Chapter Nineteen

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"We could've been searching different states by now." Dean grumbled, considering they had been going in circles in Georgia for months.

"I know, but maybe we'll find a place soon." Baby replied, shrugging slightly.

      The group had been on the road for months, and they were running low on food and supplies. Dean and Baby didn't have anyone in their car, so they were able to sneak little things to eat while on the road. The only reason they didn't share, was because everyone in the group was greedy as hell. The only person they shared with was Daryl, but that was because he wouldn't tell anyone that they had stuff. Baby couldn't even share with Maggie, because she would tell the whole group, and the stuff would be gone in a day's time.

"Should we just go our own way?" Baby asked, looking over at Dean.

"We've been on the road with them for months, I think they'd find it suspicious if we just left." Dean replied, sending the girl a smirk.

"We can bring Daryl, that way it looks less suspicious." Baby commented, and Dean scoffed.

"They'd chase us down to get the man power," Dean answered,"but I do like the idea of leaving. We're getting nowhere fast."

        The group had just been chased out of a house, where Daryl had found an owl, and Carl had found dog food. Rick had gotten pissy over the dog food, but honestly, when there's nothing left, they'd have to get use to it. It wasn't like there was a grocery store for them to go to for the food they really wanted. There wasn't a store in sight, and the stores that they had seen, most had been raided or were overrun. Hell, Dean could really go for a burger and fries right now, but that wasn't exactly plausible.

        When the line of cars stopped, Baby let out a groan and laid her head back against the head rest and closed her eyes. She was tired of stopping. She wanted the group to just stay in a straight line and go somewhere else. They could've gone anywhere; Texas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama. Hell, they could've traveled all the way to California at this point, but the group simply circled Georgia in hopes for something new that definitely wasn't there.

"While the others are washin' their panties, let's go hunt." Daryl commented, and it didn't take but a second for Rick, Dean, and Baby to follow after him.

       The group of four walk through the woods, before they came upon a prison. Baby didn't like the idea of staying in a confined space with the group, but fences definitely protected against walkers. She liked waking up alive, instead of waking up dead.

"We could get this clear without the group." Baby grumbled to Dean, and he smirked.

         He knew she was right, but if the cop thought it was best to get the group, than he wasn't going to argue. It was pointless to argue with the leader, especially since Rick had taken control over the group. He claimed the group wasn't under a "democracy" anymore, but to be truthful, America barely was what it claimed, so truth be told, they really didn't know what a complete democracy was. Rick wasn't a perfect leader, but putting him in the lead when things went wrong didn't sound like a bad idea.

       Once the group was together, they all drove to the prison, where as a group, they'd take out the walkers and get the prison. Rick planned to only take the field for the night, but it could've been worse. They could've slept in their cars outside the fences, hoping for the best in the morning.

       Dean and Baby were posted in a tower with Daryl, considering they both know how to shoot way better than a good bit of the group. Honestly, Baby hoped that the rest of the group would be taught how to shoot better once they had the prison taken over. It took some time, but the group eventually had the yard cleared, and the fence was closed.

"This ground is harder than the car seats." Baby complained, and Dean chuckled, as he sat behind her on the ground.

"Way harder than Baby's seat-- or uh, your seats, no! Uh, I'm gonna shut up." Dean said, as Baby blushed and shook her head.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Baby replied, causing Dean to sigh, feeling a little embarrassed.

"I didn't mean to say that, I didn't even think of what I was saying when I said it." Dean commented, and Baby grinned mischievously.

"Yeah, you keep tellin' yourself that, sweetheart." She retorted jokingly, as Dean simply rolled his eyes and jokingly pushed her away slightly.

"Smartass." He murmured, as she laughed quietly.

       A few members of the group watched them have their moment. They could see the love and connection between the two. Maggie was the only one that knew that Dean and Baby weren't really married, and she could see as plain as day that the two were in love with each other. The way they looked at each other, and the way they acted towards each other and around each other was just simple little ways that people could see the love between the two.

       As the night grew later, everyone began to lay down around the fire to get some rest. Dean and Baby laid near each other, something they had gotten use to since the first night they slept in Maggie's room. It hadn't been more than a week, but still, they had gotten use to it. Truth be told, it made them feel safer in a way, sitting next to each other.

        Sleeping next to each other was almost like a way they knew that the other was still there and was alive. They both seemed to have a deep set abandonment issue, and being next to each other helped that. In a world like this one, they were afraid that they'd lose the other if they were away from them...

Dean & Baby (TWD/SPN crossover) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें