Chapter -140

211 16 2

Little Fatty heard the conversation and laughed at Lu Si Cheng.

Lu Si Cheng : Don't laugh!! You....Leave it!! I don't want to waste my energy on arguing with you...

Little Fatty : Cheng ge...I want to tell you something!!

Lu Si Cheng : What???

Little Fatty : Lu Yue and Ming God told Rui Ge to shift you back with me. I heard them talking with each other. Are you getting married soon?

Lu Si Cheng : What!! Lu Yue and Ming told him!! Wait...who told you we are getting married soon?

Little Fatty : Like I said, I heard them talking. I told other two as well. But not our sister!!

Lu Si Cheng : Good!! What were they talking about?

Little Fatty : You and Yao are getting married soon. Families had already picked the date, so the mothers asked Ming God and Lu Yue to keep you two separated till you get married. But the date!! They didn't told about the date to Ming god and Lu Yue.

Lu Si Cheng : What are you saying? Keep me away from my Yao till our marriage. What the hell!! I shouldn't have told mom to pick a date after the world championship...

Little Fatty : After the world championship!!

Lu Si Cheng : Yes, I told her to pick a date on October 2nd week. I was planning to propose to her in between.

Little Fatty : I heard that they will take Yao back home right after the world championship, till the marriage. They told that it's a ritual that the bride and groom, cannot see each other till day of marriage.

Lu Si Cheng : World's starts on September 2 and ends on September 25. Our schedules are packed as well. I will call mom, to know the situation. How could they do this to me?

Lu Si Cheng called his mother.

Lu Si Cheng : What the hell are you doing, Mom!! I asked you to pick a date!! Not to keep me away from Yao!!!

Mrs.Lu :The date is taken, Si Cheng. It's fixed to October 14. Since you have matches to play together, we can't take Yao just now, and you are not engaged as well. Therefore, we asked Ming and Yue to keep you two in separate rooms. From today onwards you will be sharing rooms with fatty. No arguments!!

Lu Si Cheng : Mom...what is the need of all this? You know that we are in a team and will definitely meet on a daily basis. It doesn't make any sense.

Mrs.Lu : We know that Si Cheng!! That is why I asked Ming to shift you back to your old room. At least we could keep you sleep separately. And don't think of going to Yao's room. Good night!!

Lu Si Cheng : Mom..Mom...!!

She cut the call without listening to her son's plea. Lu Si Cheng sighed and walked to his bed. He then turned the lights off and closed his eyes.

The next morning, Tong Yao woke from the call from Ming.

Tong Yao : Good morning Ge...I just woke!!

Ming God : I can sense that from your voice mei mei. Get ready. I am taking you out!!

Tong Yao : Really!! Are you guys ready?

Ming God : No, little one. Just me and you!! Brother-sister time.

Tong Yao : Oh...Okay...

Ming God : Get ready and call me. Okay!!

Ming God cut the call. Tong Yao went to get ready. It's been a long time since her brother took her out. Ming loves to pamper his sister more than anyone. Ming god turned to see Rui looking at him.

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