Chapter Five

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"A quarry?" Dean grumbled,"Great, we're all out in the open for anything to eat us."

"Maybe they have traps set up for the zombies." Baby commented, causing Dean to sigh.

"Doubt it," He replied,"and call 'em geeks or somethin'. We don't want to call anymore attention to ourselves."

"My name will call plenty of attention." Baby murmured, and Dean looked over with a frown.

"Don't worry about your name. If they don't like it, or got something to say about it, I'll handle it." He said, causing her to nod.

      Dean and Baby slowly stepped out of the comfort of the car, and walked over to meet Rick. Morales called them over, and Dean and Baby walked behind Rick. They watched as Rick stumbled in his step for a moment when he looked over the group, before a little boy started running towards him yelling "Dad!".

       Dean could see the glance between a man and a woman, before the woman walked over to Rick and hugged him as well. Dean knew immediately that the woman was Rick's wife that he had been looking for, and the man was his best friend, Shane. Dean could also tell from the look shared between Rick's wife and best friend, that they had been shacking up together since Rick had been away from them.

"Everyone, this is Dean Winchester, and his wife, Baby." Morales announced, as he motioned to them.

"Baby?" Rick's wife muttered,"Is that really her name?" She questioned,"I don't think that's a very appropriate name around the kids." She commented, causing Baby to sneer.

"It's her real name, and that's what everyone's going to call her," Rick said, wanting to stop any arguments before they started.

"I'm just saying--" The woman began, but this time Baby stopped her.

"Well, learn to keep it to yourself," Baby retorted,"I like my name, and if you don't, that's too bad."

"Um, I'll get you two a tent out of Dale's RV." Shane commented, deciding that he wasn't about to pick a fight with Dean and Baby.

       Shane would normally pick a small fight with someone like Baby, and sometimes someone like Dean, but one look at them, and he felt like it wasn't a good idea. Dean looked like a guy that could handle his shit, and Baby looked like the type of girl to shoot first and ask questions later. He just didn't want to get a bullet between his eyes because he decided to try and defend Lori's smart-ass mouth.

"There were a couple extra pillows, and a couple sleeping bags." Shane commented, as he handed the stuff over to Dean and Baby.

       Dean and Baby spent their time setting up the tent, and putting their stuff in the tent so nobody would have the chance to try and look through it. By the time they had finished, dinner was just about ready. Baby wasn't sure she wanted to eat what they were eating, but she didn't really have too much of choice.

        Dean and Baby sat close together, since they didn't want to get close to the others. When the group had mentioned telling Daryl about Merle, meaning telling the redneck's brother, that they had left him on the roof, Dean began to really listen in. T-Dog, Dale, and Rick were the only ones that were worth saving in his opinion. Everyone else, other than the people that hadn't talked, were assholes. Andrea and Shane were adamant that Merle was a bad guy, so leaving him was justified, and they thought Daryl should just understand.

        If Sam was left like Merle was, and these two asshats tried to justify themselves like that, Dean would kill them. Hell, if Daryl planned to do so, he wouldn't even try to stop him. He knew that family meant everything, especially to brothers, and nobody could make him turn his back on his brother.

        After eating and listening to the group talk amongst each other, Dean and Baby decided to go to their tent. They left all of the clothes they had worn for the day on their body, instead of switching into pajamas. They didn't even bother taking off their shoes. They were both worried about something popping up on them in the middle of the night.

"This group isn't going to last," Baby commented,"I think there's only a couple people in the group that even stands a chance."

"T-Dog and Rick, maybe Glenn, right?" Dean asked, and Baby nodded.

"I think Daryl might, too. He's a hunter, not the same kind as you, but close. He can still get his ass to safety when needed." She replied, making him nod as well.

"We'll stick around to save their asses," Dean murmured,"but if we find Sam, we'll leave, unless Sam's ass wants to stay."

"He'd want to stay to save them from being zombie food," She said,"You know Sam, always playing hero."

"It's how we were raised," He answered,"and I think you're the same way, even if you don't know it yet."

         Dean was right, like the brothers, she would play hero. She would most likely get herself killed to save someone else, and it was just the way she had learned to be. John had beat it into all their heads, even when Baby was simply a car.

"I'm not getting any sleep tonight," Baby commented, sighing quietly,"I don't trust it here."

"We'll be out of here before the week's up." Dean replied, and that was Baby's answer.

         Dean and Baby stayed awake for the rest of the night, listening to every little sound around them. Baby was exhausted, but every small sound jolted her awake. Neither person could get any sleep, it also didn't help that Baby was thinking about the way Morales had introduced her, Dean's wife. She wasn't his wife, but Dean didn't correct him. She didn't either, but that was because Dean didn't. She wondered if this was another way for him to keep her safe in this world that they really didn't know much about...

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