Chapter Twenty

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      The next day, a few members of the group worked their way into the prison. Once they were inside of the prison, they cleaned out one of the cell blocks to get a safe space for everyone to live. They'd eventually have to clear out the rest of the prison, but for now, they were good with the one cell block.

      Once the rest of the group was in the cell block, Dean and Baby were asked to go with Rick, Daryl, Glenn, Maggie, and Hershel as they went further into the prison. Dean and Baby were both unsure about venturing into the prison, but it was what the group wanted, and they figured it'd be best to follow instead of arguing.

       As they were going through the prison, a few walkers came out of nowhere. The group had to split, and Maggie pulled Baby into the room with her and Glenn. They were tightly fit in the closet-like room they had gotten into, but it was better than dying. After they were sure the walkers were gone, they were able to come out of the room.

       When they came out, they could hear Hershel calling for Maggie. About the time they got to them though, Hershel had been grabbed by a walker. His leg had been bitten, and a scream had left Hershel's lips almost immediately. The group pulled him into a safe area, which happened to be a cafeteria.

       Nobody knew what to do, but Rick thought first, grabbed an ax, and took Hershel's leg off. Blood was everywhere, and Hershel has passed out from shock, and would eventually have more problems if they couldn't get the blood under control.

        Out of nowhere though, they heard a noise, and their eyes caught a group of prisoners locked inside of the kitchen with all the food. Daryl raised his bow at them, as they stared at the group with wide eyes. Everyone had to move fast and get Hershel to safety, so letting the prisoners out really didn't matter compared to Hershel's current state.

       The group raced Hershel back to the cell block, and Carl had to quickly open the door to get him inside. Daryl, Dean, and Baby stayed outside to keep the prisoners in check, since they had followed them to their cell block.

"Y'all can head inside, I got this." Daryl murmured to Dean and Baby.

"You sure?" Dean asked, giving the prisoners a side eye.

"Go ahead." He replied, nodding slightly.

       Dean and Baby headed into the cell block and seen that they weren't going to be much help. It wasn't really their fault, considering there were so many people surrounding the cell Hershel was in, they would just be in the way. There needed to be less people to get more work done.

"Let's go to our cell," Dean murmured,"Just for a second."

        Baby simply nodded, and slowly followed Dean up the stairs and straight to their cell. Went they entered the cell, he grabbed his bag and opened it. He pulled two strawberry flavored cereal bars from the bag, and handed one to Baby. They hadn't eaten since last night, because the group was running low on food, and the two had offered to go without so Lori could have more. Lori was close to popping, and though Baby hated Lori, she didn't want anything bad happening to the baby.

       Baby quietly tore open the package like Dean, and took a bite. She was really hungry, but she had to savor the food. She and Dean would eventually run out of their stash, if they weren't too careful. The two planned to go out on their own and get a stash of food, so they'd never run out, especially if they ever separated from the group.

"Do you think Hershel is going to make it?" Baby asked, causing Dean to sigh.

"Honestly, I'm not sure," He replied,"but he'd be one tough son of a bitch if he did."

"Do you think it's even logical for them to be trying?" Baby questioned,"I mean, they could be wasting supplies we could use later, all for a guy that could potentially die right now, and eventually eat us in our sleep if we don't put him down." She added, and Dean reached forward and grabbed her hand.

"No matter what happens, you and I will survive." He said, making a small smile appear on her face.

"You promise?" She murmured, and he nodded.

"I will keep us safe. I will protect you. Nothing will happen to either of us, no matter what happens to this group. You and I will survive, we will find Sammy, and everything will work out just like we want it to." He replied, making her heart beat quicken.

       Baby glanced down at Dean's hand that was still holding hers, and she felt her cheeks redden slightly. She glanced back up, and their eyes met. Neither seemed to notice what they were doing, as they subconsciously leaned in slowly. In moments, their lips touched, and a spark ran through their bodies.

        Dean's lips were slightly chapped from the lack of chapstick and water. They didn't have as much water as they needed, and chapstick was surprisingly hard to find. The slightly chapped feeling didn't bother Baby, considering her heart was hammering in her chest. The strawberry flavor on his lips made her hum quietly.

         Baby's lips were just as soft as Dean had imagined since the day they had met. She tasted just as sweet, and the flavor of her lips was something he'd have ingrained in his mind for the rest of his life. He placed his hands on her waist and gently squeezed, and smirked when he felt the chill bumps appear on her skin under his touch. He had dreamed of this day for so long, even if he wouldn't admit it, and he'd try to enjoy it while he could. He just hoped she didn't regret it afterward...

Dean & Baby (TWD/SPN crossover) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora