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I hate having gay friends in high school. Today, I found out my best friend slept with my boyfriend while we were together, and my other friend tried to sleep with me, and I said no, which caused tension between us, I'm so tired of the gay community it's like i can never have a friend or a boyfriend to myself, i just cut everyone off and stayed to myself. I was in my science class as this guy who had been trying to talk to me walked in. They all call him Knight, as he came and sat right next to me, "Hey boo," he said to me as I looked at him

"Boo huh,"

"Yeah, that's what I said."

"You can't handle me,"

"I bet I can."

I just laughed at him cause I knew he fucked half of the gay guys here, I'm surprised he didn't catch nothing yet cause I hear romel got hiv but his taking medicine, I just sat there and did my work as he looked at me repeatedly, "yes", I said getting annoyed as I could see he could sense it

"Oh my bad, didn't mean to be a bother,"

"I didn't say that you did", I said laughing as he was about to get up and go till the whore of a twink, Jojo walked up to him taking to him but knight was not interested at all as Jojo looked over at me getting in my face, "What's funny"

"You being rejected"

"I'll beat yo ass"

"Do it then", he was about to swing as his friends pulled him away as I continue my work before romel walked in, he looked depressed his secret wasn't really a secret and being in high school everyone is ignorant so they mad fun of him each chance they got, he sat in the back as I looked at him and he looked at me, I just waved as he waved back, when everyone found out, they dropped him friends, family and even colleges.

"Hey, you wanna go out Sunday", knight said to me

"No thanks," as he seen I kept looking back at romel

"You not gone fuck him are you, shit you gone catch what he got"

"Stop being disrespectful, if you educate yourself he's on medication it's called u=u"

"The fuck is that"

"Exactly please stop talking to me"

"Ok bitch I didn't want yo loose shot anyways"

"And I didn't want that small dick you got that's going viral on Twitter, get checked out", I said laughing as I went to the back with romel as he just looked at me, "hey, surprise to see you rejected him"

"Hes a ignorant bum, but how are you"

"I'm here, you", I looked at his arm as he was wearing long sleeves and it triggered me cause my brother did the same shit, self medicating but not with pills other things.

"You ok, be honest", I asked him as my fatherly skills came out as he pulled his sleeves down

"Your not alone,"

"I am. That's why I'm doing it", I started to cry as I tried covering my face as I asked to ran to the bathroom. I sat in the bathroom turning off the light as i just cried, thinking why i wasn't there, My brother took his life and I couldn't do anything, I didn't talk to him I just fucked up. I got up, turning the light back on as I saw Knight standing there, "Yes."

"I wanted to check on you,"

"I'm good,"

"It's about your brother, huh?"

"Just leave me alone,"

"You don't think I miss my best friend too"

"I'm not in the mood right now"

"You don't understand, I blame myself cause he vented to me many times, and all I could do was look for niggas to slut out"

Romel walked in as he looked at me hugging me as knight stood there as tears fell from his eyes but you see why I say it's messy here, your my brother best friend but all of a certain he's gone you wanna fuck, fuck out my face. The bell rung as knight walked out as romel just stood there looking at me, "you ok", I asked him as he leaned in kissing me, you catch me at my weakest point, ok I see how you play but his kiss was so comfortable and it felt like love again, he pulled back looking at me, "your beautiful, don't let them tears fuck up your face"

"I'll stop crying if you stop cutting"

"I don't know if I can promise that", I kissed him again this time with more tongue as I felt him poking me as he pulled back, "damn man"

"Catch you at lunch"

"Damn, it's like that.", I walked out seeing knight getting into a fight with some guy as I continued walking to the lunch room, this school was just full of messy gays, straights who wanna be entertained by us, women who hate us or use us and teachers who just don't give a fuck anymore, I can't wait yo graduate get the fuck away from all of them but who knows college may be worse.

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