Actor AU & Beta AU『 Tough job 』

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If you thought you wanted to punch Actors smug and condescending face wait till you meet his beta version.

They both suck (but one just a lill bit more) 🥰

They both suck (but one just a lill bit more) 🥰

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Word count: 1089

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They turn their head to the source of noise, it came directly from the snobby lill shit- the kind and charming actor that graced the studio with his presence.

"This coffee simply won't do. It's too hot." Actor scoffs as he throws it backwards without looking, landing just beside the trashcan and not in it.

"You could've waited till it was cooled down..." Y/n says back with a forced smile as they go to clean up his mess.

He dramatically waved off that idea, such silly words coming from their mouth.

"I don't think it's the assistant's job to tell their superior what to do. And I don't like that look on your face, now chop chop and get me a new one."

He snapped his fingers as he still saw them standing there without rushing off to do his biddings.

"Are you getting deaf by any chance or are even the simplest order to hard for you to understand? Get to it, assistant."

"Yes, Mr Darling."

Y/n tried resist the urge to throw the cup of coffee back into his face all over his movieset outfit but that would be a misconduct. They quickly headed out to get the damned order.

hIS SpEciAl drINk-

Just as they where about to head back, a text from Actor appeared on their phone, ordering- requesting them to go to his favorite fancy boutique and pick up another bow tie as some mischievously fans (some lill kids) had taken his one and he suprisingly didn't have to heart to ask for it back.

Sweet to kids, but a bitch to you. Life ain't fair.

Uhhhgh if they took too long the coffee order would get cold and he would have another thing to nag and complain about.

As they entered the shop they saw a familiar pompadour hairstyle.

Almost on instinct they approached before realizing to late it was a mistake.

"Oh my, assistant, didn't know they let poor people in here nowadays, though you could certainly use a stylist. Are you wearing pieces from the lost and found section at the studio again?" Beta turned around with a judgemental look, like he was looking at leftover trash, but his oh-so charming smile hid his distain for the most part to any bystander.

"Bratty star I serve 2.0. Such a pleasure to talk to you too." Y/n rolled their eyes, at least outside the workplace they could act a bit less formal. Still it was important they didn't get too snappy, they still needed their job.

"Ah yes, the privilege you have to meet me in your spare time. I almost ought to charge you for it. But you wouldn't have that kind of money so I'll let it slide."

"Like the autographs you charge your fans for? Even Actor doesn't do that."

He taps their cheek condescendingly, the unwanted touch making them flinch. Something he noticed and clearly found amusing.

"My time is more precious than his, and I'm certainly not putting effort in giving away free stuff, to noisy brats no less. God, kids. It gives me a headache thinking of those icky things."

The puppet dramatically looked outside, glaring at some kids who walked past the shops windows, being a bit messy and loud, as kids are.

He absolutely detested them.

Yet his acting skills where those of a professional. The moment one of the kids stared up at him from outside he gave them a smile.

Obviously a fake one but the children where oblivious and all happily waved back.

Once out of sight he turned to the human, with expression one of exaggerated exhaustion.

"Ugh- I need aspirin, assistant fetch me some."

"Actually I already have orders, I need to attend to those first."

They could feel his eyes glare into the back of their head as he did not like being ignored, especially not in favor of his rival.

Y/n quickly walked off to get the bow tie for Actor before he got too fussy. They felt the phone in their pockets go off as he was already texting them asking them why they where taking so long.

Like he gave them any time to work with!

With a deep sigh they read through the stream messages, which where getting shorter and more demanding.

Though the last one made them nearly drop the coffee order they where still holding.

It said 'Assistant. Come. Now.' but at the end was a emoji added... the smiley with hearts around it.

No sooner as they where reading it he deleted it and added the angry emoji. Clearly he had mistakenly typed in the wrong one.

You could only imagine his embarrassment on the other side of the screen.

As Y/n went to leave the boutique Beta swiftly stepped in the way to make them trip while making it look like an accident.

Someone was clearly salty about being ignored earlier.

Angrily they looked back up at him, knowing they couldn't do anything back as he still held more power.

"You really are clumsy assistant. I don't think you are suited for your job at all. Pity."

"Karma will hit you back sooner or later." They mutter back.

He cackles like a evil witch before walking of to be a menace somewhere else.

"Hey kids, you see that blueberry head right there, the one in the striped blouse. Here twenty bucks to get ice cream for yourself and some to spill some onto that bastar- that gentleman." Y/n talks in a hushed tone to the first group of kids they saw.

"Won't he get upset?" One child of the group innocently asks.

He would certainly but he wouldn't dare to lay a hand on them if others where around. He had a imagine to uphold afterall.

"It's for a... uuhh a prank video. Yes a prank video! Just make sure to do it in front of many people, especially with cameras around. Trust me he won't get mad if his fans are watching. He just loves them so much."

They say sarcastically as they continue smiling.

Feeling satisfied as the kids are convinced, ready to enact their devious plans. Y/n wished they could stay to watch but Actor would fire them if they didn't come sprinting right now.

At least karma would be sure to hit it's target.

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