Chapter Thirty Two

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       Dean had decided that he didn't want to wait any longer. He had talked to Father Gabriel days ago, and the man had agreed. Dean had to do everything right though, and he wanted to make sure that it all worked out well. He didn't want to upset her by saying anything wrong or doing anything that wasn't perfect.

       Once Dean was sure that Father Gabriel was ready for them, Dean went to find Baby. When he found her, she was in their kitchen making him an apple pie. She was the best baker he had ever met, and he was so happy that they had the ability to make pies in Alexandria. Baby made them as often as she could, since she knew Dean was in love with them, and he was so thankful for every one she made — even the plum one, and he hated plums.

"Baby, will you come to the living room for a minute?" Dean called, and Baby set the apron to the side to see what Dean needed.

"What's up?" She asked, as a smile appeared on her face.

"I'm not a romantic guy, we both know that. I suck at romance to be honest, and I hate when things get too cliché or chick-flicky too often," Dean sighed,"but I really love you, Baby. I've loved you for so long, and I don't ever want to live without you. You're my everything, and I know that my family loves you as well. You're everything to me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you," He bit his lip, as he got down on one knee and reached into his pocket, before he produced a diamond ring,"Baby, will you marry me?"

"Yes. God, yes." She answered, nodding her head with tears in her eyes.

     Dean grinned and slipped the ring on her finger, before he stood up and placed a kiss on her lips.

"I got Gabriel waiting for us as the church," Dean commented,"I thought it'd be cool if we got married today, too."

"Really?" She asked, and Dean nodded with a smile when he seen her excitement,"Let's go!" She exclaimed, as she pulled Dean towards the door.

         Dean lead Baby to the church, and when they walked in, Sam, Bobby, Maggie, Glenn, Jo, Ellen, Ash, Jody, Castiel, Daryl, Claire, and Alex were all sitting and waiting for them to come in. Glenn had found out the truth only days ago, and he promised to keep it a secret.

        Anyhow, once they were inside, Gabriel motioned for them to come to the front to start the wedding. Dean and Baby took each other's hands, and Baby was trying not to laugh with all eyes on them. Dean was the first to say his vows, which were short and sweet, as were Baby's. Once they were officially married, Dean told Baby he'd give her better vows later when there wasn't a lot of people listening and making it all awkward. He knew she felt awkward about it, too, which was why she had short vows as well.

           Dean and Baby spent time with everyone for a bit, thanking them for their kind words and well wishes. After about an hour, Dean and Baby headed back to their house, which they shared with Sam. Dean never wanted Sam to leave, but Baby didn't mind since Sam was Dean's little brother.

"Now you're officially Baby Winchester," Dean commented,"Not only for the knowledge of others." He added, giving the girl a smirk.

"Why didn't you ever correct anyone?" Baby asked, as they headed back to the kitchen so she could finish making the pie,"I mean, not even when I was first announced as your wife back at the quarry?"

"I wanted you to be my wife," He shrugged,"Correcting them would've made you think I didn't like you. I've been into you since the day I seen you, and I didn't want to screw up my chances with you that damn fast." He answered, making her grin.

"You really are amazing, Dean Winchester." She replied, and he smiled as well.

      Dean cut himself a slice of pie as soon as it was finished, and Baby was not surprised. He absolutely loved pie, and he didn't care how hot it was, he'd get himself a piece the second it came out of the oven. Baby always scolded him for it, especially when he complained about a burnt tongue later, but that never stopped him from doing it every time after.

"Y'know, one day, I hope we get to have our own family." Baby said, causing Dean to choke on his pie.

"Where'd this come from?" He asked, looking at her with wide eyes.

"I was just thinking is all," She shrugged,"I mean, this place is nice, and it feels safe. We could have a family here."

"Uh, how many kids are you wanting?" Dean asked, still unsure about the idea.

"I only really want one," She answered, making him raise an eyebrow,"I know, it's not really that many, but one is better than none. Not to mention, if we had to get out of here, it's easier to keep track of one kid."

"Boy or girl?" He questioned, actually beginning to like the plan she had thought of.

"Boy, for sure," Baby laughed,"I suck at being a girl, so I'd hate having to do tea parties and dress up. I feel like if we had a girl, she'd be girly just to spite me," Dean chuckled,"if we had a boy, I'd name him Jack."

"Why Jack?"

"I really like that name," She answered,"but if anything ever happened to me, I need you to promise our boy would be taken care of and loved."

"Nothin's gonna happen to you, Baby, I won't let it," He said,"but if it'll ease your mind, I promise I'll always love and protect our boy."

"If something ever happens, before we can have our little Jack," Baby sighed,"I promise I will send Jack to you. You'll have a piece of me, even when I'm gone."

       Dean felt a small pang in his heart. He couldn't fathom the idea of losing her. He'd be lost without her, and he knew he'd never fully recover...

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