Chapter 14: Drake's P.O.V

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Blistered feet and a dry throat. Walking for about an hour is never a fun experience. 'Okay..why exactly did you have to possess me?' I hear Armen in my head. Herobrine sighs in annoyance. "Either you're blind or just really stupid. If you didn't notice, lava was at the bottom. To be honset with you, I saved your life." He says. 'ONLY TO BE CURSED!' Armen shouts. I cringe. 'Can you two shut up for once?" I ask, annoyed. 'Yes mom.' Herobrine says sarcastically. 'I've had enough with you Collin.' I snap at him. 'Stop with the stupid name!' 'Hey! It is not stupid!' 'How would you know? You cry baby.' 'IT WAS MY BROTHERS NAME!' They continued to argue as anger engulfed me more and more. Finally I could'nt take it.

"ENOUGH!" I growl out loud. The others stop and look at me.

"Enough what?" Mia asks. My face burns as embarrasment and fear washed over me.

"Is it them?" Grayson asks and points to his head. I look to the ground and nod.

"We only got a little ways to go. I can actually see the town. When we get there, you can sit down and take a break. In fact, we all need a break." He enourages. We begin to walk again. 'Great job genius. You got us in trouble.' 'Only because you were talking ill of my brother.' 'Oh come on. You are being a baby over nothing.' 'MY BROTHER IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!' 'ARMEN! Inside voice!' I snap at him annoyingly. I hear Herobrine snicker. 'And you. Stop encouraging him! It feels like I'm taking care of a bunch of two year olds!' They quiet down and I come back into reality. I look around and notice that we've made it to the town. It was completely abandoned. The good news is that it hasn't been ransacked.

"Alright. Mia, Drake, and Luke. You guys go sit and rest. I'm gonna look around." Grayson commands.

"Can I come with ya?" Luke asks.

"Sure. You two stay here though. Don't wanna lose eachother." Grayson looks at us. Mia and I nod and walk over to the shade. I lean against a tree and place my bag down. I take out a bottle of water and start to drink it.

"How does that not bother you?" Mia asks.

"Huh?" I ask, confused.

"The water. Don't you have a thing with water since you're a hybrid?" She asks. I look at the bottle

"It's more of a skin contact thing. I guess drinking it doesn't bother me as much. It does feel a bit weird everytime I drink water, but I'm fine." I explain. I hand her the bottle and she takes a sip. She hands it back to me and a close it up.

"Things been rough huh?" Mia asks. I nod.

"They just wont stop arguing. Armen's mad all the time and Col-...Herobrine thinks it funny to push his buttons." I sigh.

"And mine..." I mumble. 'Will you stop poking me?!' Herobrine exclaims. 'Nope.' Armen answers. 'STOP' His voice booms and echoes through my head. I cringe and grasp my head. 'Stop! You're hurting him!' Armen snaps at him. 'I'm not the one poking!' 'What? It gets boring.' 'But-' 'STOP IT! FOR THE LOVE OF NOTCH PLEASE STOP!' I snap at them. 'He started it.' 'That's because you're no fun.' 'I destroyed fun.' 'Pfft....obviously.' 'What's that supposed to mean?' They continue on and I attempt to zone them out. Finally, all I hear left is faint mumbling.

"...Finally..." I mumble.

"What?" Mia asks.

"I finally zoned them out. They're bickering like a bunch of two year olds." I chuckle a little. She smiles.

"We're back!" Grayson calls out. Mia and I stand up and walk over.

"The area is clear and fairly packed with stuff." Luke explains. We all head inside.

"Alright. Lets split up." Grayson commands. We all nod and head our seperate ways. I walk down an alleyway and come across a house. I step inside and look around. Vines lined the walls and the floor. I stepped over them and walked up to a chest. I opend it and inside was stale bread, a bottle and cobwebs.

"Ehh...Bread doesn't smell bad and the bottle isn't broken." I say to myself and pack them up. I walk up the stairs and come face first with a cobweb. I throw my hands up and swat at it. I hear Herobrine laughing. 'Gets me every time.' 'Really?' 'Oh come on Armen! Look at him.' I start to hear Armen laugh a little.

"You guys are mean." I say to myself. 'Aw...we're just having some fun.'

"Oh. So you guys are friends now?" 'More like agreeing on the same thing. I hate his guts.' 'Not as much as I hate yours.'

"Ugh...You guys are never gonna stop. Are you?" 'Probably not.' They say at the same time. I shake my head and look around the room. Nothing. I walk back outside and into the sun. I look around. I hear Herobrine huff. 'I'm bored. Let's do something fun.' 'Like what?' 'Mess with his deep emotions.'

"Don't you dare." I warn. 'What deep emotions?' 'Since he is half enderman, one of his deep emotions is anger. Like when an enderman gets angry when you stare at it? Kinda like that but it almost puts him in kill mode.' 'Wha- Are you insane?!' I gulp. 'Nope. Just evil.' He laughs and everything goes dark for a split second. I open my eyes and everything is tinted red. 'Drake?' 'Yeah?' 'Are you ok?' I look around. I feel so out of place. 'I don't know.' 'Just go find the others.' 'I woudn't do that..' He starts to laugh. Armen scoffs. 'Ignore him. Go find the others.' I walk around a bit and begin to hear footsteps. I turn the corner and see Grayson. He looks over and waves at me. I look at my hands and they start to shake. I look back at him and he starts to walk over. 'What are you doing? Move your feet.' 'I-I can't! Somethings wrong..' 'I told you..' 'Shut it!' Armen snaps at him. Grayson walks up.

"Hey. I was motioning you to come over. What have you found?" He asks. I don't answer. My hands continue to shake and he looks at them.

"Are you ok? Do you need to sit down?" He offers and pulls out a bottle of water. He hands it to me and I smack it away.

"Okay...." He says and puts it up. I growl at him. Exactly the same growl in my DreamWorld. 'This isn't good.' 'What are you talking about? I'm loving this!'

"Woah...Drake..." He backs away. I glare at him and lunge. He dodges but I turn right around.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" He yells out. Suddenly, Mia and Luke come running up.

"What's going on?" Mia asks.

"Woah...Drake's got some freaky eye color going on." Luke responds.

"GET OUT OF HERE!!! Grayson screams. I slowly turn my head at Mia and Luke. I growl and them and lunge towards them. Luke dodges but I land on Mia.

"NO!!" Grayson runs up and tries to pry me off. Mia screams out, kicking and punching. Grayson finally gets me off and punches me in the face. 'Oh! That had to hurt.' 'Drake! Do something!!' 'I'm...trying...but my's getting hazy..' I take out my sword and run towards Grayson. I raise my sword behind my head and prepare to strike. 'NO!!!' I scream out in my head. I stop dead in my tracks. The red tint fades away. The sword clangs to the floor and I grasp my head. Everything becomes dizzy and I stumble back. I fall to the floor and pass out.

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