Chapter Fourteen

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     A couple days later, Baby and Maggie were getting closer as friends. Baby actually enjoyed talking to Maggie, and Maggie enjoyed showing Baby girly things. Baby actually felt a lot more human, with her nails painted, and getting her makeup done. She didn't keep the makeup on, but she liked it.

      Maggie also gave her a slight haircut, and showed her two different hair styles that she could do with her hair. Baby liked the curly hair more than the straight, but still, she knew it didn't matter, considering they were stuck in an apocalypse. The apocalypse really ruined Baby's chance of experiencing being a real, human girl completely.

"I gotta pee," Baby murmured, as she stood from the end of Maggie's bed,"I'll be done in a minute."

         Baby walked into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. She did her business, and while she was wiping, she seen blood on the toilet paper. Her eyes widened, and again she wiped with a new piece to see if it was still there. More blood came back, and her heart started hammering in her chest.

"Maggie?!" She called out,"I need help! Will you come here?!"

"Something wrong?" Maggie asked, as she carefully stepped into the bathroom.

"I'm bleeding?" Baby answered, but in a questionable tone.

"You're on your period?" Maggie questioned, as she went to her cabinet,"I've got pads and tampons, which do you like?"

"What's a period?" Baby asked, causing Maggie to look up at her instantly.

"What do you mean? Is this your first? You're way too old to be getting your first period. Is something wrong?" Maggie questioned, feeling really concerned.

"Can I explain when I'm not on the toilet?" Baby asked, and Maggie nodded.

"Here," She grabbed a pad, and opened it,"You stick the sticky side to your panties, and it'll catch the blood. I'll explain tampons later," She stood up,"Just come out when you're done, and I'll explain periods, and you tell me what's up, okay?" Maggie commented, causing Baby to nod.

       Baby did as Maggie said, before she flushed the toilet and washed her hands. Once she was finished, she headed back out to Maggie's room, and Maggie motioned for the girl to have a seat. The girl timidly sat down, not really comfortable with the new feeling of the pad in her underwear.

"So, want me to explain, or do you wanna go first?" Maggie asked, and Baby sighed slightly.

"I'll go first," Baby replied,"but please keep an open mind."

       Maggie nodded with a small smile on her face, hoping that she could be supportive of her friend.

"Dean and I are not from this world," Maggie's eyes widened,"I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. Dean was from a world where monsters were real, like ghosts, wendigos, and demons. He died, and when he died, he and I woke up here."

"But, why were you sent here?" Maggie asked, making Baby shrug.

"I don't know, we're trying to figure that out, but we haven't found anything," Baby replied,"Matter of fact, Dean and I were thinking about leaving after we find Sophia. We wanna see if we can find his brother, Sam, if he's out in the world, and maybe some others we knew."

"I don't want you to go," Maggie said,"but I guess if you have to, I won't stop you."

"I'm not sure completely what Dean will choose yet," She commented,"The only reason we've stayed is because we feel bad for this group. They're weak and clueless, and we don't want to leave them to die."

"Should I be worried about this?" Maggie asked,"I know Dad thinks that they're just sick people. Are they?"

"No, they're not just sick people, Maggie," Baby sighed,"They died, and they came back as these things. There's no saving them. I'm sorry."

"So, uh--" She cleared her throat to try and not cry,"Is changing worlds the reason you haven't had a period before?" Maggie asked, but Baby shook her head.

"Open mind, right?" Baby asked, and Maggie nodded,"In Dean's world, I'm not human. I'm a car; a black 1967 Chevrolet Impala, to be exact. When I ended up here, I woke up human. I'm still trying to get use to being human, and having a period is very new to me." Baby explained, and Maggie stared at her with wide eyes.

         The two stayed quiet for a moment. Baby was letting Maggie take in all the information and try to understand it, or at least accept it. Baby was almost afraid that Maggie couldn't believe it, or maybe couldn't accept it, even with the notion of trying to have an open mind.

"I should go--" Baby began, but Maggie grabbed her arm.

"No, I just needed a second to digest what you said," Maggie murmured,"Are you, uh, are you ever going back to your world?"

"If we get the chance, yeah, I'm not going to expect Dean to stay here, just because I want to be human," Baby answered,"Besides, if Dean goes back, I automatically get taken back with him. There's no way I'd be able to stay."

"Do you know a lot about cars, y'know, since you were one?" Maggie asked, giving a playful smile.

"I mean, I think so. I think I'm smarter than ninety percent of the men out there that claim to know about cars." She replied with a shrug, and Maggie laughed.

"I'm glad you told me," Maggie said, placing her hand on top of Baby's,"and I'll keep it a secret. I know you don't want the others to know, because they wouldn't have an open mind."

"Thank you, Maggie," Baby murmured,"Really, I'm glad you're my friend."

      Maggie gave the girl's hand a gentle squeeze. Baby was a good person to be friend's with, she was just a bit different and misunderstood. It was almost a little refreshing for Maggie to talk about something other than this world they were living in, even if it was simple talks about periods and other things like that...

Dean & Baby (TWD/SPN crossover) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ