Chapter 68

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When you got home, you quickly went up to your room. You hoped so much that Fire just wasn't there. You didn't even know why you were so stressed about it.

Fire is very worried about you right now because of the pain, but will he still be so sympathetic if you give him a positive pregnancy test?

It was really impossible for him to get you pregnant. But just then you started to doubt whether it was possible. You're not pregnant! You don't need to worry like that. Stop that!

You put on something comfortable and then quickly went into the bathroom and locked the door behind you. You took the test in peace when all you had to do was wait.

Your pulse was racing as you looked fixedly at the test. You took an uncontrolled breath as the display continued to fill up. Did you really want to know?

Your phone suddenly rang, snapping you out of your thoughts. It was hell. "Aice, our detectors have gone off, two beings are on their way to us. Come quick!!!" just as the guy was shouting into your ear through the phone, the test showed you the result.

There was a fat + there.

"Aice!!!" you heard the voice from far behind you, while your mouth stood open and your eyes fixed on the plus.

"There's Fire! He's already here to help." you faintly heard again.

"Wait what!?" Only now did you realize what he was saying. Fire is already there!? "I'm coming..." then you hung up.

Suddenly it was all too much. The positive test was still on the counter and Fire was just walking further and further into danger. Your head switched off as you stood there for a moment, still rooted to the spot. You knew you had to run, but you just couldn't.

You quickly put the test and all the other things in the bin and in the side of your wardrobe and then sprinted out of your room. It was a race against time.

You were already running through the forest, transformed, when you quickly arrived at Hell. You didn't even know where you had to go, which significantly varied your arrival and therefore the danger zone. You sent your wind through the forest to search for them.

You didn't have to wait long as you took the initiative to run in that direction. Your wind assured you that they weren't far from Fire, that you picked up your pace again.

From a distance, you could already see three figures. You arrived at the right time and threw the larger from Fire down. It was a fierce battle between you. One of them kicked you once in the stomach with his paw so that you were more than vulnerable for a moment.

However, you had to defend the town and only later allowed yourself the pain.

But shit that hurts.

It went on like this for a short while as you saw Fire finish off the smaller one and you just bit that one's throat out separating the head from the body. "We'll be back!" you heard him say weakly as he finally died too.

Helpers from the town waited the whole time behind the trees to keep their distance. Only when the danger was over did they come to take care of the rest. Everyone was grateful as always when you just nodded.

So your work was done and you could leave. You wanted to leave too, because the pain from being kicked in the stomach earlier had just come and left you standing on weak paws. "Don't show any weakness!" you kept telling yourself in your head.

"Can you wait?" Fire suddenly caught up to your lead and looked a little beat up. "If you can't keep up with me, then I'm sorry," you said icily. You didn't really want to react like that, but you needed to get away from Fire. Your head was still in the bathroom, looking at the positive test. Looking at Fire with your thoughts now would only break you down even more than the pain in your stomach already had.

You are pregnant and he doesn't know anything.

At some point, Fire was no longer beside you but stopped. You turned around when he gave you a slightly hurt look. "I'm sorry... I don't know what's going on with me right now. I just want to go home right now..." you had the urge to say something else, but you couldn't think of any words. You stood frozen for a moment as you turned around and went home. You didn't look at Fire anymore. You just couldn't.

He's going to hate you when he finds out you're pregnant. He's done with the whole baby thing, he doesn't want anything more to do with it. Fuck...

Just before the church, Fire was suddenly behind you again. You looked normally again when Fire was back to his normal shape. "Love you and I'm sorry for overreacting." Fire grabbed you around the waist a little and looked into your face with a smile.

How much longer? When are you going to take that back?

You put on a fake smile and walked into the church with him. Copia welcomed you directly, as he was naturally worried and wanted to know what had happened. Fire and Copia talked while you pulled away. Your head began to overheat as tears slowly welled up inside you.

"I'm going to take a shower upstairs." you said as you walked away from them. "Shall we go together?" Fire had broken off his conversation and looked questioningly at you. "I need some time to myself right now. I'm not feeling too good right now either."

So you went upstairs and quickly picked out some fresh clothes and locked yourself back in the bathroom. You quickly took out the things you had packed away somewhere in the stress earlier. There was one more test left.

You wanted to test again. Maybe the test was wrong.

You got everything ready again and did the test. Since it took 15 minutes, you got in the shower so that Fire wouldn't wonder what you were doing in the bathroom for so long.

The bathroom was finally a room where it was just you. You wanted to stop the moment. The fear was in your whole body to come out of the bathroom again and see Fire. This was like a safe room. A room where you could get rid of your first worries and just cry.

Only love forms the masters | FireGhoulxReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora