Chapter Thirty Four

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        There was a man near the RV, and he knocked on the door. Inside was Negan, and when the door opened, Baby's eyes widened; John Winchester. When had she forgotten about him? Why didn't she even think of him? Hell, when Dean seen who it was, his heart fell into his stomach. 

"Pissin' our pants yet?" Negan questioned, sounding exactly like John.

        Negan walked around the group, mocking their fear. He asked for the leader, and one of his followers pointed out Rick. Baby was actually frightened of this man. He was so nonchalant about his actions, and he was so cocky. Honestly, his attitude towards everything scared Baby more than anything in the world.

"So now?" He looked down at Rick,"I'm gonna beat the holy hell outta one of you." Negan said, and Baby's blood ran cold, "This," He plays with the barbed-wire bat in his hand,"this is Lucille, and she is awesome."

        Negan walked around to study the group. He crouched next to Carl, and Carl didn't even flinch. He then went to Maggie and when he somewhat threatened her, Glenn ran at him. Baby felt her heartbeat speed up, but luckily Negan had let it go. Glenn wasn't going to die, and neither was Maggie.

          Baby held a stone cold face as Negan went around the group, holding out his bat, saying "eenie, meanie..." and so on. Dean was scared that something was going to happen to Baby, especially when Negan had stood there a second too long. At the last moment though, Negan picked Abraham. He told the group that they couldn't move, but they could scream, cry, and piss their pants. He swung the bat up, then connected it with Abraham's head.

"Suck my nuts." Abraham spat, and Baby felt a small smirk appear on her face.

         Negan chuckled once more, before he finished Abraham off. He taunted the group with the bloody bat, especially Sasha, the girl who loved Abraham. For taunting Sasha, Daryl attacked Negan. This time, Negan did not let it go. Instead, he got angry, and he turned on the group, choosing Glenn as his next victim. Maggie screamed, as she watched the love of her life die in front of her eyes. Baby held back the tears, knowing that crying wasn't going to get her anywhere.

"Dad?" Dean barely murmured out, not catching what he shouldn't have said.

"Dad? Who the hell do you think I am, boy?" Negan questioned, sounding exactly like John.

"You're not really Negan. You're John Winchester," Dean said,"There's no way my dad has someone that looks exactly like him. You sound exactly like him."

"Well, hate to break it to you, buddy, I'm not you your daddy. My name is Negan, not John Winchester." Negan retorted, making Dean shake his head.

"No, no..." He denied, causing Negan to get angry.

"You want me to prove to you that I'm not your daddy?" Negan grew a sick grin on his face, causing Baby's heart to drop to her stomach,"Is this your girl?" He asked, pointing to Baby,"I bet you love the shit outta her, don't you? She sure is hot."

"Shut up." Dean spat, his lip twitching into an angry snarl.

"What? Shut up? You wanted proof!" Negan exclaimed,"Here's your proof!" He yelled, before he swung his bat and hit Baby.

         Dean yelled, but there was nothing he could do, after the third hit of the bat, Baby was gone. There was blood everywhere, and her beautiful face was beaten and busted. Tears streamed down Dean's face, as he looked down at the body of the one he had loved more than himself. He felt murderous, to the point where he didn't care if Negan killed him or the rest of the group. He wanted Negan dead. Maggie sobbed louder and harder for her best friend, she had lost everyone, and it was all Negan's fault.

           Moments later, Negan snatched up Rick, and the group was able to move just a bit. Dean crumbled next to Baby, as he touched her soft hair that was now caked in blood. This monster was not John Winchester, but he looked like him. He looked like John, acted like John, but John wouldn't kill Dean's girl. Dean was alone, and his heart was shattered into pieces. He couldn't keep the tears inside, as he sat next to Baby's body.

"Dean?" Maggie barely whispered, but the man wouldn't move

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"Dean?" Maggie barely whispered, but the man wouldn't move.

        He couldn't think. His girl was gone. The one that had been through everything with him, the one who had loved him more than life itself, the one who promised to never leave him was gone. She was gone, and he could never bring her back. She was gone, and he'd never be able to hold her again, or kiss her, or hug her, or simply enjoy her company.

         His heart felt like it was being ripped from his chest. His body ached, and his soul felt like it was pulling away from him. He felt empty, but that didn't stop the tears. She was his everything, and now his everything was laying in front of him, dead.

         When Negan showed his face again, Dean couldn't stop himself. He jumped up from his spot, and gave Negan an amazing right hook. Maggie screamed for him, but nothing was going to change what he did. He didn't care about the consequences, this bastard killed his wife, and he was going to pay.

           Dean proceeded to get a few more really good hits in, before one of Negan's men shot him. Dean felt the searing pain in his back, but he didn't care. Instead, he crawled his way back to Baby, and fell down beside her. He was going to die, but that was okay. Sam would go on without him, and Sam would understand. Hell, Sam would avenge both of them. Dean had lost his girl, and nothing could stop the pain. As he lay, close to death, he grasped her hand in his, holding it tightly. He closed his eyes, and took his last breath, still holding her hand within his as the group cried for both of them...

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