Chapter Nine

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      The group was brought to a computer room to watch some things that had to do with the virus. The power and such had been dwindling in the building, so Dean and Baby had packed up all their things and had them ready by their door. Jenner was trying to ignore it all, but Dean and Baby knew better.

       Baby didn't pay much attention to the information Jenner was giving the group. He didn't know of a cure, and he wasn't anywhere close to finding any useful information. He had about as much information as anyone else would in a cliché zombie movie.

         When Jenner locked everyone in the computer lab with him, that's when all hell broke loose. Baby was going to kick his ass, but Dean stopped her. The only way they'd get out was if Jenner was alive, and Baby would most likely kill him if she hit him hard enough. She had been a car in her other life, so she was most likely very strong and could seriously injure someone easily.

         Shane threatened the man with a gun, and Daryl threatened him with an ax. Honestly, it didn't seem that anything was going to make him change his mind. Baby grew sick of his games. She marched over to the doctor, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, and shoved him against the computers behind him.

"If you don't let us out, you'll die before the building can make your death painless. I will drag it out with each second left, and you will feel every bit of pain until the last second ticks away," Baby spat,"Do you understand me?"

        She shoved him as she let him go, causing him to stumble slightly, and almost fall down. He quickly turned towards the keypad and put in the code to open the door. They didn't bother listening to him, but the rest of the group did. Quickly, Dean and Baby were the first ones out of the room. They didn't wait for anyone else, as they ran to their room to get their bags that they had pre-packed, knowing that something was wrong.

            Dean growled in anger when he couldn't get the doors open. Again, the group tried breaking the glass with things that weren't going to even put a crack in it. When Carol brought out a grenade to use, Baby was honestly proud of her. Women always had the best ideas, especially ones that were timid and scared of the world, but had a mind like the most intricate book anyone could read.

           Dean covered Baby's body with his, as the grenade blew up, and the window was blasted open. As soon as the window was shattered, Dean pulled Baby to her feet, and the two ran towards their car. They waited for the group to make it to their cars, and Baby wasn't surprised to see Dale and Andrea trailing behind. Andrea was always reminded Baby of someone who didn't care about her own life, but cared about having a guilty conscience.

           Everyone had to duck down in their cars for safety, as the CDC blew up into pieces. Once everything was clear, the trail of cars began to drive away from the ruins of the CDC. Baby realized that one person from the group had stayed behind, meaning Jacqui had decided to stay behind instead of deal with the world as it was.

"Where do you think we're going now?" Baby asked, and Dean shrugged.

"Don't know," He answered,"but we're headed further into the city."

        Baby felt her stomach flip at his words. Going into the city was dangerous. She felt even more nervous when they stopped outside of a building. She followed the group, as did Dean, and when they seen how dead everything was, they wondered why the group had lead them there. Dean could tell instantly that people had taken out all the people that lived her, the zombies were simply there after.

"Where are we headed now, hm?" Dean asked, pursing his lips in a manner that would point to someone being a smart-ass.

"Fort Benning, there's nowhere else to go that could possibly have people that have answers." Rick answered, and Dean nodded silently.

      He didn't agree with Rick, why would he? He wondered why the hell Rick thought Fort Benning would be safer, and possibly alive, than the CDC was? All the people there had to be dead, and Dean was sure of it. He would follow the group with Baby for now, but if Fort Benning turned out to be a death trap, they'd disappear, and they'd never even have a second thought about the group that seemed to make bad decision after bad decision.

"You believe this shit, or am I better off leavin'?" Daryl asked, as he walked beside Dean and Baby.

"For now, I'm stickin' to the group. If Fort Benning is a trap, we're getting the hell out of there," Dean replied,"You're more than welcome to tag along." He added, and Daryl nodded.

"I'll keep tha' in mind." He murmured, before he headed over to his truck.

         Everyone drove off from the are, and only a few miles later, the group decided to downsize on vehicles. Dean and Baby offered T-Dog to ride with them. Shane had mentioned that they should drop their car and take refuge in the RV, but Dean was not going to do that. He didn't want to be stuck with them, but he used the excuse of being claustrophobic when there was too many people in a small vehicle.

           Dean had a feeling that he and Shane were going to have more and more spats, before Dean would just have to rock his shit. Shane had a smart-ass mouth, just like Andrea and Lori, and Dean was not one to handle that well at times, and neither was Baby. Dean had been raised to teach people like that a lesson, and he had a feeling one day soon he'd be teaching Shane that lesson...

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