Chapter Eight

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"This is wrong," Baby murmured,"Something's off about this place."

       The group had been brought inside after collecting their things, then they were subjected to blood tests. Baby and Dean were worried that their blood would be different from the others, especially Baby's, considering she had been a car before she ended up in this world. They still didn't understand why they ended up here, or how Baby became human, that just wasn't possible.

"Let's just eat, and ignore it for the night. We can disappear in the morning." Dean replied, simply wanting a bit of food and a couple hours of sleep.

       Dean hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep since he showed up here, and he was exhausted. He knew he had dark circles around his eyes, proving just how tired he was. It wasn't really his fault, he just didn't feel safe, and he wanted to make sure Baby felt safe. She did mean a lot to him, even if he remembered her as a car, and getting use to her as a person was a little odd.

        After the blood tests, the group was invited to get showers and some sleep. Dean decided that Baby would stay with him, since he didn't want her feeling uncomfortable with anyone else. Besides, he felt better having her around; he felt less alone, and he knew she did, too.

        The rooms were small, but it was plenty of room for two people. Only a few people got showers, while the others followed Jenner to get some food. Dean and Baby decided to wait until after food to get showers, since they didn't want to miss out on food. They had a feeling the group wouldn't bother saving them any food, especially Shane and Lori. Those two were very stingey, which was another reason as to why Dean and Baby never told the group about their extra supplies.

           Jenner had given everyone frozen pizza, and Baby loved it. She was a big fan of pizza after her first bite. She could eat a whole pizza if she really wanted to, and if she had the chance to do so. The group was passing around bottles of wine, but Dean didn't like wine, and Baby wasn't willing to try it. If Dean didn't like it, she'd assume that she wouldn't either. Besides, she didn't feel like being slightly impared in a time like this.

           After food, Dean and Baby headed back to their room to get showers. Dean let Baby go first, but he had to show her how the shower worked, and explain what she was supposed to do. It was awkward, but he had to remember that she was almost like a baby when it came to things like this, meaning she would need to be taught how to do things, and explained why she had to do them.

          While Baby was showering, Dean went to the rec room, where he picked up a couple books for Baby to read, a deck of playing cards, and a nice fluffy blanket that was folded at the end of one of the couches. The blanket was really fluffy and extremely soft, and he knew Baby would like it. He'd make sure if they had to leave, she'd be able to bring the blanket with her.

"Nice shower?" Dean asked, and Baby nodded.

"It reminded me of a car wash," She joked, causing him to chuckle,"but I will admit, the hot water felt amazing on my sore muscles."

"I got you a few things when you were showering." He commented,"I didn't know what kind of books you'd read, but I grabbed a few of the paranormal ones they had. And I got you this," He handed her the blanket,"I knew you'd love it." He added, his voice quiet at the end.

"Thank you," She smiled at him,"I love it."

      Dean gave her an awkward smile, not sure about how he was supposed to react. Instead of saying anything else, he simply smiled once more, grabbed some clothes from his bag, and headed for the shower. He stripped out of the dirty clothes and turned on the water. He placed the clothes on the sink, deciding that he would hand wash them once he was finished with his shower.

        He stepped into the shower and sighed when the hot water hit his tense body. He spent almost ten minutes simply standing in the water, before he washed his hair and body. He grabbed a towel and stepped out of the shower, not yet turning off the water, so he could find a razor to shave his face. Once he found one, he stepped back in the shower and grabbed the shaving cream to shave.

        Once he was finished, he turned off the water, dried himself off, and slipped into the clean clothes he had brought with him. He stepped out of the bathroom and found Baby reading one of the books he had gotten for her.

"I'm gonna hand wash my clothes," He said,"Wanna learn?" He asked, and she nodded.

         Baby set her book down and grabbed the dirty clothes she had tossed next to the bed. She carried them into the bathroom, and Dean began to show her how to clean each article of clothing, and once he had gotten his clean, she washed hers. The socks were the hardest part, apart from the bra, for her anyway.

         Once their clothes were clean, the two hung their clothes around the bathroom to dry. Baby was lucky to have a second bra with her, otherwise she would've had to wait until the next day to put on the one she washed.

"We should get some sleep," Baby commented, as she climbed back into the bed,"I doubt we'll get much sleep before everyone starts waking up."

         Dean agreed, and soon they were both laying down and letting sleep take them. They were both exhausted, so it really wasn't a surprise how fast they fell asleep. Staying asleep was the harder part, but they were in a safer environment for the night, so they'd be able to sleep without fearing the worst. Dean still slept with the door locked and a knife under his pillow though, because old habits die hard...

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