Chapter 2: Grayson's P.O.V

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Life is a big mystery waiting to be discovered. You never know where it'll lead you. Either it's something pleasant, or something that gives you nightmares. I've come to learn that every corner you turn will have a nightmare waiting to greet you. A constant dream that you can never escape. I've traveled the badlands for what seems like ages now. My team is gone. Armen is gone. And I have no known knowledge as to how to hatch the stupid dragon egg! The map in the library was a lost cause. Heck, the library in general seemed to have been a lost cause. There was no answer as to fixing Drake. And the only thing that cursed library did was cause the death of the one we tried to save. The outcomes were slim, but we were close too. First priority is to find the others though. The portals seemed to be connected dimension wise. We all should still be in the badlands, but scattered throughout. Then it dawned on me. Herobrine is still roaming the land he cursed. A lost soul looking for a body chosen for him. Drake is the only one with half of Herobrine still in him. I grab my belongings and begin my journey.

The badlands were never a peaceful looking area, but looking around again gives you a different perspective. Everything now just looks erie. 'C'mon now Grayson. Stop making yourself paranoid.' I thought to myself. The wind was ever so swift and quiet. As it blew through the trees, you could hear faint wispering. Like something was calling to you. Little did I know that the wispering was real.

"Grayson? Grayson can you hear me?" The faint whispering got louder and louder.

"Huh? What was that?" I look around the forest but nobody was around.

"In the tree moron. Look up at the trees!" I look up to see a faint apparition of what seemed to be...

"Armen?" He nods, signifying that I was right. A long lost friend finally found. Not the way I pictured a reunion, but it's better than nothing.

"Wait. Armen? Why are you here? I thought you...died." He has a look of pain as if he was trapped all over again.

"Don't tell me. Yo-"

"It's not what you think Grayson. I'm free. I'm more than free. I'm sane again! But, the thing is...well...I guess I have unfinished business. As a matter of fact, I do have a score to settle with Herobrine." He gives me an evil, determined grin.

"But Armen. You should be in a better place. It's not that I'm not happy to see you. I'm thrilled that I see you. But, you can't be happy living like this." I say gently.

"To be honest. I'm not happy that I'm still here. I'm not happy that any of us are here. The place is just one big nightmare with too many bad memories." He sits on the branch and looks into the distance. Then it dawned on me.

"How can I see you. Aren't you..well..a ghost?" He looks back to me.

"I guess you can call it "paranormal powers" I suppose. I only have enough energy for certain amounts of time. When time runs out, I go invisible. I can still talk, but you won't see me. Make sense?" I pondered on that for a bit.

"Yeah. I get it. much time do you have left?" I ask curiously.

" depends. The time differs from random moments. When I get used to being a ghost, I'll be more powerful, which will give me more time. Since I feel weaker, I guess I don't have much time before I go invisible. But Grayson, I have to tell you something important and quick." By now he seemed a little frantic and jumpy.

"What is it." I say, worried of the outcome.

"It's Drake. Herobrine will be after him Grayson." He jumps from the tree and comes face to face with me.

"Please. Promise me that you will protect him. When you find him...please. Just please keep him safe. I warned him but he doesn't understand. Herobrine is mad. He is very mad. When I found you I saw Mia at the Red Keep. Go to her. Then find Drake. Please Grayson. Please." And at that, he disappeared. I grabbed a map of the Red Keep and a compass out of my bag.

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