Chapter Seventeen

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      The next morning when Baby woke up, she was surprised to see Dean sleeping in the tent with her. She had thought he had left the farm late last night, but it seemed she was wrong. He had stayed, even after he said he wouldn't. Honestly, Baby was confused, surprised, and kind of happy. She still felt horrible about what he had said though, so she didn't know if she could forgive him for what he said to her.

"Baby?" She heard, and when she looked back over at him, she seen Dean sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"I thought you left," She commented,"What stopped you?"

"I'm sorry," He said,"I didn't mean to say any of that to you. I just — I don't have an excuse. I'm sorry."

      Baby was not too happy with how minimal his apology was, but at least she recieved an apology. Most times, he would just go on as if he never said anything that hurt anyone. He would just assume that they forgave him for what he said and move on. Luckily though, he didn't treat Baby like that, at least, not this time, and she was happy that he hadn't.

      Dean and Baby got out of their tent a little later and headed up to the house, and only minutes later, the group was surprised and relieved by the arrival of Rick, Glenn, and Hershel, but they also had an extra passenger.

"Who's that?" T-Dog asked, pointing to the unconscious passenger.

"Oh, that's Randall." Glenn replied, as if it was something so basic, and almost as though it was common knowledge.

"Patricia, prepare the shed for surgery." Hershel said, and the group hung out outside while Hershel fixed up Randall.

       When he came back, he told everyone that he had fixed Randall up as best as he could. He couldn't make it perfect, but it was as best as it could be. After Hershel fixed up Randall, he made an announcement to the group that he wanted everyone to move into the house. Winter was coming, and everything wasn't looking too good for the group staying outside.

"I hope we can find a place that isn't being packed in with everyone else." Baby murmured, causing Dean to chuckle.

"I bet we can find a small spot away from everyone." He replied, and she smiled a little relieved.

        When they carried their things inside, Maggie grabbed Baby's things and pulled her towards her room.

"Glenn's staying in here with me, but I was thinking you and Dean would want to be in here, too. You wouldn't be packed in like cattle with everyone else." Maggie commented, and Baby nodded.

"Thank you," Baby replied,"I was just telling Dean that I didn't want that to happen."

"I got an air mattress in my closet, it's not huge, but it can fit you, or both of you, if you feel like sleeping real close to Dean." Maggie said, adding the last part teasingly.

"Maggie," Baby groaned,"I told you Dean and I aren't like that."

"Not yet, but you will be," Maggie replied,"I can see it. You two were meant for each other. I mean, think about it, for years you were his car. He loved you, so now you're human. He can love you in a whole different way."

     Baby simply shook her head with a blush, as she set her stuff down on Maggie's floor. Once she placed her stuff down, she went out to find Dean and grab his things. He found him standing on the porch waiting for her.

"Maggie's setting us up in her room with her and Glenn." Baby told Dean, and the man nodded.

        Dean followed Baby to Maggie's room and placed his things next to hers. Maggie was in the room getting the air mattress, and once she had it down from the top shelf, she began to fill it with the air pump. The mattress was full sized, so it took up the entire floor at the end of her bed, but that wasn't a problem. Maggie dropped their pillows on the bed, along with a couple blankets that Baby had brought inside.

"I told Baby you two can share the bed, as long as you're okay with sleeping close together." Maggie commented, sending a discreet smirk to Baby.

"It'll be fine," Dean replied,"I think we can share it."

       Baby felt her heart beat quicken a little at Dean's words. She hadn't expected him to say that. He was normally so closed off and wanted his space. She almost wondered if he was only agreeing because he wanted to sleep on a bed instead of a hard floor. Maggie was definitely thinking something else, but Baby was just being rational. Dean would never be attracted to her, she was simply the human version of his car, and that's all she would be.

"I'm packing most of our stuff in the car," Dean murmured to Baby,"I have a feeling something is coming."

       Baby sent him a nod, and Dean packed most of their stuff in their bags. He left a small bag for each of them with a weapon and a change of clothes. They would get more clothes out when ,and if, they needed it. While Dean was packing stuff into their car, Maggie sat on her bed with a grin on her face.

"I'm telling you, give it a little time, and you and Dean will be together." Maggie commented, causing Baby to scoff.

"In your dreams." She replied, and Maggie shrugged.

"When it happens, I'll be there to say 'I told you so.'" Maggie said, causing Baby to chuckle.

         Baby doubted it would happen, but she liked the idea of still having her friend around. Maggie was like her best friend, and she didn't want to lose her. If she lost Maggie, her heart would feel like it was missing a piece. Maggie was the first and only girl that ever wanted to be her friend...

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