Chapter 18: Drake's P.O.V

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I trailed behind Luke as we ventured into a few houses. Nothing but cobwebs and debri stood. This town seemed to have been a ghost town in the first place. At least not many travelers made their way to this town. Luke kept to himself too. We kept walking until we reached the wall.

"We haven't even found one item." Luke complains.

"I found bread and some other things earlier." I hand him a piece.

"Thanks." He eats it and we continue to walk on. We go to meet up with Grayson and Mia when we start to hear voices.

"Is that them?" I ask.

"I don't know. Lets hide in the alleyway just to be safe." I nod and follow Luke behind a couple of crates.

"Do you think they went this way?" I hear the faint voice of Mia. I peek out from the crate and see them staring at us.

"Uhhh....hi?" I wave at them. Mia snickers and Grayson cocks an eyebrow.

"What are you two doing behind these crates?" He asks.

"We heard you guys but were'nt sure if it was really you. So we took cover over here just in case." Luke answers. Grayson nods.

"Smart. We need to get going. This place doesn't have anything for us. We can get in some distance before nightfall." Grayson says and we follow him out of the town. He leads us into a heavy grown forest.

"Why are we taking this route?" Luke asks. Grayson ignores him and continues to walk. Somthing was odd but I could'nt figure it out. We finally make it into an open patch of the forest. I slightly turn my head and my eyes go wide. The cabin.

"Wha-...How?" I say and walk towards it. Grayson stops me.

"Let me check it out first. Who knows if bandits or mercenaries took refuge here." He says and creeps up towards the house. He unsheathes his sword and quietly opens the door. He peeks in and stops. His sword clangs to the ground. I run up to him.

"What is i-"

"Don't come in here." He cuts me off. I push through him and he tries to stop me. I look inside and fall to my knees. An old man and woman lie on the floor, a huge stain of blood surrounding them.

"NO!" I scream out, tears falling down my cheeks. Mia and Luke come running up and look inside.

"Oh my notch.." Luke says. Mia's legs begin to tremble as tears roll down her cheeks as well.

"Looks like you found my dirty little secret..." That voice ehoes through the area. I gritt my teeth and clench my fists.

"You....I WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS!!!" I scream out into thin air. A burst of pain stabs my skull and I grasp my head.

"How? You're weak. I could possess you right now. But....this is enough torture for now.." I clench my eyes shut as the pain continued.

"Drake!" Grayson calls out. Tears continue to roll down my cheeks.

"We....we're never gonna catch a break..." I mumble.

"Grayson....we should leave here." Mia says gently. I feel Grayson pull me up. The pain dims down in my head. But not in my heart. I was completely broken.

((Authors Note: Woah what? An authors note? How about that! But hey guys....I know this chapter is very short and incredibly sad. Not gonna lie...I almost started crieing and had to stop typing all together. There was no main reason to this. It was really only to show that Grayson and Drakes parents wont be in the book. It was a horrible way of doing it, but it was my way of bringing out the emotion. Again I am incredibly sorry...just *sniff* ...just read the next chapter. * runs off sobbing*))

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