Chapter 66

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It was Friday again and the weekend was just around the corner. Tonight, however, was another session in hell, where Fire was also present. The evening was quite relaxed, you had a few snacks, as usual, while you sat next to Fire, who put his hand on your thigh.

You were done very early so you were already on your way home. Fire stopped at the restaurant where you had dinner the other day, as your car was still here the whole time. So you could take it home with you straight away.

"I'm going to the supermarket again, I wanted to get something to drink. Do you want me to bring you anything?" you got out of the car and came around to Fire's side, where he was just rolling down the window to have a quick chat with you. "No, not really. I'll go now... see you later, darling." "Bye, love you." So you went to the store for a short while and Fire drove home.

The sun was setting so beautifully that you just sat in the car and drank your smoothie in peace. Just as you were about to fasten your seatbelt, you felt a sickening pain in your stomach. "Fuck... what's that?" It felt like someone was kicking you in the stomach with all their weight.

This pain took you so out of the moment that you were no longer able to do anything and no longer really knew what you wanted to do. Slowly the pain subsided and you wanted to try driving.

At least the pain didn't make you feel like you were about to throw up or faint.

The only thing you needed was for your car to break down. Just on the road from hell to the world, your car stopped working. "Shit man!" you scream and hit your steering wheel. You immediately called someone to pick up your car while you texted Fire to let him know.

So you stood somewhere between trees on a long, lonely road and had to wait. And again there were those pains in your stomach that made you curl up again.

The whole time you sat at the side of the road and wrapped your hands around your arms as the pain became unbearable. You could only catch your breath in small amounts, because to take a deep breath you had to sit up straight and your stomach wouldn't let you do that.

From a distance, you heard a car arrive and you knew that your car was finally being picked up. Slowly you straightened up, but you didn't really straighten up.

Your car was being loaded up when the guy came to you again because you had to sign something. "We'll let you know when your car can be picked up. Would you like me to take you with me?" "No thanks. I have to go the other way. My husband is coming to pick me up." you lied to get away as quickly as possible. You managed this well, because he was gone and you could go home. You tried to ignore the pain as much as you could and just walk.

Walking even helped you with your stomach ache. You felt really warm when you arrived at the church.

In the church itself, the last rays of sunlight could still be seen coming through the windows as you walked into the living room. "Air! You're back!" Sunshine was the first to notice you as the others sitting in the room looked at you. "Yay... finally..." you waved sarcastically with joy as you sat down with Fire.

You talked briefly and then continued watching the program that the others were watching on the TV. You just joined in and snuggled up to Fire. He put an arm around you and stroked your shoulder and upper arm a little.

The stove was on in the living room, which you found totally relaxing for the first time. It wasn't too warm for you, but nice and comfortable. Maybe it was just nice for you because your stomach ache was gone.

"I'm going to go upstairs. I'm totally tired right now. You can still stay down here." Fire just nodded, you gave him another kiss and said goodbye to the others.

You didn't notice how cold the church was in some places where there was no heating. You don't usually mind, but somehow it was too cold for you today. Did you have so little energy that you're already freezing? Just as you were about to go up the stairs, you felt your stomach start to pull again with every step. And the feeling of throwing up got stronger and stronger. You clutched your stomach again and your pace slowed down so that you didn't collapse completely. What did you eat that gave you such stomach cramps? You asked yourself again and again as you carefully walked down the corridor to your room.

You barely managed to take your shoes off, but you had absolutely no strength to put anything else on. That's why you went to bed with all your clothes on. Hoping that the pain would go away, you fell asleep.

However, you didn't exactly feel any better the morning after. On top of that, you now had a severe headache. You didn't even want to get up to go to the toilet, but you had to go urgently, so there was no way around it. Fire was still sleeping soundly when you carefully went to the toilet. You breathed a sigh of relief as you pulled your blanket back over you and lay back in your bed.

"Morning babe. Are you all right?" you flinched when Fire was suddenly next to you because you thought he was still asleep. "Don't scare me like that!" you looked at him with a scowl. "Sorry... but really. Something's wrong with you." "I just have a stomach ache and a headache and it's just a bit uncomfortable right now." you said with pain in your voice as you snuggled closer to Fire.

"Shall we change your clothes first? You're still wearing your clothes from yesterday." You hadn't even noticed. "Every movement I make just hurts. It's all right. I'll stay like this." Fire didn't like that answer because he got out of bed and went over to find you something to wear. "Can I have some of your clothes?" you asked cautiously when he already had a shirt in his hand. He put it back and went to his side. "Long or short?" he asked without looking at you. "Long please."

Fire came to you with a sweater and sweatpants and helped you change. With every little movement, you either sucked in your breath sharply or screamed ouch. "That bad?" Fire was sorry to see you like this and tried to distract you somehow.

You were finally able to lie down again, which you were really glad about. Fire also lay down next to you after cuddling you up again. But Fire wasn't close enough for you. You lifted his blanket a little and lay down under it. "That's better." you said as you wrapped your arms around Fire's waist. "Oh eh... right." Fire was visibly confused, as you only ever put up with this for seconds, but now you needed just that. You quickly fell asleep.

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