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I got a Tumblr account!

It really is a new experience for me. But I hope to see some of you lovely people on there as well.

For now it will be only used for my Welcome Home content so I'm only making the announcement in this book. And posting my already existing oneshots onto the new site but slighty edited.


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Small vent

I really don't like all the changes on Wattpad.

As we all know the PM's disaster.

I dunno if anyone else remembers but we also used to be able to read all books in your library offline and now it's only two selected books at most. I miss reading all my books offline on vacation or in the car 😭😭

I see that a lot of people have their books removed and/or deleted by Wattpad without a warning. Often without any good reason while actual vile books that violate Wattpad guidelines stay on and are being left alone.

I also heard a lot of people speculate more changes mostly for the fanficion genre in a negative way as it doesn't make Wattpad money but that's basically what I write about. It might be even a possibility that they will remove this section one day.

Anyway I think it's better if I start trying to build a platform on other sites like Ao3/Quotev/Tumblr in case this site goes even more downhill.

And also so I have my most important books and oneshots saved somewhere else. I put too much effort in this to lose it all.

Don't worry though!

As it stands now I will still use this as my main account used for writing and interaction.

Once again thank you all for all the support!

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