Chapter Sixteen

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       After the massacre at the barn, Hershel disappeared from the house. The group hadn't really realized it, but Dean and Baby had seen him leave. They weren't surprised, considering everything he had seen, and the fact that he had believed the people were simply sick for the longest time.

         A couple of hours after he left, Maggie came running to Baby to see if she had seen Hershel. When Baby had said that she was pretty sure he left, Maggie sighed and headed back inside to see if she could figure out where he went. Baby wondered if she should help, but she wanted to stay out of their way.

          It didn't take long for Glenn and Rick to leave to find Hershel. They were hoping to bring him back because Beth had collapsed and wasn't waking up. Baby and Dean didn't really have any medical knowledge, so they were no help, so they stayed out of the way.

"I think we should leave tonight." Dean commented, as he started packing his bag.

"Dean," Baby looked at him with nervous eyes,"I think I want to stay, at least, just for a little while. I mean, I finally have a friend. I feel normal, y'know? And I know I'm not, but she wants to be my friend, and nobody else seemed to even care about the idea of being my friend." She said, making Dean sigh.

"So, you'd want to stay so you can have a friend, when there's a chance Sam's out there on his own?" Dean questioned, causing Baby's eyes to glance down at her lap.

"Well, no, but--" She began, but he cut her off.

"But nothing, Baby!" Dean exclaimed,"If you wanna stay, go right ahead! I'm going out to find my brother, you can stay and have a friend for five minutes! I don't care, but when they die, I'm not coming back to save your ass!"

"Dean, it's not like that, please don't be like that." Baby said, trying not to cry.

"I've waited long enough, Baby, I'm not waiting any longer," He stated,"You may not understand the importance of family 'cause you don't have one, but I do. My little brother could be out there, alone, and I'm sitting here on my ass arguing with you over people who don't friggin' matter! They're nothing, Baby! Get that through your head! You're going to die staying with them, when Ieave, and I won't be here to save you."

        Baby felt tears growing in her eyes, as Dean's hard glare never faltered. He simply finished packing his bag, before he stepped out of the tent and walked off. Dean was in a bad mood, and his bad mood had caused him to snap at Baby, and after a while, she couldn't hold back the tears. He had really hurt her, and she didn't know if she'd ever be able to forgive him for what he said.

         As she sat and marinated in what Dean had said, the girl ended up crying into her hands. His words cut sharp like knives into her heart, and she didn't think she'd heal from what he said anytime soon, even if he tried to apologize. She had seen him yell at people before, but being at the receiving end of his anger scared her more than anything in the world.

         When night came, Baby didn't hear Dean by the tent. She had been called inside for dinner by Maggie, and though she didn't want to, she had went inside. She had noticed that Dean's bag was gone when she had come back, and she believed that he planned to leave in a couple of hours. Baby felt like a piece of her heart was being ripped out of her chest, knowing that Dean was going to leave, and he seemed to now plan to leave without her. He didn't even bother to ask if she had changed her mind, he was just going to leave her, and that was how it was going to be.

        That night, she had missed the fact that Lori left to find Rick. She had missed that Shane had announced to everyone that Lori was pregnant. She had missed that Lori had gotten herself into a car accident. She had missed a lot, but her heart was hurt too much to give a damn about anyone in that group, especially one of the people that didn't like her to begin with.

         Baby couldn't get to sleep until almost two in the morning. The only reason she even fell asleep was because she had exhausted herself with crying. Her eyes were puffy, and her cheeks were red with tear stains streaked down them. Her hair was stuck to the sides of her face, soaked with the tears that she had cried, as was her pillow.

         Around three in the morning, Dean quietly unzipped the tent and climbed inside. He set his bag down as silently as he could, before zipping the tent closed. He quietly laid down on his sleeping bag, folded his arms under his head, and glanced over at Baby. The girl was asleep, but with the help of the moonlight that seeped through the tiny window that Baby had unzipped, he could tell that she had been crying. Her face was covered in the remnants of the tears she had cried.

          Dean felt his heart clench at the sight. He didn't mean to make her cry. Hell, he didn't mean to say everything he said to her. He was just so mad about what had happened when the walkers came out of the barn, that he took it out on her. He knew he shouldn't have, but he did, and he felt horrible for it. It was true, he wanted to find his brother, but he didn't mean to put her in a place where she had to choose Sam over anyone else in her life. He also didn't mean to say the things about her when they argued over Sam. He simply did not mean to hurt her or make her cry, but it seemed he was a big asshole that couldn't do anything but upset people, take out his anger on others, and make the one girl he truly cared about hate him because he hurt her so bad...

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