Chapter 67

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The next time you woke up, Fire was no longer there. It was late afternoon. You sat up a little and stretched as you felt the pain in your stomach ease. Fire had put his thick blanket on top of yours so that it was cozy for you.

In the corner of your eye, you saw something sitting on your bedside table. You looked and sat as there was a plate of pancakes and a note with a little message from Fire. You had to smile as you started to eat. The pancakes were already cold, but you particularly like them that way and you were very hungry. So it was just perfect.

While you ate, you thought a little. The stomach ache couldn't be because you ate the wrong thing. That would be impossible. You've noticed that warmth eases your stomach ache. But why? You're an IceGhoul... you crave the cold. Is it something to do with Fire that you suddenly like warmth so much? Or is it still Anktio Herb running through your blood, causing those stomach pains?

You weren't sure, but at least you knew that you might dress a little warmer now.

Your feelings about cold and warmth were completely destroyed. Just when you wanted to put on a hoodie from Fire to keep your tummy warm, you got too warm and changed into a shirt. Your stomach pains were also suddenly gone and you were able to move normally again.

You didn't quite trust yourself when you made your way to the rehearsal room, as rehearsal was coming up. In the room itself, you were the last one to arrive. "Air? I wouldn't have expected you now." Fire was throwing his guitar around when he said that. You made some small talk because Fire told everyone that you were feeling horrible and probably wouldn't be able to come.

The rest of the day and the days that followed, you weren't in pain and you walked around in shorts because you were too warm again. You assumed the whole thing was finally over, which you were happy about. But when you were about to go downstairs to talk to Copia, you almost collapsed on the stairs. Your legs had no strength left and you would have almost fallen down the whole staircase if it hadn't been for the banister.

As you simply couldn't stand any more, you sat on the stairs and clutched your stomach again. You pressed your lips together tightly as you were almost in tears.

You didn't even try to get up when you got goose bumps from the cold and started shivering. "Aice?" Copia suddenly stood at the bottom of the stairs and walked quickly towards you. "What's wrong?" He stopped in front of you and looked at you worriedly. "My stomach just started hurting again... it's gonna be fine in a minute..." "That's not exactly what you look like."

Copia and you then did what you wanted to discuss on the stairs. He then helped you back into the room, as you were finding it difficult to walk. He sat down by your bed for a moment when you were just happy to be back in bed. "I'm really starting to worry about you. If this pain doesn't just have the same pattern that at least we can figure out more quickly why you're feeling so bad." "It helps me when I warm my belly. But at some point, the heat gets too much for me and I walk around as easily as I do now and have no pain. Maybe it's just a lot of stress that's letting up. That hell wasn't exactly stress-free either." Copia looked at you, pondering. You had a brief chat when he left you alone for a while because you wanted to get some rest.

Three weeks have now passed and these strange pains still haunt you from time to time. They've already become milder, but they pass more quickly. You were really sorry because you couldn't even hold Phantom in your arms anymore. You tried to hide it, but Copia was the only one who saw through you and saw all the pain you are carrying around.

Fire just had a meeting in hell, which is why you were in Sunshine's room and talked to her a bit. You hadn't done anything alone together for a long time, so you really enjoyed the time. "I'm really happy for you that you're feeling better again." "Well... it's just lasted five days that I don't have the stomach ache of death. That could all change in seconds." "Maybe it's going well soon... for example in pregnancy's, it always depends on what stage you're at." "Are you trying to tell me that I might be pregnant?" You looked at Sunshine in horror. "Sunshine... Terzo says we can't have kids. He says it's almost impossible." "It's also almost impossible for an IceGhoul and a FireGhoul to fall in love. Look at yourselves. You even break things that are impossible."

Sunshine's answer made you catch your breath a little. Maybe that's why you need the warmth sometimes... but... No.. Stop thinking like that. You're not pregnant... No!

Today you were finally able to pick up your car because it was finally repaired. You got up early and went to hell. You haven't had any pain for a week and you were just happy about that.

Before you picked up your car, you went to the store to get another smoothie. You were crazy about those things. You were walking around the store a bit when you suddenly found yourself in the baby department. Sunshine popped into your head again and her example.

Unsure, you reached for a pregnancy pack. You just take the test and prove to yourself that you're not pregnant. You quickly went to the checkout and paid for the items. You put the packaging in your handbag and quickly set off to get your car.

You nervously smacked your lip as your eyes kept going back to your handbag, where the packaging was sticking out a little.

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