Chapter Twenty Four

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        The prison was a bit different without Daryl. It wasn't anyone's fault, Dean and Baby were just use to having Daryl around. Carol didn't take the news very well, but she somewhat understood why Daryl was gone. She hated Merle Dixon, but he was Daryl's brother, and family came first — no matter how terrible the family was in other people's opinions.

        Dean and Baby weren't around the group for the rest of the day. They needed time to chill out and deal with everything that happened and everything they saw. Life wasn't exactly easy now, but that didn't mean they couldn't get a day or two to relax without the world crashing down on them.

       Dean was pissed that they had brought Michonne back to the prison. The woman barely helped sneak them into Woodbury, and they didn't know her well enough to invite her back. At least they knew Merle — sort of — and they knew his brother could handle him. Michonne was a stranger, and just because she was hurt didn't mean anyone had to have the guilty feeling to patch her up after she was hurt running off from the group. It was her own fault, and that's just how Dean seen it.

        It didn't take long for Daryl to come back to the prison though. Rick had been out, and he had almost gotten eaten, and Daryl was there to save his ass. If it wasn't for Daryl, Dean, and Baby, the group would most likely be dead within days. Truth be told, Dean and Baby were almost feeling guilty about the idea of leaving eventually, but the group would have to learn one day how to truly protect themselves without dying. Crazy Rick didn't count either, because he had no sense of danger.

         Anyway, after Daryl had come back, he had brought his brother, and his brother was locked up in a cell. Merle was not allowed out of the cell, and honestly, Dean and Baby felt like Daryl should've been more upset about it. His brother was locked up like an animal, but the group claimed it was for their safety, and it seemed that's all that was needed to lock him up.

        Days eventually passed, and slowly Merle was getting a little bit of leniency. He was allowed to walk around the prison, but he wasn't allowed a weapon, not even his crazy knife hand that he made after he cut his hand off in Atlanta. Michonne seemed to become a part of the group as well, to the point that Rick and Carl took her out on a run to see how well she did before they accepted her completely.

          Only a few days after that run, Rick, Daryl, and Hershel went out for a meeting with the Governor. Andrea had carried her happy ass down to the prison to tell the group that they were to blame, but she wanted to be trusted, and the group expected her to kill the Governor in his sleep. Baby knew she was too much of a pansy to kill the Govenor, so eventually they'd have a meeting with him to discuss everything.

          Dean and Baby stayed out of it all. They didn't want to be in the middle of the group's drama. Besides, the group didn't listen to Dean and Baby. These two were merely a little part of the group, similar to certain other members of the group as well. Dean didn't care though. He didn't want to be a big part of the group, because it would become much more difficult for them to leave one day.

           One of the days that Michonne was hanging out inside of the prison, Baby happened to see her with Beth and Judith — Carl's baby sister. The baby had puked on Beth, so she needed Michonne to hold her for a moment so she could change. Baby watched Michonne holding Judith, and her heart broke when Michonne began to cry. The poor woman had lost something, and from the look of it, the woman had lost her child. Baby felt horrible for her, and in that moment, she realized that maybe Michonne wasn't that bad. She could be a part of the group; a group broken and torn by so many losses that this horrible world they lived in had caused.

       Dean didn't like Merle. He hadn't really met Merle while on the roof in Atlanta, so he didn't know anything about him. Now that Merle lived in the prison, he was an annoying asshole. He was constantly making comments at Baby, ones that Dean did not appreciate. They were rather crude at times, but most of the time he was trying to flirt, but it was rather nasty the way he said things.

        Daryl had to yell at Merle more than once, to keep Dean from killing him. Daryl and Dean had pretty much become best friends, and Daryl cared about Baby as well. So, he wasn't only yelling at Merle for Dean, he was yelling at him for Baby, as well as for himself. He didn't like the way Merle was treating his best friend's girl. He didn't like the way he was treating his friend, Baby was Daryl's friend, even if they didn't speak to each other all the time like he and Dean seemed to.

           When it came to the group's attention that the Governor had asked for Michonne in exchange for a truce, Baby felt her stomach drop. She knew that was a lie. There was no way that would work. Rick had admitted to them that he had thought about it, and that made Baby feel even more nervous and unsure. She truly began to wonder if this group was even safe to be around, if the leader seemed almost willing to trade people he invited into the group to people who were bad guys. Rick claimed that he knew he was wrong, but after that, Baby would never trust anything he said again...

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