Chapter 8: Luke's P.O.V

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"Woah...Drake. Are you ok?" I ask him, but he clearly didn't know it was me. He started swaying side to side, his face paler than ever.

"Yeah...I just....need to.....lay-" I hear him mumble. A loud thump echoes through the area and Drake was on the ground.

"We need to get him up and out of here. Who knows if HE is here.." Grayson says and walks over to Drake.

"No man. You get rest. We'll take care of him. Mia, go with Grayson and fix his wounds. Armen, scout the area to make sure no one is here. I'll carry Drake and put him in bed." They all go to do their jobs, which left me alone with an unconcious friend. I lift him up and carry him to a room. It had a bed and a table and....a box with puppets? I shake my head and plop him on the bed. I turn around to head back. Suddenly, I hear groaning. I turn back to the bed and see Drake moving.

"Ugh..." He groans and opens his eyes. He sits up and looks around.

"Where is everyone?" He asks.

"Armen is scouting out the area, just incase we're not alone. Grayson is getting some rest while Mia cleans up his wounds." I explain to him. He nods and plops back on the bed

"Man...I feel like crap." I snicker at him.

"You look like crap." I admit to him. He turns his head to me and laughs. Honestly, it was nice to have someone to talk and joke around with. After seeing Grayson and Mia kiss, I'm pretty sure Drake will be 'third wheeled' a little bit.

"So...are you all for this whole Grayson and Mia thing?" I ask him.

"What do you mean?" He asks, confused.

"'s pretty obvious that Mia and Grayson are going to be a thing now. You saw them kiss, right?" He looks away for a second. He seemed a little hurt. Maybe I was on a touchy subject.

"I'm glad. It's good for Grayson to be able to move on like this." He tells me.

"What about you? I know that this is probably a touchy subject. I mean...did you like Mia?" His face burns red.

"What?!? Of course not! We're just friends." He tries to defend himself.

"You definantly had the hots for her." I raise my eyebrows at him. He huffs and looks away.

"Just drop it. Ok?" He asks.

"Hey. It's ok to-" He cuts me off.

"I SAID DROP IT!" He snaps at me. I back away. Okay..definantly a touchy subject.

"I'll talk to you later....sorry." He doesn't answer and I walk out. It was fairly windy outside, which probably meant that a storm was coming. I pulled my hood off my head and let the wind blow through my hair. I closed my eyes. Memories of the empire flowing through my head.

------ FLASHBACK ------

"Grayson!" I chase after him. He turns around and smiles.

"Well you seem in a perky mood. What is it?" He asks.

"The ships came back! But Grayson...they found something. They say its an egg. Rumor has it that it came from "The End." I tell him, full of excitment. But his face showed differently.

"Morons! Do they know how much power a dragon egg holds? It could kill hundreds! Thousands Luke!!" He exclaims.

"Wait. Dragon egg? How do you know that?" I ask him.

"You find out things when you actually read Luke." I huff at him.

"I do to read!" I correct him.He raises an eyebrow.

"When was the last you read a book?" I look to the ground.

"Uhhh....childhood?" Grayson shakes his head and walks off. I run after him.

"But nevermind that. Grayson! What do you mean by power?" I ask. He sighs.

"Look. When that egg hatches, it's gonna be a disaster fest. If the king has that much power, who knows how many countries he'll slay!! We need to take it Luke." He whispers to me. My eyes go wide.

"What? Take it? Grayson you're insane! That egg is heavily guarded!!! You could be killed instantly if caught trying to take it!" I exclaim.

"Which is more the reason we need to steal it. Yes, it'll be difficult. But if we work together, we can do it! I know we can!" I back away, shaking my head.

"No. I-I can't. I can't risk that. It's insane!" I tell him.

"Fine! I'll do it myself then!" He yells sternly and runs off. I turn around and come face to face with a fellow guard.

"Oh. Hey Greg." I wave at him. He nods.

"The king wanted me to tell you that you're on guard of the egg. You'll get good money for it too. Got it?" He commands. I gulp and shake my head.

"Yep. Sure thing Greg." I smile at him.

"Good. Your shift starts tonight." He says while walking off.

------- NightFall -------

I stand next to a stone column, an egg perched up top. I look around, incredibly bored.

"Hey Luke. Gotta use the restroom. Mind taking full watch for a minute?" My companion asks me. I nod and he walks off. I start pacing the area until I hear a loud noice come from the far side of the room. I walk over to investigate it. I croutch next to a coin that was on the floor. I pick it up and investigate it. I begin to hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and see a pair of green eyes. Before being knocked out, I shout out four words that meant the betrayel against a good friend.


------ Reality ------

I shake the memory away and come back into reality. 'It's the past. No time to dwell on it now. Doing this for him....I can make it all up to him.' I thought. Then I remembered what I said to Drake. 'I knew it was a touchy subject and yet I still spoke about it to him...' I walk back in his room and see him lieing down.

"Drake?" I call out to him.

"Hey..ummm...Drake. Man, I'm sorry for being a jerk. I-"

"I was the jerk Luke." He cuts me off.

"What?" I ask.

"I guess since I saw Grayson finally moving on, it reminded me that I'm not moving on..." He explains.

"What are you trying to move on from?" I ask. He sighs and looks at me.

"Armen. He's still here because of me. Not Herobrine. I'm keeping him in this nightmare...when he deserves better." I look at him, feeling terrible.

"It's not your fault Drake. I'm sure everyone doesn't want to let him go." I try to make him feel better but fail doing so.

"Luke. I've known Armen for a very long time. I'm practically his brother...I just realized the irony in that..." He mumbles the last part.

"What?" I ask.

"What? Oh..anyways. I have a much stronger bond with him than anyone else. Yes, Grayson knew Armen pretty well too, but I'm pretty sure if he was grieving as well, it wouldn't make much of a difference. So..." He looks to the floor.

"What are you gonna do?" I ask, worried.

"I'm gonna move on...." He looks up, tears in his eyes.

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