Chapter Twenty Three

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      They had lived a few days, but the baby was needing more formula. Glenn and Maggie decided to go on a supply run for the formula, as well as other things the group needed. It was just something they knew they had to do, even if it put them in danger.

         Hours later, a woman came to the prison carrying a basket full of things that she claimed Maggie and Glenn had dropped. She hadn't known their names, but she said that they had dropped the basket when they were kidnapped and brought to Woodbury.

        The woman's name was Michonne, and Hershel had to patch her up while she was talking about Woodbury. There was man there, named himself the Governor, and he ran the place. Michonne seemed to hate the place, and she offered to bring the group there to help them save Glenn and Maggie.

"I don't know if you should go," Dean commented,"I want you to be safe, and we don't know what we're walking into in Woodbury."

"I'm going, Dean," Baby argued,"I can protect myself, you know I can. Just let me go with so I can help save Maggie and Glenn."

        Dean agreed reluctantly, and it didn't take long for the group that was going to pile into cars. Dean and Baby were driving their own car, and they followed behind Rick. They wanted to have extra room, just incase something happened. Rick parked on the road away from Woodbury, so they'd never see the group coming.

        It was dark by the time they were heading inside to save Glenn and Maggie. When they finally got inside, they were blindly looking for them because Michonne had left them for her own vendetta against the Governor. Once they had Glenn and Maggie, they had to sneak back out, but it wasn't easy. It ended up being a fire fight, but once they were out, they lead Maggie and Glenn to the cars.

         Daryl stayed behind, since Glenn had informed him that Merle, his brother, was a part of Woodbury. Daryl claimed he was a part of the group, and wouldn't go looking for Merle, but Baby and Dean knew differently. If they were in his place, and Sam was in Woodbury, they'd search for him before giving a damn about the group. Glenn was looking horrible, but Maggie wasn't looking too much better — emotion wise.

          Rick decided it was best for Glenn to stay behind, while the rest of the group went back for Daryl. Maggie stayed behind as well to watch over Glenn, since Rick assured her they had more than enough people to go back to save Daryl. It was definitely safer to leave them behind, considering they were both hurt and not in the right condition to fight.

           Dean made sure Baby was close to him at all times, as they went through Woodbury taking out any of the soldiers that shot at them. They had barely been missed by a bullet that ended up taking out Oscar. The man had become a part of their group, he was one of them, but the people of Woodbury had killed him in cold blood. Well, he was one of them, though Dean and Baby still considered themselves as their own people, and still not completely a part of the group.

         One day Dean and Baby would leave the group. One day Dean and Baby would go out and find Sam. One day they'd leave and never return, but that one day hadn't happened yet. Hell, the two weren't sure when that day would come. Things kept popping up and getting in the way, including the small feeling of family they had when Daryl and Maggie were around, considering these two were their only real friends in the group — Daryl more than Maggie, considering Daryl understood them more than anyone.

          Anyhow, after getting Daryl, the group headed back to the cars. Dean and Baby didn't comment about Merle coming with. Dean would've brought Sam if he were in a situation similar to Daryl's with Merle. Merle was Daryl's brother, and no matter how shitty of a brother he was, he was still his brother, and he'd do anything for him, even if Merle wouldn't do the same.

"He's not welcome back with us," Glenn argued,"Dean, Baby?" He called, hoping they would back him up like the others.

"If he was my brother--" Dean began, but Glenn shook his head.

"But he's not!" Glenn exclaimed,"He's a monster. He did this to us."

"I'm not pickin' sides, man." Dean replied, deciding not to argue, since Glenn wouldn't understand.

"I want to protect everyone, but I'm not commenting on this." Baby murmured, causing Glenn to sigh in frustration.

       Glenn had sisters before the world ended, but he wasn't close to them like Dean was close to Sam. He didn't know what they were feeling or how they were thinking when he asked them to comment on Merle, because Dean would always choose Sam, and Baby would always choose Dean.

"No him, no me." Daryl told the group, and Dean and Baby understood completely.

       Rick and Glenn tried to fight him on it, but they weren't going to change his mind. Merle was his brother, and he wasn't going to leave him for the group. If the group couldn't accept Merle after all his mistakes, than Daryl felt that deep down they couldn't accept him either. He was simply redneck, white trash to them.

        Daryl shared a nod of recognition with Dean and Baby, before he and Merle disappeared from view. Dean and Baby would miss Daryl, and they somewhat despised the group for how they reacted, but that's just how things were. They needed to keep themselves out of it, and stay at arm's length. It was slowly going to get easier to leave the group now that Daryl had left, especially with the circumstances that it had happened...

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