=46= Thunderous desire

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Author's POV

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Aziel stared at the floor, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. His last words echoed in her ears, each syllable like a dagger to her heart.

"He was happy to be the destroyer of her life."

How could someone find joy in such devastation? How could he feel no remorse, not a single shred of regret, knowing he had torn her family apart? The brutal truth was undeniable-he felt nothing. No guilt, no sorrow. Only a twisted satisfaction in the chaos he had wrought.

She was so consumed by her thoughts that she didn't notice Jungkook entering the bedroom.

"You didn't sleep?" His deep voice resonated through the room like a thunderclap, snapping her back to the harsh reality. She immediately looked up at him, her eyes wide as she stood by the bed.

"No," she whispered, her voice barely audible. She watched as he casually tossed a damp towel onto the sofa, droplets of water glistening in his dark hair. Dressed in black ankle-length pants and a tight-fitting black T-shirt that clung to his chiseled chest, he was a figure carved from shadows, exuding a dangerous allure.

"Why?" he asked, each step he took towards the bed heavy with an unspoken threat.

"Wouldn't you eat anything?" she asked, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and concern. Her question made him freeze mid-step. He turned slowly to face her, his eyes locking onto hers with a cold, intense stare.

Innocence radiated from her gaze, a stark contrast to the venom of his previous words. 'She is so naive,' he thought, almost incredulously. He had just proclaimed his joy in being the destroyer of her life, and here she was, worried about whether he was hungry. The irony cut deeper than any knife, her concern twisting the knife further into his own twisted satisfaction.

"No," he answered, his voice a low rumble. "Have you eaten?" His eyes never left her face, scrutinizing her every reaction. She nodded, a hesitant "yes" slipping from her lips.

"Would you like to eat again? You've lost some weight," he observed, his gaze unwavering. She shook her head.

"I'm not hungry," she replied softly.

"I've brought some Turkish sweets for you from Ankara and Istanbul. It will be your responsibility to finish them," he said, his tone firm yet oddly tender, his eyes still fixed on her.

"I don't want you to lose weight," he murmured, his voice softening as he climbed onto the bed. "Come, let's sleep. I'm tired," he added, slipping between the sheets, the command in his voice leaving no room for argument.

She reluctantly slipped between the sheets, tucking her legs beneath her frock and under the blanket. Suddenly, Jungkook's strong arm pulled her close, her back pressing against his firm chest as he inhaled deeply, his breath warm in her hair.

"Oh, I've missed the fragrance of your hair," he murmured, his voice filled with a disturbing mix of tenderness and possession. He buried his face in her hair, his breath hot against her scalp. She swallowed hard, a wave of unease washing over her.

Every time he did this, it felt profoundly wrong. The discomfort it caused her was an unbearable daily torment, a constant reminder of the control he exerted over her.

"From now on, you're never staying behind in Korea. Wherever I go for business, you're coming with me," he declared with a chilling finality. "I can't afford to miss this," he added, his laughter dark and unsettling.

"Bon-Hwa told me you wanted papers, pencils, a sharpener, and an eraser?" he asked, his voice dripping with a dangerous curiosity. She swallowed hard, fear clutching at her throat. She had begged Bon-Hwa to keep it a secret, but she had betrayed her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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