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Every day since it happened she convinced herself if was going to be ok and they would find her.  Each day she would wake up and think this was day  her family would be back to being safe.  each day she was hopeful of something happening they all deserved some sort of break but yet the universe seemly had it out for her little sister even though the girl never let it get down  . But now yelena hope  was lowering and her view on the world was turning to anger. Having to see how it upset her nephew was the last straw and she was upping the anti . she left the compound in the early hours of the morning  following a tip she'd gotten the night before . she waited in the apartment sitting in the darkness til the sun was peaking through .  the click alerted her to the  noise of her target . she watched as he lazily kicked the boots from his feet and the hung keys up  and he must of sensed someone to but turned to see the room completely empty  . shrugging away he thought the night shift getting to him the disk rumlow had given to him weeks ago sat on his counter not finding a chance to find the perfect time to drop it in shield  as much as he was into hydra even he though rumlows request was dark  .  he turned to enter his kitchen the click of the gun had him frozen . " hiii " she sang out before the world went completely black . 

" what's this" tony asked looking at the duffle bag only for it to start moving. " a chance to find my sister" she dragged it down the hall . " shouldn't we stop her " sam asked. " yup " nat nodded . " aren't you going to " steve asked. " nope " she walked off on other direction .  "   what she give you " steve turn to tony . " a disk she found at his place"  he looked wondering what it was but new it was nothing good  heading to the lab . he say her looking through the tools  seemly gathering her own little pile he knew she shouldn't have but the curious nature of the disk burn a need in him .  easily plugging it in he felt his blood run cold as he watched  her strapped to a chair while rumlow he presumed stood in front of her . the sound of his fist hitting her stopped the white widows  and if tony wasn't so paralysed in his own emotions he'd known to turn it off .  the two stood watching her taunting them back only to be hit again .   he couldn't help smile when she told them misha was in asgard then smart lie clearly had their attention and the mystery of how loki couldn't track her was solved to or even in her state she was showing them no weakness  . " i'm going to send it to barnes so wave bunny " brock's voice confirming it was him in the video . "  hey bucky hope you find me soon and i can kill this bitch " her voice pierced through them like a dagger . a ticking time bomb nat described her  once it  the video stopped after brock was pulled off of her  was the exact moment something snapped in yelena .   she wipe the tear from her face and took the mallet from the desk and walked out the lab  ignoring tony calling her or his footsteps that followed . 

" someone help me " they heard only for her to knock the man to the ground walking in the door and locking it. " what happened " steve asked stunned. " a video of sunshine , rumlow beating her   , she in there with a mallet " tony tried to explain trying to open the door as the screams started . when they opened it done nothing to stop her slamming the mallet to the mans knee blood splatters all over her in the 2 minutes she held him she put it down . "  i know where she is " was all she said before walking out leaving them stunned completely to the scene before them .  " don't let bucky see that video " tony gasped looking at the walls in completely shocked to how she did it .  " he's alive " steve finally said. " lets get him to medbay and then get yelena to tell us  how to get our sunshine back .  " don't let me see what " bucky asked. " a video , yelena might know where she is so til she is back your not getting access to it " tony stated already getting friday to lock it .  " lets go  fury will get him " steve called for once ignoring his golden code . " she in a base not far from here we need to act quick because they plan to move her tomorrow " yelena said still covered in the hydra agents blood . " i'll stay here with misha " pepper left  easily as they all got ready . " would you not change" sam asked quickly. " its only going to get bloodier " she said walking to the jet as they team went to get suited up . " do we even was know " sam turned to steve who just shook his head.  " lets go " tony yelled  as bruce got on the jet. 

she still have the blood on her face as she stared at the know drying puddle on blood . it was replaying on her head how she nearly died and how even thought julia betrayed her she hated herself for feeling sad her death.  the cell door burst open for kevin rush in . " come on  we need to go before they move you " he ran unlocking her from the chained wall .  "i'll get the cuffs off when we're out of here but i need you to stand " he asked lifting her up . " come on sunshine misha needs you " he said snapping her from the daze she was locked . " this is it " he nodded as she looked at him . she got up shaking weak from the torture and starvation as he guided her through the halls .  he walked like he was simply moving her under orders and to her surprise it was working . " keep moving bunny " he shoved her a little but pretended to stumble to added affect. " almost there " he smiled before keeping his face straight again . " hey where they going "   was all she heard before kevin grabbed her and ran . " if i don't make it please let my family know even all the wrong i did i tried to make it right " he said pulling her into the door way letting her  as he unlocked her cuffs. " no come on , your going to the raft you can't wimp out now " she pleaded  and he couldn't help smile at th meaning under her words.   " come on we need to go " she pulled him but he wouldn't budge  turning to give her last smile before pushing her for a head start before turning .   " sunshine make sure my little boy knows i'll alway love him and please keep the safe " he called as she started  moving forward  adrenline kicked in giving her an unknown source of energy as she took off . he took one look to her smiling when he pulled his gun out . she heard the bullets , she heard him telling them to go to hell and she didn't need to look back to know it was his body that hit the floor . her vision blurred as her legs carried her to the entrance  but then the solid mass made her heart sink as the arms crashed around her . " let me go " she slapped weakly only for her breathe to catche in her throat . " doll " .

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