Chapter Ten

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      The group had been on the road for a few days. Dean and Baby followed behind the line of vehicles, with T-Dog in the backseat. T-Dog was an interesting man, and he had funny stories that they could talk about. Dean also gave him stories, but none of them contained monsters.

       The days on the road didn't amount to anything, when the group was stopped by a crap ton of dead traffic on the highway. There was at least a mile's worth of cars that were wasting away on the highway. A couple of the guys got out to push cars out of the way, but they still didn't get anywhere. The RV started smoking, so they had to stop to fix it. Dale would have to find a radiator hose from one of the vehicles parked on the highway to fix his RV.

"Check the cars," Dean commented,"We might find something we can use."

"If we find something, are we sharing?" Baby asked quietly, causing Dean to sigh.

"Depends what it is." He answered, and she simply nodded.

        Baby began to search through the cars nearby the one she was riding in. Each car seemed to be empty of things that were really useful, other than a few bottles of aspirin, and some wet wipes. Baby found a couple bottles of germ-x, and she figured they might come in use eventually.

         She found a dust covered black Chevy Lumina, and when she opened the door, she was surprised to find quite a few things that were useful. In the front seat was a six pack of flavored water. In the back seat was blankets, a couple jackets that were around Dean's size, and a pair of shoes that would fit someone in the group.

          She popped the trunk, and there was food. It wasn't too much, but it looked almost like the person who owned the car was either preparing to survive, or had been driving back from shopping for a trip of some sort. Most of the food was in boxes, such as crackers and cookies. There were a few bags of chips and beef jerky. There were about twenty four cans of food; fruit, veggies, and beans. Lastly, there were a couple twelve packs of soda, and a couple bags with individual bottles of juice in them.

"Dean!" Baby called, not too loud though, because she didn't want anyone else's attention.

"Need somethin'?" She heard, and she turned to see Daryl.

"Well, Dean and I are supposed to be going through the cars and..." She trailed off, causing Daryl to nod.

"Look, I ain't gonna snitch that you're keepin' the shit from the group," Daryl said,"but I can help get tha shit over to your car."

"Thank you," She replied,"You can have some, for helping."

       Daryl simply nodded, and he helped her carry all the things to her car without the group seeing them. She gave Daryl a bag of jerky, a bag of chips, and two cans of soda. She also told him he could get more when he wanted it. She also offered him a blanket, but he couldn't carry it, so she kept it in her car for him. Also, the shoes were able to fit T-Dog, so she left them in her car for him when he needed them.

"Get under the car." Daryl said quietly, and she looked at him confused.

        Daryl motioned with his head, and she seen the undead headed their way. The group had now been referring to the undead as "walkers," which was somewhat better than "geeks." She quickly did as Daryl said, and watched as he ran past to alert the others.

         Baby watched quietly as the walkers swarmed the area, but luckily it didn't take too long for them to leave. When Baby climbed out from under the car, she found out that two things had happened. One, T-Dog had cut himself real bad on a car, and two, Sophia had disappeared into the woods with two walkers on her tail, but Rick was following after her.

"I think there's a medical bag in the car I was about to search." Baby commented, as she quickly ran off to the car.

       There was a medical bag in the car, almost like an EMT bag, which was a real surprise. It didn't have anything for stitching up the would, but there was ointments, creams, disinfectant, gauze, tape, and wraps. She grabbed the bag and ran back over to T-Dog. Dean knew a bit about medical stuff, since he had patched himself up quite a few times, so he was able to patch T-Dog up to the best of his ability with what little they had.

"We need to find some better medical stuff, otherwise T's not gonna keep that arm." Baby commented, and Dean nodded in agreement.

"We'll keep lookin' till dark." Dean replied, causing Baby to nod as well.

       For the rest of the day, Dean and Baby searched the cars for better medical supplies. They didn't follow Shane, Rick, Daryl, and Glenn into the woods, and they didn't go out after when Glenn and Shane came back. They knew it would be better if they stayed on the highway to protect the group, since most of them were defenseless in this situation.

       When Baby found clothes, most of them were her size. She was glad that most of the clothes were dark colors, even though it was hot outside, she'd much rather wear dark colors instead of light colors. When she was checking out the clothes, she felt eyes on her, and she seen Lori watching her. She narrowed her eyes at Lori, and after a moment, the woman finally looked away.

        Baby didn't understand why Lori couldn't mind her own business. Hell, she didn't understand why a lot of the group was so damn nosey. If they wanted to keep their teeth though, they'd have to learn how to stay in their lane and stay out of her and Dean's business...

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