Chapter - 132

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After bowing down to the audience, the team happily walked towards the breakroom, to change and collect their things. Ming God; Xiao Rui and Lu Yue were waiting for them at the door itself. Once the team was in the breakroom, they hugged and congratulated them happily. Nobody but Tong Yao noticed that Lu Si Cheng was silent from the moment they left the arena. On the bus, he got back to his usual seat and little fatty was the one to sit next to Tong Yao. She felt his behaviour was strange.

They reached the base by 8 pm. Sky was getting darker and night was falling. The match was afternoon , so in order to celebrate their victory, they decided to have dinner on the way itself. Xiao Rui treated them with good dinner. Once the bus stopped infront of base, Lu Si Cheng rushed to their room. Since everyone was tired, they all went to their rooms to sleep.

When Tong Yao entered her room, she saw Lu Si Cheng is already in bed with his eyes closed and one of his hands on head. She locked the door, put her bag on the table, and went to wardrobe to take out her night wear. She then went to washroom, washed her face well, changed and came back to the room. She then jumped in to bed and turned to face Lu Si Cheng. She used her little finger to gently poke him.

Tong Yao : Si Si...Si Si...are you alseep already?

There was no response from him. " Are you not going to hug me?" She asked again. Still no response.

Tong Yao : Okay...Good night!!

She then turned and was about to go out of the bed, when he pulled her back to the bed.

Tong Yao : I thought you are asleep!! That why I thought to read something and then come back to sleep.

Lu Si Cheng looked at her, " Do you have any kind of feelings for Jian Yang?" He asked. Tong Yao was shocked by his question, " What did you ask? I didn't hear it properly!!" She sat on the bed.

Lu Si Cheng also got up, " Do you have any feelings left for Jian Yang? I saw you smiling at him, when he said to meet in the world stage!!"

Tong Yao looked at him, " What do you think Lu Si Cheng?"

Lu Si Cheng remained silent. So, she asked again, "Don't you trust me? Say genuinely!! Do you really think, I will go back to him? Tell me!!"

Lu Si Cheng : I...I didn't meant that!!

Tong Yao : Then what did you mean Si Cheng? How come this kind of thought came to your mind that I may have feelings for Jian Yang? Do you think I am that kind of girl who dates more than 1 person at a time? Why are you silent now?

Lu Si Cheng : I got jealous seeing you two talking!!

Tong Yao : Si Cheng, you got jealous?But why? We are in a relationship. Though we got together for just few months, we loved each other for all these years. Don't we? I couldn't develop any feelings for Jian Yang when we were in university, because there was only you. We even had sex Lu Si Cheng!! Still you think that I will go back to him. Everything is now yours, my heart and my body only belongs to you. Then why!! Why did you felt jealous with him? I smiled at him and talked to him, because I don't hold any kind of grudges against anyone. What will we gain holding grudge with anyone?

Lu Si Cheng : I am afraid to lose you princess! I am insecure when some male creatures tries to get close to you!!

Tong Yao : Hear my words, carefully Lu Si Cheng, I only loves you. A life without you is impossible to me. I can't even think about it. You are like my life line. So remove those insecurities from your mind and sleep. Don't you ever talk to me or  ask me something like this? You understand.

Lu Si Cheng hugged her," I am sorry!! I won't repeat this. I understand your point of view. Sorry, princess."

Tong Yao broke the hug and said "I can't be angry with you for a long time Lu Si Cheng. I accept your apology. Now sleep!! I am not well.

Lu Si Cheng : Not well!! got your periods!!

Tong Yao : No, I didn't. But I don't feel well. So let's sleep.

Lu Si Cheng nodded and pulled her into his chest. Tong Yao and Lu Si Cheng, drifted to sleep, hugging each other.

The next day, Lu Si Cheng woke up earlier than Tong Yao. He sat on the bed, stretched and turned to see his girl. It always brings a smile on his face to see his girlfriend sleeping right next to him. He bend down, kissed her forehead and went to washroom to take a shower. He showered, changed and went downstairs, to prepare coffee for himself and his little girlfriend. He was waiting for her to come downstairs. Usually , she comes down right after he walks out of the bedroom. But today, she didn't came down even after 9 am. One by one each of his teammates, came down but she was absent.

Little Fatty : Where is our missy? Oye..captain where is she? Is she still sleeeping? Usually she is the first one to wake up in the base.

Ming God : Yes, when we comes down, usually it she who welcomes us!! Where is she? Is she alright?

Lu Si Cheng : I will go and check!!

Lu Si Cheng rushed to upstairs; into their room. When he entered, he saw Tong Yao was still on the bed. He locked the door and went near her. She was all pale and sweating!!!

Lu Si Cheng : Yao Yao!!What happened baby? Get up!! You are so pale and sweating as well...

Tong Yao : Si Si...I got my periods. But I can't walk a step. My stomach hurts more than usual. Its unbearable. I manged to get into the bathroom to clean up. I feel like vomiting as well. I am feeling weak.

Lu Si Cheng put his hand in her forehead and checked for fever. He then opened the medical kit and took out the thermometer to check the temperature. It was normal. " You are not having any fever. We should check for everything." He said.

Tong Yao started crying in pain, " Si Si...Its unbearable!!". Lu Si Cheng hugged her tightly, " It will be fine dear. I am with you. You should eat something, even if you don't have any apetite. Come on get up. If you lay like this it will increase your tiredness. Come on, come and sit in the chair."

Tong Yao with the help of Lu Si Cheng and walked towards the chair, but unfortunately, she felt dizzy and was about to fall, but Lu Si Cheng, holded her from falling. " Si Si...I feel dizzy as well!! I don't know why this is happening?" She said.

Lu Si Cheng took her in bridal style and was about to walk to the bed, when he noticed that, bed was stained with blood. He understood, she is not just having heavy stomach cramps but also, she is having heavy bleeding as well.

Lu Si Cheng : Princess, you are having heavy bleeding. Come on, I will help you clean up. We need to go to hospital.

Tong Yao : But you are a man!! How can you help me clean up? No!! Take me to washroom, I will manage it. Just help me take some fresh clothes and some menstrual pads.

Lu Si Cheng : Okay fine!! But I will wait right outside the door.

Lu Si Cheng took her to the washroom. After that, he took dark colour clothes, along with some pads and gave it to her. She manged to clean up and opened the door. She was very weak. When she was inside the washroom, Lu Si Cheng also changed, took his phone, wallet and car key, he was ready to go. When Lu Si Cheng saw her on the door, he immediately hold her and started walking outside. But she couldn't walk due to cramps, it was killing her.

Tong Yao : Si wa..walk!!

Lu Si Cheng : I will carry you, baby. Don't worry. I will be always here for you!! Don't cry!!

Lu Si Cheng took her in bridal style and walked outside the room. She was really pale. Xiao Rui saw Lu Si Cheng carrying her and coming downstairs. Othere were in gym.

Xiao Rui : Cheng Ge!! What happened to her? She is all pale and weak!!

Lu Si Cheng : She's on her period Rui. Cramps are unbearable. Can you please ask aunt to clean our room?. She is bleeding heavily as well. I am taking her to hospital. Please open the door for us!!

Xiao Rui : Yes, Yes!! Come on Come on...

Xiao Rui opened the main door and Si Cheng walked out to the garage. Xiao Rui helped him in opening the car door as well. "Do call me if anything is needed." Xiao Rui said. Si Cheng nodded and carefully made her sit on the seat and started driving to hospital.

Keep me in your smile princessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن