Chapter Twenty Five

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      Merle Dixon was dead. Before Rick told everyone about the Governor, he had gone to Merle for him to bring Michonne to the Governor. Well, Merle let Michonne go, and Daryl went out searching for him. Hours later, Daryl came back and wouldn't talk to anyone. The only ones he talked to was Dean and Baby, and they were the only ones that truly felt bad about Merle's death.

      Daryl had a vendetta against the Govenor now, more than he had before. Dean and Baby were on his side. It was only a couple of days later, when the Govenor appeared and attacked the prison. The group was strong though, and they were able to fight back. The Govenor had brought a lot of people with him, but his people were nowhere near as strong as the group in the prison.

     After an intense fire fight, what was left of the Govenor's group retreated. Glenn wanted the group to follow and finish them off, but they didn't think it was completely safe just yet. Eventually though, the group did follow, but they got the surprise of a lifetime, when they found the remains of the Govenor's group he had brought to fight were dead.

       Daryl stood next to the truck, and jumped in fright when a woman popped up and hit the door from the inside. Baby laughed at him, causing Daryl to glare playfully at her. The door to the truck opened, and the lady jumped out. She told the group that the Govenor had killed everyone, and that she was able to fake her death because he wasn't completely in his right mind to check and see if she was alive.

        The lady, Karen, lead the group back to Woodbury, and with her help, the group was allowed inside. Karen explained what the Govenor did, and Rick invited everyone to the prison. They had to load up a school bus for all the people, and Tyrese, one of the men from Woodbury, drove the bus to follow to the prison. The bus was full to the brim, and some more were carried in other vehicles.


         Over the next few months, the two groups learned to work together. Rick had set up a farming area, and had gotten pigs to feed the group. It took a lot more work to go on runs to provide for so many people, but it wasn't too bad. Everyone was able to get along, and that's really what mattered most.

         Baby felt like adding more and more people to the prison was making everything seem more normal, like the world wasn't shit anymore. Dean didn't like having so many people. He felt like having all these people could turn into a death sentence if something happened and they all had to get out to survive.

           Dean also didn't like all the people, because he and Baby didn't get alone time. They were always busy with the group, or always being interrupted. It was like having children, considering they didn't even get a moment to really talk alone without someone coming around. Luckily though, Daryl would cover for them every so often, saying that they were busy or they were sleeping.

           Daryl was their best friend, no doubt, and as the days went on, it seemed he was the only person they'd really get along with completely. Maggie and Baby were still close, but it was nowhere near the same level of friendship it was with them and Daryl. It was almost like Daryl was another Winchester brother. Baby sure did see him as being one of the brothers, considering he and Dean were so close.

           Baby had wished that Sam would've been one of the people brought to the prison from Woodbury. It would've been nice to finally know that he was in this world, and that he had survived. Baby was afraid that if he was in this world, that something bad might happen to him. It wasn't his fault, it was simply just how dangerous the world was, and not only because of the walkers, but because of the bad people that hurt others to survive, or even just for the hell of it.

          Over the months, Dean and Baby became closer and closer in their relationship. Their love for each other seemed to be deeper and deeper as each day passed. That may have sounded very chick-flicky, but it was true. Anyone could see just how much Dean and Baby loved each other. They were soulmates; like puzzle pieces that were meant to fit together, and never connect with any other puzzle piece.

           Dean would often have Baby by his side, mostly because he was tired of the teenage boys hitting on her. He really loved her, and he wanted her to always be with him. When they were together, he could keep her safe. She was his everything afterall. And to mention the teenage boys again, it seemed they believed she was very attractive. Often times when Dean and Baby would be out, the teenage boys would whistle or try and get her to blush from one of their comments, it really didn't work, but they didn't stop trying.

        Baby didn't acknowledge any of the advances or flirting, considering she knew she was attractive. She didn't need validation, she had the man she had always wanted afterall. He was everything to her, and he was the one that she would find attractive for the rest of her life; however long that ended up being.

           Baby still worried that one day she'd not be human anymore. She worried that Dean would realize he didn't like her like that anymore. She worried that he would want someone who was more normal, but that wasn't Dean. Dean liked different, he liked weird, and he definitely liked unique. Baby was the perfect girl for him, and no amount of teenage boy comments would ever change his mind about the girl that had him wrapped around her little finger...

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