Chapter Twenty Eight

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      Dean and Baby had on their own for weeks now. It was definitely different, not having a group following them around. They were able to move around and get into and out of places a lot faster without a group. It almost seemed like their life was just a little easier, even though it was hard for them to find places for safety or with supplies they needed.

        When Dean and Baby came upon a small farm house, they almost felt a sense of deja vu. The farm house was brown in color, and it looked to be a bit run down on the outside. The two quietly walked up to the house and cautiously stepped on the rickety steps that led to a rather firmly built front porch. The front door of the house was wide open, but surprisingly from their view outside, the inside of the house didn't look weather damaged.

       Dean was the first to enter the house, Baby followed only steps behind him. The two ventured through the entire house, only finding one walker. The walker was locked in a bedroom, and it looked to only be a teenager. From the look of the walker, Baby and Dean wondered how long ago the people had left the farm house.

"You think they locked him in here to keep him safe?" Baby questioned, causing Dean to shrug.

"Don't know," He replied,"but I'm thinking they locked him in here with the intention of coming back. I think he starved to death."

"What if they locked him in here when walkers attacked?" Baby suggested,"Maybe they were trying to protect him from the walkers."

"Let's just get him out of this room, and burn that bed." He answered, not wanting to talk about the walker anymore.

          There was quite a bit of food stored in the house, and they had surprisingly found more in the basement. There was also plenty of medications and toilet paper and feminine products. The only thing they had to worry about was water. The farmhouse had a well on the property, but they had to boil the water before they could use it. They didn't want to chance anything like what happened at Hershel's farm.

"Hey, at least we get some alone time now." Dean joked, causing Baby to roll her eyes.

"Are we stayin' here?" She asked, and he shrugged.

"I think it'd be fine, at least until food runs out," He replied,"Give us a few days to rest before we go back out searching for Sam."

"Maybe we can fix that truck out back." Baby commented, making Dean nodded slightly.

"I can try," He answered,"but you've gotta be out there. I'm not gonna be walker food just to fix that rust bucket."

       Baby rolled her eyes again, and smirked at him. She knew Dean would fix the truck, because he was tired of walking miles and miles without a place to rest his feet for a few hours. He didn't like stopping in the middle of the woods or the highway, and neither did Baby, so they would walk until they physically couldn't anymore, and they'd hope they'd find somewhere even remotely safe to sit for a few hours.

        Dean and Baby packed up quite a bit of stuff in the house, that way they could take it with them when they left. There was at least two weeks worth of food in the house, but after that, they'd be gone, and they'd never see the house again. Hell, Baby even packed a box full of books, so incase they fixed the truck, they could take the books with them. She liked reading when she had a few minutes to relax, and though she didn't get that often, she wanted books just incase she ever got the chance again.

         While Dean was using spare wood to board up the windows, Baby was upstairs fixing up the bedroom for them to sleep in. She was changing the sheets, and spraying everything down with lysol and febreeze. She lit a candle to try and make the room smell more home-like, instead of stuffy and closed up like it had been for so long. After they had collected everything they were going to keep from upstairs earlier, Baby decided to lock the rooms up so nothing or nobody could potentially get to them through the doors — it was more her paranoia than anything.

         She and Dean then carried all the food and other things they wanted up from the basement, before Dean proceeded to board up that door so nothing could get in through the outside basement door into the house. Baby and Dean had the entire house prepared for them to stay a few days, and Baby really liked the idea of being able to rest after weeks of nonstop walking and searching.

"This food tastes so damn good." Baby murmured, as she took another spoon full of the pasta Dean had made.

        They didn't have meat, but they had plenty of other things to eat. It was kind of a let down, no longer having meat, cheese, or really any other dairy, but it wasn't horrible. They could get by with what they had, Baby just hoped that one day they'd have pizza again, like she had gotten to try at the CDC so long ago. Hell, it had been so long since the CDC, but Baby remembered the pizza very well.

          Anyhow, after dinner, Dean and Baby went up to the bedroom to lay down. The next day they'd figure out a way to take a nice bath, but for now, they were happy with just sleeping in a nice bed. They locked themselves into the bedroom, to keep anything from getting in, and they were able to get some very much needed rest. Sleep was something they had craved for so long, and being able to lay together and sleep was something they truly cherished in that moment...

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