Chapter - 150

219 18 4

The next few days were days of intense practise for the team. Soon it was Tuesday. Draw ceremony to the world championship matches were scheduled for 7 am, beijing time. Tong Yao and her team mates got up early and sat to watch the ceremony live.

The legendary ADc, Xiao Gunzhen came on stage representing the chinese region. The regions participating in World championship are :

Chinese Region : ZGDX; CK ; YQCB

Korean Region : TAT ; OP ; RCB

European Region : G4 ; SUN ; MOON

North American Region : TIME ; TANK ; BBQ

{ NOTE : I took the names of the participants from the novel itself ...}

Accordingly, the seed pools were decided.

First Seed Pool : ZGDX ; TAT ; G4 ; TIME

Second Seed Pool : CK ; OP ; SUN ; TANK

Third Seed Pool : YQCB ; RCB ; MOON ; BBQ

The groups were divided in A-B pattern. Upon calling the representatives of each region, they will come on stage and picks the lot. Soon the groups were decided.

Group A :  TAT ; TIME ; CK; TANK ; YQCB ; RCB

Group B : ZGDX ; G4 ; OP ; SUN ; MOON ; BBQ

The decision was finalised and teams were ready. The world begins on the 2nd of september and ends on 25 th september. On 1st september, the opening ceremony was arranged. After the draw was finished everyone returned back to their practise except Lu Si Cheng. He walked to the balcony and was calling someone. Normally, tuesdays are off day for the team, but today they decided to practise.

Xiao Rui : Cheng ge!! Why are you not practising? All okay!!

Lu Si Cheng : I was booking appoinment for her review. We need to consult the doctor before we fly to US.

Xiao Rui : Oh!! So when are you going?

Lu Si Cheng : We got appoinment for thursday!! Morning at 10 'o' clock.

Xiao Rui : Okay!! Now return back to your practise.

Lu Si Cheng : No, I need to be somewhere urgently.

Xiao Rui : Okay!! Carry on...

Lu Si Cheng nodded and walked to his room. He got dressed took his key and went outside the base. He got into the car and started driving. A heartful smile was pasted in his face. Soon he reached his destination. It was a jewellery shop. He walked inside the shop. Since he is young master of Lu Group, the representative easily identified him and took him to private room, isolating him from public.

Sales man : Good morning sir!! The ring that you ordered is ready. Here you go sir!!

Lu Si Cheng took the ring in his hand and smiled . It was a solatire diamond ring!! A beautiful rose gold ring with a floral design in its centre, inside which was a shining round cut diamond .

 It was a solatire diamond ring!! A beautiful rose gold ring with a floral design in its centre, inside which was a shining round cut diamond

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