Chapter Six

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"How many knives do you need?" Baby commented, as she watched Dean sharpen a few of his knives.

"I found 'em in a store, and took 'em. You never know when you might need a new one." He replied, and she nodded in agreement.

       Dean and Baby heard the kids screaming, but before either jumped up, they seen the parents running towards the commotion. They didn't bother moving, since they figured the parents could handle whatever was wrong with the children.

"Merle!" Baby heard, and she looked up to see a man hollering for the man that was left on the roof.

        Baby and Dean looked at each other, knowing that Daryl was about to lash out on whoever told him the truth. They watched with curious looks, as Rick tried to talk to Daryl. Next thing they knew, Shane had Daryl in a chokehold, and they were trying to make him be calm over what they were telling him. Dean stood up and Baby followed him, hoping that he wouldn't start a fight.

"Shane, I'd advise you to let him go." Dean said, causing both officers to look over at him.

"We're just tryin' to get him to calm down, so we can talk rationally." Rick commented, making Dean scoff.

"You expect him to act cool while talkin' about his brother bein' left for dead?" Dean questioned rhetorically,"If I were him, and it was my brother, I'd kill every son of a bitch that tried to stop me or try to tell me that my brother deserved it."

      Shane sighed and let Daryl go, and the man was emotional, but mostly angry. He was pissed at everyone in the camp, but he wondered who the two new people were. They were the only two seeming to come to his aid, and possibly giving a shit about his brother. Yes, his brother was an asshole, but it was still his brother.

"Jus' tell me where he's at, so I can go get 'em." Daryl said, glaring at the officers.

"He'll show you," Lori piped up,"Isn't that right?"

"Let's go back, I can't stand her." Baby murmured, and Dean nodded.

      Dean and Baby went back to their tent, and they went back to sharpening knives. After Dean sharpened a knife, Baby would take a few minutes to try and clean it up to make it look good and let it be sharp at the same time. While they were sharpening and cleaning up knives, Daryl walked over to them.

"Who are y'all?" He asked,"Y'all leave my brother, too?"

"We left the group to get our car. We didn't know they left him behind until we got to the camp," Dean replied,"but we didn't agree with it, if that's what you're thinking."

"So it was all officer douche and the other assholes?" He asked, and Dean nodded.

"I'm Dean," He stuck out his hand, and Daryl shook it,"Dean Winchester, and this is Baby."

"Baby?" Daryl murmured,"Tha's a pretty fuckin' cool name."

"Thank you." She replied, giving him a smile.

        Daryl soon left with Glenn, Rick, and T-Dog. Dean and Baby stayed to themselves, even when everyone began wandering around the camp. Dean offered Baby to take a nap, and he'd keep watch outside the tent. She barely slept an hour, but it was better than nothing.

        Andrea and her sister, Amy, came back from the water hours later with fish. The camp was going to have a fish fry for dinner, and Dean was almost excited at the idea. He liked fried food, but he had a feeling the food was going to be bland, considering nobody packed seasonings in their end of the world survival packs.

       Daryl and Baby sat together as they ate. Baby considering trying to make friends with one or two people in the camp, but she doubted any of them would understand her. They were all stuck up or prude-y, well, maybe Jacqui wasn't, but everyone else was. The only person she thought was nice, genuinely, was Carol, but the poor woman was scared of so much because of her asshole husband. It took everything in Baby not to take Ed out into the woods and shoot him like a sick animal.

       Dean had been right though, their calm, good time at the quarry didn't last long. Out of nowhere, the dead began to attack everyone in the camp. Dean had luckily had a couple of knives on him, so he passed one to Baby and told her to keep her ass alive.

        Baby and Dean killed as many of the undead as they possibly could, as well as trying to protect themselves. Rick, Daryl, Glenn, and T-Dog eventually came back to camp, and they helped finish off the rest of the undead that had tried to take over the camp.

"We should pack our shit into the car," Dean said,"I'm not waiting until morning."

"Are we leavin' the group?" She asked quietly, as they headed to their tent.

"No, they need us more than I thought," He replied,"They would've lost a lot more people if we wouldn't have been here."

       Dean and Baby made sure everything that wasn't packed of theirs was packed up tight. They carried it all to their car and placed it in the trunk. They hadn't had time to check the trunk before, but they were definitely surprised finding extra blankets, canned food, and medicine in the trunk. They didn't mention it to anyone, since they wanted to hold it just incase they needed it.

        Once their bags were packed into the trunk, they went back and packed up their tent, sleeping bags, and pillows and put them in the trunk. All of their things were packed, and they were just waiting for the group to finally decide to leave. If they didn't decide to though, Dean and Baby would leave, and based off everything that happened, Daryl might decide to leave with them...

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