Chapter Eleven

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       Baby and Dean didn't sleep during the night on the highway. How would they? They weren't in a safe place, so they couldn't just sleep and leave themselves vulnerable to the things around them. T-Dog did sleep uncomfortably in the backseat, but at least he slept, which was best for him since he needed to heal.

       The next morning, the group got together and decided they would be going as a group to search the woods for Sophia. T-Dog stayed behind with Dale, and though Baby and Dean thought it was a bad idea, Carl came out into the woods with them. Yes, Carl needed to learn to live in this world, but Sophia had just gone missing. Sophia was around the same age as Carl, and Carl was as naive as Sophia to this world and survival, so it wasn't a good idea to bring him out into the woods to potentially put him in the same predicament as Sophia had been in.

       They came upon a tent, but there was only a dead guy inside of it. When they heard bells to a church, the group ran towards the noise. Dean and Baby stayed back a bit, letting the group handle the walkers in the church. Knowing that they had lost Sophia, Dean and Baby were starting to feel more and more uncertain about the group.

         Shane and Rick had come up with the idea that they would take all the guns from the group, leaving everyone with knives and other quiet weapons. Dean and Baby were not going to give up their weapons, and since Daryl had a gun, they didn't bother giving up theirs. Baby told the men she didn't have one, and Dean simply told them he knew how to shoot because his father was in the military, and if anyone tried to take the gun from him, they'd find out just how well he can shoot.

         Anyhow, Dean and Baby sat outside the church, as the group sat inside praying. Dean and Baby didn't see a reason to pray. Dean knew that God didn't care, he gave up on everyone. He stepped out, and praying was useless, it had been the same way even when God had supposedly "been in charge."

When the group had finally come out, Rick and Shane decided that they would stay behind to search for a bit longer. Dean and Baby thought it was stupid that the two were staying back, when they couldn't track a person ten feet in front of them. Daryl was put in charge, and the group was told to head back to the highway. Carl asked to stay back with them, and Lori let him stay with them. Honestly, again Dean and Baby didn't think it was a good idea, but they weren't Carl's parents, and if his parents wanted to put him in danger, that was their problem, not Dean and Baby's.

       Knowing that they were splitting off the group, Dean decided he was just going to go ahead and go back towards the highway. Baby followed after him, because she didn't quite trust the group, considering they weren't the best at keeping themselves or each other safe.

"I don't think they're going to find Sophia," Baby commented,"Daryl might, but the rest of the group is too clueless on searching. It's crazy, considering Rick and Shane are police officers. It really shows how well they were trained, and why so many missing people were never found."

"If they don't come back with that little girl, I'll find her myself." Dean replied, knowing that his conscience wouldn't let him leave the little girl's search party in the hands of clueless people.

       Dean and Baby were about halfway back, when they heard a gunshot. They looked at each other and sighed, even the two officers were dumb enough to fire a shot in an area where they had a herd of walkers only a day ago. The two continued back to the highway, and it didn't take long for them to get back. By the time they got back, they could tell that T-Dog wasn't doing well, but they didn't have anything that could really help him. All the disinfectants in the world wouldn't help if he all ready had an infection, that could quickly become a blood infection, which would kill him faster than anything.

        Soon, the rest of the group came back, but Lori wasn't with them. Baby almost wondered if they had left the woman, but she knew she could never be that lucky. What she didn't expect was to hear from Glenn that apparently Carl had been shot, and some lady on a horse came running in to get Lori to take her to Carl, Rick, and Shane.

          The rest of the group had agreed that T-Dog needed to go to the farm where Lori had been taken, since at least one person there had real medical knowledge, so T-Dog would most likely get better treatment. Glenn was going to have to take him, while the rest of the group stayed behind on the highway for the night just incase Sophia came back.

         Daryl gave T-Dog medication that was for Merle's STD, which Dean and Baby almost laughed about. The two knew that Sophia wasn't going to show up in the middle of the night, it just wasn't likely. They had gone into the woods with Daryl and Andrea late that night when they had decided to go search for Sophia. It was going to be hard, but searching for her was better than sitting all night doing nothing.

         The girl wasn't found, obviously, but it wasn't for lack of trying. They looked up every tree they passed, in hopes that she would be in a tree waiting for someone to save her. They weren't sure if she could climb, but most kids could, so they hoped she could, too. Even though she wasn't in any of the trees, the two still felt like she could be hiding in one further away...

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