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 " you realise  you have a bedroom now" tony walked in to see her and bucky cuddled up still sleep on the chair well were asleep. " yeah  well your fault for getting comfy ass couch  , what do i owe the pleasure of this visit " she sat up still half asleep. " was just passing  now come on breakfast in an hour " he smirked not letting her know he was checking on her . " bucket wakey wakey " she shook him slightly. " i'm awake " he stretched out .  " good your on recon after breakfast with sam , steve and nat after lunch lover boy " tony walked out laughing. " i'm shocking him next time he does that" she stood stretching out only to be pulled down into bucky's lap with a giggle . " well good morning to you too sarge " she giggled . " good morning doll " was all he said before kissing her . each time she could swear her body was buzzing with electricity , all the nerves coming alive .  she could help the pooling heat that would happen like her body and soul searching in a need  a reason they had to stop their make out sessions a few times .  " come on i need to get changed for work and you need to get ready for mission " she whispered between kisses. " i know maybe i can call in sick " he chuckled. " yeah i don't think that will fly buckaroo " she jumped up kissing him one last time before heading to her bedroom . " she gonna be death of me " he smirked before reluctantly getting up and heading to his own room . 

" good of you join us and early at that " tony called as she came into the dinning room . " wake me again and i will taze you " she smiled sweetly at the man making him gulp . " noted ... so  today is data intel most of the base's aren't that big so shouldn't be much fighting . we need to find out what they want with sunshine while little man is out of town this week will be perfect " tony explained. " if you do end up in a fight  i need there tooth capsule " she added . " be safe and kick ass " she smiled.   " tooth capsule " nat asked. " she making antidote " tony answered for her.    "  leave with me malyshka " nat winked. " thank you " she said  digging into her breakfast . "  so whens the date " nat asked . " thursday night  give me time to plan it properly but we will have little dates " bucky answered easily . "  went like a glacier now going fast " tony chuckled . " i  like it fast " she shrugged than realised the double meaning of her words and slowly hid her face as the table broke into laughter . " i'm just gonna not talk anymore " her voice muffled as she spoke  "  yeah i wanna keep my breakfast in my stomach " sam teased .   bucky on other hand was smiling ear to ear as she slowly shot him shy smile still embarrassed from her previous words . the conversation thankfully went back to the missions that had been  scheduled during the week  while she was thinking how she could help  . she knew she could hack into their servers  and get some information  , maybe even try hack their phones and bank statement see if she could find where they would frequent too .  this needed to end  either they backed off til they were finally taken down but either way she wanted to send message she was off limits . this world was trouble enough but she wanted misha to be able to live a life without fear  like she done all her life  and she was going to make sure it was going to happen . 

with a quick kiss to her cheek bucky and nat , their team left while she went down to the lab ready to get started into her own mission .  she easily went to the first of the computers and started while tony watched like a hawk  almost accessing what she was doing or to make sure she was being careful , maybe both .  once she was in she could see  the information spread out on the screens  while F.R.I.D.A.Y.  began filtering out some of the information  as she filtered the rest . tony tried to move on but watching how she worked so effortlessly  hacking sites he even had troubled with  had his watching with awe. " how come we never used you before " he shook his head going to his own computer as she sent over the files for him to look through . " because i was afraid before " she said so easily . " and now " bruce spoke up . " now i'm done " she smiled.  " hey look this is a plan for future serums , someone over confident  they made the test subject pass out and vomit continously for 3 days" he said without thinking . " yeah that was rough not even water would stay down " her eyes locked on the screen missing how their faces saddened. " wait is this? " . " every experiment they done on me , yes theirs a reason they nicknames me bunny " her voice almost robotic a way of her reliving everything  sometimes it helped and sometimes she failed . " what the fuck this is ... you were a child " tony snapped . " well it's hydra they dont descrimnate of age " she shrugged ." i need to check something ... see someone " bruce walked out of the lab tony could see he was trying to calm him down . he'd seen her file but seeing what was done in such detail made it more real what monster they really where.  he didn't even think or know he was doing it but suddenly he pulled her into a hug  , a full warm hug .  " i don't think you realise how much we're all proud of you kid " he said . " i can't breathe " she chuckled.  " thanks tony " she nodded . 

He didn't want to admit he need to stop looking at the data it was so detail he could almost picture it all happening to the adult version of her , he didn't want to think of  the smaller version it already broke his heart .   she was having her lunch with loki when nat and team came in making tony stand front of computers knowing full well she definitely didn't need see it. " here is your data , malyshka find anything" she asked looking between the two men . " what is it " she could see when even bruce wouldn't meet her eyes and dart to the computer . "  nothing to see  trust me you of all people don't want to read this nat " tony warned but before the words even left his mouth .  steve and bucky stood curious to it all but even they knew it was bad . " what is this stark " she snapped .  " sunshine found  her file in hydra , it's detailed accounts of everything she was put through  , seriously nat  reading " he warned .  " subject : bunny , age 6 , injection with prototype J  no effect , side effect internal bleeding and pain causing subject to fall unconscious " she read aloud her voice breaking  more as she read .  " bunny,  prototype c  , hallucinations and  skin to peel "  she listed off . " yep that was fun they literally just gave me cream and kept me in bed for couple of days " her voice snapped them to see her standing at the door . " oh my  sweet girl " nat rushed holding her tightly . " nat it's ok really  " she smiled weakly slightly embarrassed at all them seeing her past. " i'll keep this out of your file kid " tony smiled softly. " put it in i don't care who knows  " she shrugged barely looking at their face she could feel the sad pity  filled eyes on her and she didn't need that.   " this just make it even more true " steve cut the silence. " and what's that " . " she really is our sunshine " he smiled making her look up a smile on her face.  "  i should of looked for you " nat  held her again. " you didn't know they would do it ... i want you to promise me one thing " she asked softly  .  " anything " nat nodded . " stop looking at me like a dog from the shelter adverts " she said making them laugh. " ok deal " she hugged her again . 

once everyone was gone to bed tony lay in his bed while  pepper slept he was   staring at the ceiling the find of the day stuck in his mind . how much one person could suffer physically and still walk around making sure everyone was ok was beyond him .  He slipped from the bed and walked down the hall his mind just wanting to check on her  was  like a need then a  want . He slipped open the door to already see bruce had the same idea . both men stood watching looking into to see her curled up sleeping away  before leaving knowing she was ok .   once the suite door closed the shared a look before going their separate ways . only tony went to the lab  needing to read more even though he knew he shouldn't it was already turning his stomach the stuff he did read . And yet he sat reading each part trying to separate  her from the information . he read how they would us force to get her  comply  or how they would hit her with various things to try and get the serums to work . from the age of 5 they done nothing but torture her til she was found  at 12 .  he read they way they described it all like she was a testing rabbit and not a human being . the sick bastard would even record how long she cried and what broke his heart  was the crying time got shorter and shorter  meaning she learned to not react for what they deemed softer  testing. if he wasn't motivated to take them down before he was now  . a silent promises to protect and keep her safe was uttered in a whisper as he finally turned the screen off   to see bucky standing there . " how bad was it "  was all he said. " how that girl can smile and love is a mystery to me , it's very bad  like a stuff of depravity i didn't think could be stooped , they'd make hell santa's workshop " tony said bluntly.  " can i see ? " bucky stood forward. " will you  promise not to break the computer because it heavy and dark and quite frankly i wanna break this whole lab up and search the bastards down myself " tony stated .   " just show me stark " bucky sighed . "  it's going into her file tomorrow read it then away from my lab " tony walked him out .  " we'll make sure they regretted messing with her and that i can promise that" tony said before walking back to his own suite . 

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