Chapter 30: Drake's P.O.V

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We walked for hours on end. I was becoming more and more awake, but more and more weak. 'Drake...?' I jumped at the sudden voice in my head. 'Armen! It's been forever.' 'Yeah...I just wanted to give you space. You know, after finding out...' I sigh. 'It's ok Armen. Thanks.' I smile to myself and continue walking. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I wasn't really afraid of dying anymore. If you can't accept fate or destiny, then how can you move on? It is a pretty messed up destiny, but I have to accept it none the less. I looked around and watched the environment around me. Birds chirping, wind blowing through my hair, the sun high in the sky, covered by a few clouds. It made me sad though. So many things to lose. A family, a friend, the world around me....but especially my family. The connection we all share is stronger than magic itself. That's what keeps us protected from Brine. He's only one while we are four. But once again, I'm not afraid.

"How much longer...?" I heard Mia complain.

"I'm not..." Grayson stopped dead in his tracks and gazed at the maps.

"What is it?" I ask. A pain shoots up my chest but I hide it from the others. I stretch out and walk up to him. I look over his shoulder and stare for the longest time.

"I don't believe it..." I mumble.

"What?" Mia and Luke ask in unison.

"The maps...they changed!!" Grayson exclaims excitedly.

"What?!" Mia asks, joy filling her voice. I laughed in excitement.

"Dude! We can hatch the egg!!" I exclaim. He smiles.

"That's not even half of it.." He says.

"Say what now?" Luke asks.

"The map changed yes...but we are incredibly close. Like, a mile or two close." He explains.

"Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go!!!" Mia cheers and starts walking.

"Wait!! I'm suppose to be leading! I have the maps!!" Grayson exclaims and follows her. I shake my head and laugh. I follow them, with Luke tagging along behind me.


" close are we now?" Luke asks eagerly. Grayson looks down at a map then turns towards Luke and I.

  "Just a little further." He says . We both nod.

" are you holding up?" Luke whispers to me.

        "I'm fine Luke." I lie. Honestly, I felt like I've been punched in the face for eternity. 'No need to worry them any more...' I thought. He nods, a look a worry playing across his face. I kept to my thoughts for a little when Grayson stopped.

   "Holy...." He mumbles. I look up and see a mountain, taller than the one that held the Magical Library inside. I stood there, unable to move my feet.

       "It's huge." I state. Luke nods, completely in awe.

"Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's hatch ourselves a dragon!!" Mia exclaims excitedly. Grayson laughs a little and enters the cave-like entrance of the mountain. Inside was dark and damp. You could tell the place hasn't been used for years.

   "Man it's dark." Grayson says as he lights a torch.

"Yeah. Hopefully this doesn't take long. I don't like the dark..." Mia mumbles. Grayson wraps his arm around her and pulls her close to him.

     "I'll protect you." He says. She looks up and smiles at him. I smile at them when a much sharper pain shoots up my spine and to my chest. I fall on my knees, clutching my chest tightly. Grayson lets go of Mia and runs up to me.

"Drake! Are you okay?!" He asks worriedly. I let out a pained sigh. 

       "Y-yeah...just hatch the egg." I say and stand up. I wince while doing so, but I finally gain balance.

   "We're losing time." Luke states.

            "Stop." I groan.

"Huh?" He asks, confused.

      "We have finally found Draco Hatchery Luke! We didn't come here to sit and cry over me! We came here to hatch an egg and that's what we're gonna do!" I exclaim.

"But-" He protests.

   "He's right." Grayson cuts him off.

"What?!" Luke asks, bewildered.

       "Instead of mourning, we need to use every second we have..." He says.

"But....I thought..." He looks to the ground and sighs.

   "You're right..." He mumbles. I turn my head and see a dark looking platform, a stone placed in the middle as a table. I walk over to it and examine it.

"What are you doing?" Grayson asks.

      "This platform. I think you place the egg here." I state.

"Worth a shot." Grayson says. He places down his bag and opens it up. He gently pulls the egg out.

    "Geez! I think this thing is getting heavier." He mumbles as he places it on the platform. He steps away from it and we all wait.

  "Well, what's it suppose to-" Suddenly, the room illuminates in a light purple glow. Yellow and white balls of light slowly fall to the ground.

"It's beautiful." Mia says, twirling around taking in the sight. I jump in surprise when I see my hands glow.

   "What the..." I mumble. Sparks of purple light emanate from my hands and lightly spin around the egg.

  "This is why the empire's been looking for lost mages..." Luke mumbles.

"What?" Grayson asks.

         "When you were gone from the empire, not only were they looking for the egg, they were looking for people that knew magic. This must've been why." He explains.

     "Magic is what a dragon is made up of. That's how they can breath fire and other types of magic. The powers of a mage is what hatches dragon eggs. That's how the dragon get's it's powers..." Mia completes the puzzle. I look down at my hands, back at the egg and smile.

"What is it?" Grayson asks. I shake my head.

"It's just....amazing. Just how this all works." I say, watching the light twirl and dance around us.

       "The world is one big mystery waiting to be solved." He says and pats my shoulder. My hands stop glowing and I begin to hear light cracking noises. Mia gasps.

"The egg!! It's hatching!!" She exclaims. We all surround the egg and watch the cracks in the egg get bigger and bigger. The egg bursts open and a tiny, purple and black dragon emerges from it.

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