Chapter Twenty One

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       Rick called for a Daryl, Dean, and Baby to follow him with the prisoners to get food. Baby wasn't sure it was the safest idea, but they had to do something with the prisoners. They couldn't just trust them, they had to have the prisoners prove themselves first.

       Dean kept Baby close, not caring if that put others in danger or not. Daryl was holding up the end, making sure nothing got passed him to put them in danger. He didn't feel like dying, even if the prisoners were okay with dying themselves. It was a little more concerning when the prisoners were besting on the walkers like it was a prison riot instead of actually killing them.

       Daryl and Rick told them what needed to be done, and they swore they knew what they were doing. It was even more concerning when the biggest of the prisoner group, named Big Tiny, was bitten. He wanted to live, even if it meant he lost his arm, but the bite wasn't in an area that could be saved. Before anyone could really say anything, Thomas — the one that scared them most — took his ax and killed Big Tiny in front of everyone.

"Just say the word." Daryl murmured, as he looked between the three members of his group.

"Stay the away from him." Dean told Baby, and she nodded without hesitation.

         Baby was almost terrified of Thomas. He freaked her out when he killed Big Tiny, not to mention the fact that he had been staring at her like she was a cheap piece of meat. She honestly wanted to tear his eyeballs from his head, but obviously he couldn't.

          Soon, they were inside of the cafeteria again, and the prisoners were expected to give over half the food. Rick had made the poor decision to open the freezer, and anyone within a thirty foot range could smell the putrid scent of rotting meat. Dean had a feeling the prisoners had opened the freezer a time or two, which was why they had warned Rick about opening it.

          The prisoners piled some of the things in the cafeteria, before it became evident that walkers were outside. They had to hold the doors closed, but holding them closed wasn't going to get them out of there alive. They had to fight their way out, otherwise they'd die in the cafeteria, or the others would die trying to get to them.

          Rick instructed Thomas to open one of the doors, making it easier for everyone to fight the walkers. The man didn't listen though, instead he opened both doors, letting in all of the walkers at one time. The group wasn't ready for that, but luckily Baby and Dean could work well under pressure. They had killed their last walker, when they seen Thomas throw a walker at Rick.

"Hey!" Dean yelled, causing Thomas to slightly jump.

         Daryl was quick to kill the walker to save his friend, before Rick stood up and looked at Thomas with pure anger.

"I'm sorry, man. It came at me." Thomas lied, and Rick gave him a sarcastic look with the tilt of his head.

"I get it, shit happens." Rick replied, before he picked up his weapon, brought it down on Thomas's head, and successfully killing him with one hit.

         One of the prisoners seen this and took off running. Rick chased after him, as Daryl and Dean held weapons up at the other two still in the room. The men, Oscar and Axel, were on their knees with their hands behind their head. Rick came back moments later without the other prisoner, but he told his group that he had taken care of it.

         Axel begged them not to kill him, and that he and Oscar had no idea what Thomas had been planning. He had nothing to do with any of it, but the group was still hesitant. Axel and Oscar were easily able to lie if they really wanted to, but for some reason Baby felt like they were possibly telling the truth.

          In the end, Rick decided to give the two prisoners their own part of the prison. They had to clear out their part of the prison themselves, but at least they wouldn't be dying. They weren't being thrown out, and they had to be happy with that, even if they didn't want to be.

"Hershel stopped breathing," Carl commented, when they entered the cell block,"Mom saved him."

"It's true." Glenn added, giving Rick confirmation that Carl was telling the truth.

         After the small announcement about Hershel, the group had to carry all the food supplies into their cell block. They didn't want to chance it being stolen, and they really didn't want any walkers coming by and contaminating it. Hell, they were almost afraid that the smell of the food would attract walkers, even though the food was in closed containers — such as cans and boxes.

"That's a fair amount of food," Carol commented, as she gave Baby a small smile,"It should last us a while."

"As long as we conserve it," Baby replied,"Once we get comfortable here, we should be able to go on runs and get more food before we run out of this though."

"You're a smart girl," Carol murmured,"I'm glad you're in our group. Even after everything we've been through, you've stayed so strong and so smart. I wish I could've been like you from the start."

"I'm not a role model. There's no reason to ever wanna be like me." Baby said, before she gave Carol a polite smile before walking away.

       Baby was just Baby, at least, that's what she believed. She didn't see a reason for herself to be idolized or looked up to. She wasn't a role model or a hero, she was simply Baby, and that's all she'd ever be, but she was happy with that, just being herself...

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