Chapter - 146

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The next day was very much crucial for YQCB. They were having a step- ladder match. It's very much important for YQCB since it determines who with the third entry to world stage. The match was scheduled at 9 am in the morning, it was earlier than usual. By around 12 the results were finalised, YQCB is the third entry!! The entire team was jumping in joy. Jinyang was at ZGDX base watching the match live with ZGDX team.

Tong Yao hugged Jinyang, " We are going to America together, Jin Jin!!!" She said happily.

Little Fatty: Okay then!! Let's have crayfish tonight for dinner...

Jinyang : Crayfish on me!!

Everyone nodded on her suggestion. Soon the YQCB team returned back to base, everyone congratulated them.

Time Lapse...

It was evening. Jinyang and Tong Yao decided to go and get crayfish for dinner. Once the girls were out of ZGDX, Ai Jia slowly started speaking.

Ai Jia : Fatty!! Why only crayfish? We should get some drinks as well....

Little Fatty : Yes!! That is what we actually want...

Rong : Then what is the problem?

Lao Mao : The problem is the girls. Aiyaa..Captain!! Do something....

Lu Si Cheng : Sure!! But don't go overboard like that day. I don't want to face her warth...

Lu Yue : Hail the henpecked captain!!

Lu Si Cheng : Say it once more and your head will be rolling on the ground!!

Lu Yue raised his hands in the air. " Yue, take my keys. Go and get whatever drinks you guys want but before the girls return."Lu Si Cheng said. Lu Yue nodded and took Ai Jia, XBang and Little Fatty with him. The four men walked out of the base.

Ming God slowly walked to Lu Si Cheng, " Is this some kind of bachelor party or something?" He whispered.

Lu Si Cheng turned to look at the rest of the people, who were happily chatting and playing games, " We will have it later!! Not today..."

Ming God laughed at him, " Si Cheng, the world championship draw ceremony is on Tuesday. I heard that the retired ADC, Xiao Gunzhen is going to represent the chinese region."

Lu Si Cheng : I heard it too!! Our visas will be here soon. I got an email from the E-sports committee. Since YQCB is finalized, the process can be moved faster.

Ming God : That's great!! Let's resume our training tomorrow. What do you say?

Lu Si Cheng : Let's see, how the boys are going to behave!! You know what I meant!!

Ming God : Sure Sure!!

A little later, Lu Yue returned with some beer, whiskey etc., and kept everything inside kitchen. He put the beer bottles inside the fridge as well. " We will take these after dinner..." Lu Yue said loudly....

While the girls were on crayfish shop, sitting in one of the table, waiting for order to be delivered. The placed a huge order.

Tong Yao : I don't think that boys are going to have just a dinner!!

Jinyang : Me too!! If I am right they must have already bought some drinks and beer.

Tong Yao : Jin Jin!! Can we steal some beer from them? I never had one...

Jinyang : Okay, Let's take 2 bottles from them. I can allow you to have only one!!

Tong Yao : That's okay!! I am okay with just 1 bottle. We can steal it go to our room. Nobody should know about it!! Why should boys have all the fun? We also deserves it!!

Jinyang : Excatly!! Let's do it....

While they were talking one batch of crayfish was delivered. Jinyang went to get the batch. Tong Yao was looking here and there, when she suddenly noticed a familiar figure looking at her from one of the table. She immediately recognised her, " Su Luo!!" She said. Su Luo stood from her seat and walked to Tong Yao.

Su Luo : Hii!! Remember me?

Tong Yao : Yes!! How come you are here?

Su Luo : Oh..I was just with my friends!! Usually I am not adapted to these, but wanted to give a try...

Tong Yao : Thats great!! This shop sells the best crayfish here.

Su Luo smiled at her, " I never expected you to be this free and ordinary, despite from a big family!!"

Tong Yao : I am more inclined to civilian life!!

Su Luo : I can see that!! I really wanted to apologize to you, for my behaviour. I really didn't meant to. I didn't knew that you two are....

Tong Yao : It's okay!! I don't hold any grudges..Its all in the past.

Su Luo : I saw Lu Si Cheng that day, when he and his team mate came to get some crayfish. My mom was also with me. She came to apologise to Master Lu for our behaviour. After that your mom, aunty and Mrs.Lu came to meet us at our home, and gave an earful as well. Actually that day....

Tong Yao : No need to be sorry Su Luo. I can understand. Infact I should thank you, for making my and Si Si's relation bond like before. We did had a sort of misunderstanding, and thankfully everything was cleared after your blind date. I really didn't know that our mothers came to meet you.

Su Luo : Si Si..You call him like that?

Tong Yao : Yes!! I called him Si Si when I was 3 years old. Till now he loves to hear that only. Not his full name, unless its in public.

Su Luo smiled at her, " So when is the marriage? He said, its within 1 year.."

Tong Yao : Yes, probably soon. Date is not yet fixed. We haven't talked about it yet. We have world championship coming. Right now we all are behind that.

Su Luo : Oh!! Thats great... I will get going. My friends are waiting. Nice to see you again.

Tong Yao : Nice to see you too. Can I have your number? Lets be friends!!

Su Luo : Sure!! But will he like that, I being your friend...

Tong Yao : Don't worry about that!! Wait wait...Are you engaged?

Su Luo : Oh!! Yes..Right after everything that happened, I got matched with another business partner of my dad. His name is Shi Yan. We are getting married in two weeks. Will you come to my marriage if I invite you?

Tong Yao : Sure, but when is it?

Su Luo : Its on 28 th August!!

Tong Yao : Oh no!! We are flying to US on 26th for world championship. But don't worry, we can meet sometime in between. What do you say?

Su Luo : Okay, I am fine with it!!

They exchanged their numbers. Jinyang came with the crayfish and saw Tong Yao speaking with some random girl. " Su Luo, meet my bestfriend, Chen Jinyang." Tong Yao said.

Su Luo : I know her!! You are daughter of Chen family right.

Jinyang : Yes!! Nice to meet you.

Tong Yao : I will text you. We can meet some time in next week. We will get going. Bye!!

Su Luo : Bye!!

The girls waved Su Luo and walked to their car. " Okay!! What was she talking about?" Jinyang asked,

Tong Yao : She is getting married on 28th August and wanted to invite me. But we will be abroad that time. So I told her, we can meet sometime in between.

Jinyang : She is your boyfriend's ex-blind date!!

Tong Yao : She is getting married anyway.

Jinyang : That is for sure. This is what I like in you. You don't hold any kind of grudge with anyone.

Tong Yao just laughed at her, " Enough Enough!! Give me the key. I will drive. The blys must be waiting."

Jinyang nodded and gave her the key. Both of them drove back to the base....

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