Mishas questions

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Another time that seem to change while living with avengers  was misha's  new found popularity with both kids and adults alike giving his new school escorts . She even notice some of the mom's dressing up and wearing more makeup  . She didn't seem to get the dirty looks she did when their husband would look her up and down since they had their attention else were. She also noticed he was invited to parties of kids she didn't even know went to the preschool or the younger kids their guise was "misha such a gentle soul we'd  love to have him out " . They weren't wrong nor we're they right  he could be both.  The morning bucky was in scheduled to be misha protection detail  meaning wanda or nat would go in her place finding she couldn't stand to be in his company alone .  " ready " nat asked slowly but surely talking to him again . " ready little buddy? ... OK let go " once the thumb up of approval was given they set out the door .

" bucky do you think my mama is pretty " misha smiled as nat strapped him into the booster seat. " em yeah your mama is very pretty" he choke on the air not expecting it to come from the tots mouth . " do you think she the most beautifullest " he asked again earning a hidden laugh from his aunt. "  I do yeah " he felt his cheeks heat up and suddenly the giant suv felt smaller like a cab of sardines type of deal.  " steve said she light up the room for you  what do that mean? "  as nat head shot to the former assassin . " what you doing in school kid " he tried diverting the question wondering how much steve said on his crush . "  are you and mommy having babies cause sam said they way you look at her .." . " ok enough question " nat snorted . " when I get out of this car  hit me with it " he said to the widow. " don't tempt me ... and you short stuff no more listening to sam " she looked at the giggle child through the rear view mirror . " is steve and sam married " he asked clearly not down with his questions . " no why " nat quirked her brow . " miss daisy like them " he shrugged. " how are you hearing these things " bucky turned to the boy . " my  ear are good like mommy's " he smiled . " think I'll ask bruce to run few test well talk to malyshka  first " nat said looking back at toddler. " you thinking he could have serum passed from Y/N?  " . " explains him hearing the questions 

Bucky was never so grateful to see the  preschool coming into view as meaning he was safe from more question he might have to bribe nat to keep . " ok come on bubs "  nat got out the car as bucky followed helping misha out of the booster seat .  " Jesus I think that one wearing a two push up bras " she whisper nudging her head towards one of the mom's. " what's a push up bra " misha shouted  as some of them turned quickly. " ask your mama " she cough nodded and smiling to passing parent. " yeah  bruce should check it out  , I'll  bring him in this time I think I might get eat if I stay out " bucky grimaced at the hungry eyes that followed. " bye bubs be good " she kissed his cheek . 

" hey sorry is Y/N around it's just I've seen her with you guys " she turned to see man standing shyly . " no , what do you want with my sister " nat quirked her brow sussing him out .  " just a PTA meeting sue usually help .. I'm Kevin my daughter molly and misha are in the same class "  . " I'll pass you message on Kevin  she'll ring you or your partner " nat softened . " oh just me.. this might be inappropriate  but is she seeing someone " he scratched back of his neck , nervous chuckle . " she doesn't want too ..." bucky said alerting to his presence. " she not maybe shoot her text and then rest is up to you " nat smiled . " thank erm it was nice meeting you ... both " he added suddenly more nervous having the winter soldier giving him a death glare. " hey cut it out just cause she hate you doesn't mean he doesn't have a shot " she rolled her eyes . " I don't like him " he muttered. " yeah well you didn't like y/n either " she added . "  I fucked up there ok  but I don't like him  , I mean I knew she was hiding a secret and then things added up.. wrong but still " he explained. " yeah  I  do understand that , it why your still breathing " nat began walking to the cafe across the street while Bucky went to stay in the car for their patrol .

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