find anything she could that could point her in the direction of the Winchesters.

          When she opened one door, she came upon a room that she could see her reflection. She looked at herself, and she was surprised at what she looked like. She had soft, black hair and bright eyes. Her skin was pale, but as she turned and admired her human body more, she began to see the black ink on her skin. She quickly removed the top she wore, and her eyes caught sight of most of the black ink, and she seen some peeking from the waistline of her pants.

         She unbuttoned the pants, and see the rest of the black ink. On her hip was a toy soldier, like the one Sam shoved in the ashtray. On her lower back was letters and numbers, the same as her license plate. On the middle of her back was the boys' initials, which they had carved when they were younger. Lastly, covered by her bra slightly, were Lego blocks, like the ones Dean shoved in the vents years ago.

        A small smile appeared on her face, as she slipped her top back on. Seeing the black ink on her skin, made her even more sure that she needed to find the brothers, or at least Dean. Dean was her owner, and it would take death for him to hand her over to Sam. Sam wasn't like Dean, so Dean didn't think he'd take care of her good enough. He was very serious about his car, almost like she was his soul mate.

"They have to be around here." She murmured, as she paced around thinking about where they could be.

        As she was pacing, she began to feel uncomfortable. She didn't know what was wrong, but her body seemed to unconsciously know what to do. This time she figured out what the white thing in the room with the mirror was. She was very confused of what was coming out like water, considering she had never had to do this before.

        Anyhow, after that, she headed out of the diner to find Dean. As she walked along the buildings, she was confused why she wasn't seeing people. Matter of fact, she had glanced into a couple more diners as she passed them, and they looked to be in the same state as the first one that she had seen. It was like the humans were extinct, and she was no longer a car, so she was stuck being a human in a place void of all humans.

       Her legs were beginning to feel tired, but she hadn't been human long, so it was to be expected. She kept walking though, knowing that she needed to find Dean. He was the one that knew what to do when things weren't right. He had been nearby for quite a few of those situations, and she was able to witness him figuring out what to do when all hope seemed lost.

      As she was still walking, she heard a growl-like sound. She looked around, but after a moment she realized the sound was coming from her body. She wondered what the sound was for, but then she remembered Dean use to eat whenever his body made that noise. Quickly, she headed into a small store and looked around. Everything was ransacked, but she found a small cooler with liquids she remembered the boys had before, before she found what looked to be food next to it.

        Quickly she grabbed a purse-like bag and shoved all of it inside. She needed as much as she could get, so she wouldn't have to stop and find more while out looking for Dean. She then headed out of the shop, as she opened a package and took a bite. Slim Jim she read on the package, as she chewed the greasy substance, not bad she added, taking another bite.

        She dropped the empty package, as she walked further into the town. When her eyes caught movement, she stopped and hid beside a building. She did not want to get into any trouble. She didn't exactly know how to use weapons really, other than the knife that had been tucked into the side of her pants. She had seen the guys use them so much, that she knew how to use it.

       Anyhow, she peeked out and her eyes widened. She seen a man, but as the man got closer, she noticed who it was. She could notice him in a crowd, because he had been with her for many, many years. She quickly stepped out from beside the building...

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