Chapter Thirty Three

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      Dean and Baby had found out about Negan only three months after they had moved into Alexandria. Dean wouldn't listen to a damn thing anyone said about Negan, no matter how much they warned him that the guy was bad news. Hell, even Baby began to believe Negan was bad, but she had never met him before.

       Whenever someone referred to Negan, they knew that his people were also referring to themselves. They were all "Negan," which Baby found weird as hell. She was actually kind of frightened at serious they were about it. She, Dean, and Daryl had met one of Negan's people while out scouting, and it left a bad taste in Baby's mouth.

        Anyhow, Baby had been over with Maggie quite a lot since she found out about Maggie's pregnancy. Baby was so excited for Maggie, but she was also kind of jealous. She wanted that happy ending with Dean, but she wasn't sure if Dean and her would get the chance. The world always seemed to screw up after a very short time of everything being good. Dean and Baby never got use to anything being good forever, because they always knew something was going to come and ruin it.

          Something was wrong with Maggie though, she looked deathly ill, and Baby knew something was wrong with the baby. She didn't know exactly what was wrong, but she wasn't exactly a doctor. The group had agreed that they had to bring Maggie to Hilltop, an ally group, that would have a doctor to help Maggie. There was only so much they could do at Alexandria, and it was nowhere near enough to help Maggie.

         A few of the group piled into an RV to bring Maggie to Hilltop. Dean and Baby had agreed to go, since they knew they could protect her if it came down to it. Dean may have not cared for most people, but he wasn't a monster, and he wasn't going to let an unborn child get hurt because of a psycho in the woods.

         Baby let Maggie lean against her side, to hopefully lessen some of the pain she had started feeling. She was in pain, she was sick, and the baby was in danger. It didn't help that it had been getting dark outside, and something wasn't right. The area they were driving through was confusingly warped, and Baby had a bad feeling, but she wasn't sure if it was the path or what was going to happen to Maggie and her unborn child.

"Calm down," Dean murmured to her,"You're going to make Maggie more anxious, and you know that's bad for the baby."

"I'm just worried." Baby answered, and Dean nodded.

"I know, Baby, but I'm going to try my best to make sure nothing happens." He said, causing her to sigh quietly.

          Dean left a kiss on the side of Baby's head, before taking her hand in his. He squeezed her hand gently, then let their hands lay lazily against his thigh. He was worried for Maggie and the baby, too, but he wasn't going to let anyone notice just how nervous he was. He had to be strong for them, even if it wasn't the easiest thing in the world.

"When are you two gonna pop out some mini Winchesters?" Abraham asked, causing Dean to chuckle.

"Don't know yet," Dean shrugged,"Whenever the time is right, I guess." He replied, and Abraham nodded slightly.

"In this world, the way it is now, there isn't a right time," He said,"You just gotta live life as it comes. If you always think about doing shit at the right time, you'll get nowhere."

"Very philosophical." Baby murmured, causing Abraham to chuckle.

"I'm just saying," He shrugged,"Might as well get to it, and pop out a few mini Winchesters. Ya never know when shits gonna end, so get what you want before you end up dead." He commented, and Baby smiled slightly.

        Dean listened to every word the red-head said to them. Honestly, Abraham was right. He and Baby should just do things as they come instead of waiting. If she wanted a baby now, he'd give her one. If she wanted to wait for years, he'd be okay with that, too. He just wanted to make her happy. He just wanted her to have what she wanted, and if he had to work his ass off for that to happen, then he'd not waste a second to make sure it happened.

"You should have kids soon, so your kid can be friends with Maggie's." Carl commented, and Baby grinned.

"Who's to say my baby wouldn't be a loner that only wants to read and stay away from people?" Baby retorted, giving Carl a playful glare.

"With you as a mom?" Carl questioned rhetorically,"Not likely." He added, causing Baby to laugh.

       All the jokes went out the window when the RV stopped. They had been caught in a trap. They could hear people outside the RV, and there was a chance it was Negan and his people. Hell, everyone was sure that it had to do with Negan. Negan had threatened Alexandria because they had decided not to go for Negan's rules and demands. Hell, nobody in Alexandria, except for the ones who were scared, thought it was a good idea.

        Before anyone could really do anything, the RV door was opened and the group was ambushed. Everyone was taken out of the RV and forced on their knees. There was one guy with a gun for each member of Alexandria that happened to be in the RV. Baby watched as two more people were dragged out, and she gasped when she seen Daryl and Michonne. Both were injured, and she could see dry blood on them, which scared the hell out of her. She had no idea what was going on, but she knew that this was the end of the line for them if they didn't cooperate with whatever was going on...

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