Chapter 34: Drake's P.O.V

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I hear sobbing. Part of me wondered where I was, while the other part of me wondered if Armen's plan even worked. I slowly open my eyes to Grayson crying. I feel his tears drip onto my cheek.

"Grayson......" My voice was raspy and weak. He opens his eyes and gasps.

"Oh my.....Drake!!!! You're alive!!!" He bursts into tears of joy and hugs me tightly. I feel a dull pain in my chest. Must've been from where I stabbed myself.

"''re hurting me......" I groan. He quickly lets go. An apologetic look spreads across his face. I slowly sit up.

"Drake!! We missed you!!!" Mia exclaims and hugs me. Luke follows suite. I suddenly feel tiny arms wrap around me.

"Drake you're okay!!" I hear the squeaky voice of Jack.

"Yeah Jack, I'm alright now." I reassure him.

" are you alive? We saw you die." Luke asks.

"Armen.....he used up all his power to bring me back. He.....he's in a much better place now." I explain. I turn my head at Grayson and see that his head is tilted, a confused look on his face.

"What is it?" I ask him.

"Y-your eye....." He says. 'Please don't say it's glowing.......Please.....'

  "It's blue. Drake, your eye isn't white anymore!!!" He exclaims happily. Relief fills my face. I felt free. I felt joy that I thought I'd never feel again. I didn't feel scared anymore. That I'd have to hide and hope that I didn't wake up to a lifeless body next to me. I felt true freedom. And I knew my friends did as well.

  "So.....what now guys?" Luke asks.

"Well, we got a dragon to take care of, an empire to avoid and possibly a home for us to find." Grayson answers.

     "You guys can stay with us. Kate approves and has made dinner for you all. We would love to have you guys a part of the family. You've helped us more than any empire possibly could." Peter states. He looks over at Grayson and Luke.

  "It was an honor working in the guard with you boys. I've never met braver men in my life. Now, let's get going." He says and walks off. Jack smiles brightly and follows his father. Grayson walks over to the dragon and picks it up. He sets it gently in his bag and puts his bag on.

  "The dragon's asleep now. We can travel." He says and wraps an arm around me.

  "We can finally rest guys. We can finally be free." Mia states happily. I nod and we all walk together, following the soon to be our happiness.

                        Our peace.

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