Chapter 17: Grayson's P.O.V

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So many thoughts kept constantly swimming in my head. Ever since my past came back to me, I felt out of place. I especially felt bad for leaving Drake with Luke. I mean Luke's a great guy but Drake probably wanted to talk a little more. Maybe we can talk in private after Mia and Luke go to sleep tonight. Suddenly Mia stops me in my tracks.

"What?" I ask her. She stands on her tiptoes and kisses me.

"I know it's hard, but if you need to talk, let me know." She smiles at me.

"It's just that I feel bad. I know I shouldn't but I just feel responsible. It's a feeling that I can't shake off." I explain to her as we continue to walk.

"What would you be guilty of?" She asks.

"I don't know....I just feel like I wasn't there for him enough. I mean the kid looks up to me. I know it sounds ridiculous..." She looks towards me.

"Grayson, you just care about him. Even before you found out he was your little brother. That's a bond you can never break. I wouldn't call that ridiculous." I wrap my arm around her.

"Thanks." She smiles at me and we walk inside a house.

"Check out the chests over there and I'll get top floor." She nods and I step upstairs. I look around and see a chest next to a bed. I open it up and find four healing potions. 'Awesome. We only had one left anyways.' I grab them and place them in my bag. I continue looking around when I find a piece of paper on the floor. I pick it up and flip it over. I see my mom, dad, Drake and I on the picture, hugging eachother. I drop to my knees and go into a flashback.

------ FlashBack ------

"Come out come out wherever you are." I bellow. I hear snickering and peek underneath the bed.

"Found You!!!" I shout. I pull Drake out from underneath the bed and tickle him. He bursts into laughter.

"Okay okay! Truce!" His squeaky voice calls out. I let go and he stands up. I stand up as well and ruffle his hair.

"You know what this means....cover your eyes." He pouts and covers his eyes with his hands and begins to count. I quickly find the closet and jump inside. I hide behind the coats and behind a box that says 'Memories'.

"Nine...Ten! Ready or not, here I come!" He calls out. I hear a couple of banging noises from drawers opening and closing.

"Grayson it's no fair that you're better!" He wines. I cover my mouth so he doesn't hear my laughter. Suddenly, I hear a loud thump. I peek out from the closet and see Drake on the floor. I run up to him and hold him.

"Hey! What's wrong?" I shake him a little. He clenches his hands tightly to his head.

" head hurts.." He groans. He cries out in pain.

"MOM! DAD!" I scream. I hear footsteps and dad crouches next to Drake.

"What happened?" Mom asks.

"We were playing hide and seek. It was his turn to seek so I hid in the closet. I heard a thump and he was on the ground. Momma....I think he's having another one." I explain, tears falling down my cheeks. She picks me up and hugs me tightly.

"He's had headaches before Grayson....he'll be fine." She sooths me. I lay my head on her chest and she strokes my hair. Dad picks Drake up and cradles him.

"Shhh...Drake it's okay. The monsters wont get you." He whispers.

"....But the man with the white eyes will." Drake says through sniffling. Dad continues to cradle him until he falls asleep. Mom sets me down and I walk over to dad. I hold my arms out and he places Drake on them.

"I'll protect you Drake. I'll stay by your side forever." I say to him. He smiles and continues to sleep. Suddenly loud banging comes from the door.

"They're here already?!?" Mom exclaims. Both quickly grab bags and begin to pack.

"Grayson! Grab a backpack and pack it with you and your brothers belongings. Pack it up as much as you can." I nod and place Drake on the bed. I grab a backpack and stuff it with Drake and I's clothes and toys. I put in the last shirt and close it up. I strap it on my bag and pick up Drake. He cuddles up in the curve of my neck. I smile at him and look at my parents. Mom crouches down and brushes my hair.

"No matter what, follow us and don't stop running. Cover Drake up with this blanet and keep him safe." She kisses my forehead and hands me a blanket. I wrap up Drake and let him cuddle up again. I follow my parents and we sneak out the back door. We close the door and sprint into the forest. I hear faint yelling but I continue to run. I clench Drake tightly so I don't lose grip.

"You okay back there son?" Dad asks.

"Yes sir."

"How's Drake?" Mom asks.

"He's fine momma. Still asleep." I answer. She nods and we continue to run. We finally make it to a Cabin and run inside. I cuddle with Drake while mom and dad start to unpack.

"Who was after us?" I ask.

"The guards of the town honey. They think we're different." She answers.

"That's mean." I look down at Drake.

"I know you're different, but no one should judge you." I hug him. Mom walks up and takes my backpack.

"You're so good with him. Promise you'll protect him?" She asks.

"Yes ma'am!" She smiles and goes back to unpacking.

"We should be fine for a pretty long time now." Dad reasures. I nod and take Drake into a room. It had two beds and a dresser.

"Plenty of room to play!" I say excitedly to Drake, yet he continued to sleep. I place him on a bed and unravel the blanket. I crawl onto the bed and cuddle next to him. I cover us up with the blanket and drift off to sleep.

------ Reality ------

"GRAYSON!" I hear Mia shouting from behind. I slightly clench the photo and gritt my teeth.

"They kicked us out because we were different. We were almost killed because we were different. And now we're cursed because we were different.......DO WE EVER GET A BREAK!!" I scream out. I release the photo and burst into tears. Mia runs up and hugs me.

"...My parents are probably dead now....because we were different." I mumble. She shushes me a few times and hugs me tighter.

"It's okay. I'm here....what happened?" She asks. She lets me go and I stand up. I hand her the picture.

"This was Drake and I's old house.." I answer. She looks at the picture and her eyes brighten up.

"Awww! You guys were so cute! Look at little baby Drake smiling and waving!" She says excitedly. Suddenly she frowns.

"That must be your parents....Clara you know your fathers name?" I flip the picture over and it says Nick, Clara, Grayson and Drake.

"Oh..." She hands me the photo and I place it in the pocket of my jacket.

"Lets just go and get Drake and Luke. There's a place I want to visit."

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