*47* Professor Zee and nong First

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***First POV***

At first I didn't pay attention to his words

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At first I didn't pay attention to his words.  It was the look on his face that worried me.  He looked at me somehow so sharply, so sternly and so seriously than ever before.  As if he sensed something.  I tried to smile at him.  This was my brother, I had known him since he was born, and now I suddenly sensed that something was wrong.

“P'First, can we talk?  Can you do something for me?”

“Is something bothering you?”

“Yes, very much so.  It's about Gun's daughter.  Please take care of her.  You and Dr. Khaotung will be great parents, I truly believe that”.

“What?  Why do you say this?  Didn't Gun ask you and Gem to do this?”

“Yes, but...”

He fell silent and I could only stare at him.  He was as serious as ever.  He also looked sad, but resigned to his fate.  This is what bothered me the most.

You're probably surprised that it's me, First Kanaphan, sometimes called Kan by my boss, the brother of Fourth, Gun and LiMing, who is writing a fragment of Gem's autobiography?  There is a good reason for this, but one by one.  To understand everything, we need to go back in time to last year's race in Singapore.  That's when I met Dr. Khaotung.  I don't think I will ever forget that day.  Dr. Khaotung and his friends Pond, Phuwin and Joong were among the honored guests in our garage.  And here I must add that such a privilege must be truly earned.  I was hoping to meet my friend, the Dunk Natachai Tangsakyuen, but I was sorely disappointed.  My friend couldn't come with Phuwin and the others.

Doctor Khaotung is not and never was my type, I preferred someone taller, with better muscles and preferably a bad-boy look, I didn't care if he was a good person or a playboy, all that mattered was whether  he was good in bed and knew how to satisfy my needs.  Doc didn't look like that.  A typical, not very tall nerd with glasses in a perfectly ironed shirt and elegant light jeans.  Totally not my type.  But something tempted me and I accosted him.

I didn't believe in fate.  Nor in magic.  Everything that happened in my life was always thought out and planned.  I was an athlete, I loved adrenaline, I loved the moment when the red lights went out and we got the signal to fight.  On the Formula 1 track, I always gave my all, there was always only one thing that mattered: winning.  For each of us, because everyone wanted to win.

Except I couldn't win.  Not my fault.  Our car was hopeless, it may have been fast, but it ate up the tires so quickly that we could forget about good results.  I knew Alex was putting on a good face for a bad game, but I had had enough.  And the doctor also raised my blood pressure.  It seemed to me as if I had completely lost my mind that day and was driving blindly forward.  I don't remember much of it.  I ended up crashing the car into the wall in such a catastrophic way that I spent the next weekend on the bench as punishment, watching with despair and longing as Alex scored two very important points for us.  I was furious and blamed the doctor for it.

Blinding Lights: Despite Everything GeminiFourth  Where stories live. Discover now